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Messages - Gerard

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: **Where is/was the forum and why**
« on: October 12, 2019, 06:45:04 PM »
I thought dsboards was gone for good.  After days and days of trying on all the connections I have - google, microsoft edge and firefox - any attempt to find you was fruitless.  All led to sites that said you had been "sold" and your space was available.  I figured that after more than 20 years, it had been a good run.


Vicki:  "OK, initial monthly salary.  Subtract tax withholding, my share of the pension and hospitalization and...Oh, my.  Well, if I factor in free rent and food, guess I'm still making better than being a PS fourth-grade teacher in the Bronx."


Joe:  "No, it's step, step, side-step, step...  Look, if you want to learn dirty dancing, you've got to focus."


MB, along that line (and we're the same age), I insisted I remembered when, during the closing credits of The Flintstones, after the saber-tooth tiger pet locked Fred out at night and he pounded on the door shouting "Wilma!", the camera "panned back" to show all of Bedrock with bedroom windows lighting up.  No one, even from are age, said it never happened. 

Well, when the show went into reruns and syndication around '63-or-so and became one of the first programs to switch to color, only the colored episodes were aired.  The first couple black-and-white seasons went into the vault.  Decades later, when some cable network decided to rurun the series it stated that, for the first time, it would show the first black-and-white seasons and there it was - the closing credits as I remembered them.  I was vindicated.


Elizabeth:  "Sock and underwear always go in the top drawer.  That's a rule around here; none of your business why."


Carolyn:  "Patty Duke, eat your heart out!"


Elizabeth:  "I hope you don't mind instant, because that's all I know how to make."


Elizabeth:  "Well, hello, Roger.  This is Miss Winters.  I take it you finished cleaning the guest bathroom for her?  And we could use a warm-up on our tea.  Don't just stand there, brother dear, or else I'll 'loose' the checkbook again."


Vicki:  "A family worth millions, and not one damn TV in the house.  So much for keeping up with Secret Storm."


Beatnik:  "Back off, man, or else I'll punch your face in.  This is the love generation."


Roger:  "I'm at home, not planning on going anywhere, we had to make meatloaf for dinner since we don't have cooks or other servants than Matthew.  So why am I forced to wear this suite and tie?"


Vicki (thinking)::  "They delayed my trip, lost half my luggage, pulled several people off by force and charged extra for a bag of chips.  The is that last time I use United Trainlines."


Current Talk '24 I / Re: DS Caricatures
« on: September 22, 2019, 07:17:53 PM »
They look like the works of the classic artist and stage-designer Edward Gorey.


For me, as a kid, when I watched it, it was when the ghost of Jeremiah, in his bloody mummy bandages with a disfigured face, abducted Angelique and buried her alive.  I covered my eyes with my hands.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 20, 2019, 07:10:25 PM »
Back in the stone ages, when I was in elementary school, on the first day (Tuesday after Labor Day). we kiddies were given a list of what we needed.  The schools didn't provide supplies - parents were expected to.  In the early evening off we went to the local department store to pick up everything from crayons to pencil holders and everything in-between.  We'd get a "school-bag" (no backpacks back then) to carry it all in. 

School began.  We'd doodle on rubber and gum erasers and drill holes in them with pencils and pens.  We had a "tablet" known today as a "notebook."  At Thanksgiving, four days off.  At Christmas, two weeks.  At Easter, one week.  No make-up days for snow days.  Memorial Day weekend, school ended.  Summer school was for this kids who failed courses and had to make them up or else get flunked and held back.  No classes to make things out of clay that all ended up as ashtrays.

School was school, not a babysitting or daycare service
