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Messages - joe integlia

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i watched it since day 1. they mentioned BARNABAS COLLINS 3 times and played the DARK SHADOWS theme several times. also several mentions of BEWITCHED and even DR. BOMBAY was on. they should have ended it last year on nbc. directv treated the show and its customers like crap. they 1st cut the show from 5 episodes a week to 4 then later 3 eps a week. then in april they took away the 101 channel from the basic pkg without warning. then the only way to continue seeing passions was to upgrade to a more expensive pkg costing about $15 more a month. as soon as i preserve the final episode tomorrow, im getting rid of directv.

HI Victoria I  tried registering on your site but keeps saying i didnt provide my birthday but cant find where that question is on the registration form so i gave up.

I have the first volume available now from the burbank festival. the second volume to be released soon. Volume #1 has a running time of a whopping 5 hours and that only covers half of the convention! Volume #1 will be divided into two, 2.5 hour long dvds or two t-160 vhs tapes. Even with that long run time i didnt include everything. I recorded Robert Cobert at 2 other conventions so i skipped that this time as well as sy tomashoff. also deleted a lot of the David Selby presentation since everyone seems to consider it too political. i included what i uploaded on youtube plus the q+a that followed. I DID include D.S Memories with MARIE WALLACE, JOHN KARLEN, KATHRYN LEIGH SCOTT, LARA PARKER + JONATHAN FRID as well as the skit, "CURTAINS" and KARLEN opening the coffin. I also am creating a new website that will include pictures from the festival. It now contains ordering information for the video. please visit.

there was a 5.4  earthquake in downtown los angeles today just a little over a week after the festival. i dont know if it was felt in burbank but it was felt in hollywood and west hollywood. no damage or injuries reported. the building where i work at in hollywood (right down the street from where the 2005 los angeles festival was held) shook slightly for about a minute.

there were many technical problems with both video and audio as reported by prof stokes and others. Richard Halpern did not get to play BABY DARK SHADOWS which would have been hilarious. Darren had problems playing his restored scene and Chris Pennock had problems playing his movie. The reason for all this is due to home burned dvds. some dvd players (especially older model dvd players)have problems playing these types of discs no matter how much u clean them. to keep this from happening in the future the festival needs to have a later model dvd player available to play the various types of dvds being brought in by fans and actors. better yet they should take the time to play the dvds ahead of time to make sure they play but i doubt theres time to do that.

there is an excellent photo montage of the festival posted on youtube.

i think frid himself or some people on his behalf requested it to be removed or reported it as  unappropriate.

darrens discussion was not bumped but full of technical problems trying to get the dvd player to work. we almost didnt see the restored scene with sound untill somebody hooked up a portable dvd player and it worked. once again as with the depp movie project panel(?)not much was said that we didnt already hear before.

another pic: Jerry Lacy.

here see how great they look.....

but is it a performance? its more like an accident. the video i posted of Karlen opening the coffin and Frid hitting him with the cane is more like a performance! is that going to be pulled also?

congrats on your weight loss and karlen looked great. heres another shot that shows it more.

someone has uploaded the video of Frid falling on youtube. i did not capture the entire fall cause i panned away before he fell but even if i got it all i would not have the heart to post such a thing. the comments under the video are both negative and positive. i thought it might make a good topic of discussion here too. so lets hear how u feel about this video being available on youtube!

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