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Messages - Gerard

What a wonderful memorial to support the Alzheimer's Association in honor of Mrs. Curtis.  My mother died of Alzheimer's so this is a personally touching tribute.  When I attended the 2003 DS Festival in Brooklyn, during the auction, I bid for and won the CD soundtrack of War and Remembrance for fifty dollars.  I did so, not only because of Robert Coberts haunting score, but because the funds raised from my winning bid went to the Alzheimer's Association.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: James Hall & John Karlen
« on: March 08, 2006, 08:36:52 PM »
I agree Karlen was far better in the role of Willie than Hall, but I also did appreciate some very subtle nuances in their depiction of Willie.  There was something regarding Hall's approach that was far - I don't know the right word, but here goes - seedier.  It just seemed to me that while Karlen did excellent in making the character cold and brutal (as Willie was before Barnabas snacked on him), even more so than Hall, Hall was creepier in his menace, more psychotic.  I'm thinking, for example, that if he were the one who had fallen under Barnabas' control, he never would have had an ounce of conscience or compassion for what Maggie was going through during her abduction.  He would've enjoyed her torture, taunting her to add to his own pleasure, and certainly never would've come to her defense, especially risking his life for her.  Anyway, that may not have been the way the character would've developed if Hall retained the part, but in his take-off on Willie, that's how I would have seen his depiction.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Carl Collins -
« on: March 02, 2006, 08:38:43 PM »
I also get a kick out of Carl - I thought he was a marvelous character, totally opposite of his siblings (but then they all were such opposites of each other).  He seemingly enjoyed making his stuffier older brother and sister, Edward and Judith, wince, while entertaining and annoying Quentin simultaneously.  And he wasn't always a jokester; the fellah could easily become upset and morose, such as during the reading of Grandmamamama's will when it was revealed who got what, and when Pansy suddenly was nowhere to be found.

[spoiler]And wasn't one of the reasons why his character was killed off was because John Karlen had the opportunity to go and do something else, so he had to take another temporary leave of the series (as many of the actors and actresses did)?[/spoiler]


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Sabastian "Jim Morrison" Shaw
« on: February 19, 2006, 05:14:44 PM »
I was in my early teens, in junior high, when Sebastian Shaw made his appearance in those groovy clothes.  How I envied those threads, wanting to be just as groovy as that, but my parents would never have allowed what they called "beatnik" appearal.  It was a virtual war for me just to get my first pair of "flare" ("bell-bottom") jeans.  I won't even describe the battle it took to get a pair of wire-rim glasses; it was very bloody.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Annie!
« on: February 18, 2006, 06:41:18 PM »
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Annie, and are in the best of wonderful health!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Drunken Shadows
« on: February 18, 2006, 01:38:51 AM »
The music from Curtis' classic made-for-TV film, The Night Stalker, has some very Dark Shadowish music to it, a few bits and pieces lifted directly from DS.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Angelique engineered her own demise?
« on: February 18, 2006, 01:34:12 AM »
Well, this is how I resolved what-happened-to-Angelique when I wrote my own Charles-Delaware-Trollish version of a synopsis of the show had it continued.  In a storyline, Barnabas returns to present day parallel time and discovers her there, alone, frightened, confused and hunted.  The survivors from PT1970 have also seen her and think she's their evil, wicked Angelique.  She tells Barnabas that after her 1841 demise, when she is in the netherworld, a more angelic force informs her that because of her sacrifice, she is to be given another chance if she promises never to use her witchcraft again.  Since she is a totally converted, altruistic person, she readily agrees and then finds herself thrust into present day PT.  Meanwhile, things ain't rosey with the PT survivors.  Quentin and Maggie are living in the Loomis House and their marriage is on the rocks.  Each accuses the other of trying to gaslight them, and the appearance of Angelique doesn't help things (until Barnabas convinces them that she is not their Angelique).  And then Nicholas Blair, that wiley, devilish guy, has managed to travel to PT to work his wiles, discovering the experiments of the deceased Timothy Stokes and wants to start them up again.  To complicate things, Roxanne is also still alive, having pined for those years for Barnabas, thinking he's come for her, and when she discovers that Barnabas only has his heart for Angelique, she ain't none too pleased and will do all she can to win him back.  (And Days of Our Lives thinks it can come up with complicated, intertwined plot lines.)  Well, to make a long story short (and when has DS ever made a long story short?), it's discovered that it's Quentin's son, Daniel, who's been up to mischief, gaslighting his father and step-mother because of his rage over what happened to his birth mother, sending him over the edge.  As a matter of fact, it's Amy Jennings (Denise Nickerson, in my synopsis, has returned to DS) who discovers it and the psychotic Daniel almost does her in.  All ends up pretty much resolved.  Quentin and Maggie reconcile and send Daniel to the hoo-hoo house (PT Wyndcliffe), Nicholas is defeated, and Barnabas and Angelique return to their own time for continuing adventures.  The only one left holding the bag is Roxanne, still pining, still trying to discover a way to win over Barnabas and maybe even somehow cross over to his time.  Will she?

I hope that settles what happened to Angelique.  If only the series had continued and they had hired me as a writer.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Sci-Fi Channel Documentary
« on: February 10, 2006, 11:41:44 AM »
From what I've read here, what really is scandalous is how the producers of this thing tried to make the actors and actresses seem scandalous when obviously there was nothing to scandalize.  From reading memories, such as those written by The Lovely and Talented Kathryn Leigh Scott, while some of the performers were already long-established thespians (such as Joan Bennett, Thayer David and Grayson Hall), many were just new to the industry and struggled every day to make a living.  It was a job, and after a day of shooting, they headed out onto the streets of Manhattan to go home, maybe having to stop at a food store first, or pick up their dry cleaning, and then do all the mundane things of life, attempting to make ends meet and get stuff done.  I'm picturing someone like TLATKLS or Kate Jackson sitting in a laundramat, mulling over a script, a handful of coins in the pocket, while filled washers and dryers are tumbling nearby, or David Selby or Joel Crothers hammering away at a backed-up radiator in their apartment trying to get the heat to kick in.  In-between that, they're doing other dramatic jobs to further their careers, or otherwise just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.  Just when were they suppose to find the time or money to party all night, take drugs, have salacious affairs or participate in in-crew battles?  Good that this "documentary" ended up going nowhere.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: How does a DS fan know when they're too old....
« on: February 09, 2006, 09:02:19 PM »

-a stereo console record player and thinking it was so modern;
-Roger's Mustang and thinking it was so modern;
-everyone smoking, and smoking anywhere and everywhere and thinking it was so modern;
-sixties fashion and thinking it was so modern;
-a woman doctor and thinking it was so modern;
-chicks and cats in tight clothing twisting and turning to hot strings on the dance floor and thinking it was so modern.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: How does a DS fan know when they're too old....
« on: February 08, 2006, 08:33:04 PM »
When your recollection of storylines and episodes derived through FDSMS (False Dark Shadows Memory Syndrome) begin to appear better than the original plots and episodes.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Life Issues
« on: February 03, 2006, 02:11:24 AM »
Divorce was never an option among the Collinses.  They simply offed their spouses (or locked them away).  Heck of a lot cheaper than dealing with lawyers.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Describe the Leviathan Monster
« on: February 03, 2006, 02:08:35 AM »
More horrifying than anything imagined thus far in this thread...

OMG!  I knew that the Leviathan monster was definitely something reptilian in a true Lovecraftian sense!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Camera Revelations
« on: January 28, 2006, 04:26:40 PM »
I have another one sorta like this one, think it was pre-1795, Barnabas opens the front double doors and I guess he opened them too much because you can *clearly* the backside of the set and there's even a trash can there! 

Maybe Mrs. Johnson was doing general spring cleaning.  I'm picturing her in one of the many secret passageways, always cluttered with junk, kneeling down, just her caboose visible as her head is buried in boxes, crates and trunks, whipping things out, saying:  "Trash; trash, Goodwill; trash; rummage sale; Goodwill; trash; trash; trash; eh...I'll keep this; trash; trash; Goodwill..."


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Camera Revelations
« on: January 27, 2006, 09:27:34 PM »
At the end of the seance scene which transports Vicki back to 1795, when everyone realizes she is gone and replaced by Phyllis Wicks, the camera pans back in a very wide angle, showing the entire drawing room in a very dramatic way, heightening how the frightened characters around the table feel so overwhelmed, and pans back just an oonch too much and the microphone boom is clearly present overhead.  What should've been one of the best, intense moments went kaphooey.


Polls Archive / Re: How many times have you watched the entire run of DS?
« on: January 26, 2006, 02:14:05 AM »
How many times did it play (or replay) on Sci-Fi?  Was it four?  Five?  Well, however many times that was, take that number, add it to the original run, and then tack on another half when I watched it in bits and pieces throughout the eighties when it ran syndicated on local stations, and there you have it for me.  So we're talking maybe 5.5 to 6.5 times.
