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Messages - Gerard

Thanks, Mark!  I printed it out the first time you gave it to us and, of course, I can't find where I had put it.  Now I've got it again!


Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Salem Branch - Your thoughts
« on: September 08, 2006, 01:30:12 AM »
While it was enjoyable reading a Dark Shadows book, I have to say that The Salem Branch was not my favorite.  As mentioned, the ending was not - how shall I phrase it? - to my taste.  Now, as for Angelique's Descent, I absolutely loved it.  Adored it.  I read it three times, and my copy is still in pristine condition (and I'll never sell it, unless the asking price hits five figures).  I think one of my problems with DS - TSB is that it is written, or seems to be, specifically for DS fans.  Anyone not familiar with the series would be completely perplexed as to who these people are, why they act the way they do, and what's it all about.  Its audience appeal is limited.  My friend who bought me my copy as a gift has no idea what DS is all about, other than what he's heard from me.  After I finished it, he asked if he should read it.  I explained that it would be too puzzling for him; he would not understand what was going on.  Instead, I gave him the rough first draft of my DS novel - The Watcher on the Hill.  In that one (I wrote it in 1999 as a where-are-they-now, the story set around 2000), I went into quick but rather complete descriptions of what happened in the series, dispersed throughout the book, so a reader who had no familiarity would get an idea of things.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Bloopers DVD
« on: September 04, 2006, 04:31:44 PM »
All "bloopers" actually went out over the air, right? 

I guess not every blooper was aired; on some very rare occasions, if a blooper was really bad, they had no choice but to bite the financial bullet and reshoot a scene.  On one of the MPI videos - I don't remember which one - they showed a reshoot of a scene where Julia was having a conversation with Tony Peterson in his office, although I couldn't see what the blooper was.  Maybe it was something on the technical end, like a camera jamming or something.  I also heard, but wonder if it's just a DS urban legend, that once in a blue moon, when the performers really, really wanted a blown scene reshot, even though they were told that if things screwed up they just had to keep going, that they would stop, look into the camera and say an expletive.  Then there was no choice but to reshoot.  Like I said, as to whether or not this was true, I don't know.  But it makes for a good story.


Way to go, Jennifer!


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: a few things to do in brooklyn
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:41:52 PM »

I did check it, thanks! There was a cruise ship in Brooklyn Harbor on Friday-- we could see it from the waterfront and while walking over the Brooklyn Bridge (thanks, arashi, for the recommendation).  I didn't think of the QM2 when I saw it, but once I read your post had to be sure and learned that she was in Hamburg that day.  Ah well.  None of their ships were in NYC on Friday, so the identity of the one we saw shall remain a mystery. :)

You brought back memories for me, Midnite!  When we sailed on the QM2 in 2004, her maiden season, we docked in Hamburg.  Because she is the first transatlantic ocean liner to be constructed in 35 years, and the longest, largest, tallest ever built, the city pulled out all the stops.  There was a massive dockside carnival, a fireworks-and-laser show at night, and the 2,000,000 (they were expecting no more than 200,000) who came out to see her virtually shut the city down.  Wherever we went in the city, whether on tour or just to walk around, we were treated like celebrities; people would stop us to have their pictures taken with us!


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Ot Tragic News
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:10:29 AM »
I'm so sorry, Teresa!  You and Emily's family are in my thoughts and best wishes!


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Alec Newman as Barnabas Collins
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:32:24 AM »
Will it ever be available, does anybody know, on DVD?


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:51:22 AM »
Actually, I could also much more see Vicki with the Second Burke than the first.  He was calmer, milder man and appeared to be a tad, bit younger.


It's very interesting, to me, to read the negative reviews of the show, taken in the context of the network airing it billing it as a cross between Dark Shadows and Queer As Folk (with Buffy thrown in).  I say that because I'm one of the few people who absolutely loathed Queer As Folk.  Friends raved about it, and I finally got to see it, Season One and a bit more at least, on DVD, and I found the stories predictable and trite, the acting amateurish and the writing uninspired.  I heard it got better as seasons went on, but I never went beyond what I saw, so maybe I'm not being totally fair in my negative criticism of it.

One of my best friends, same age as me, and I have gotten into huge battles.  He considers QAF to be pure art, one of the best shows ever on TV, while he simply can't stomach DS.  I, on the other hand, naturally worship the ground DS was made on (and its flaws are what also made it so good), and my views of QAF are now known.  I just sent him an e-mail asking him if he ever heard of Dante's Cove, telling him that it seems to be a Queer as Dark Folk Shadows.  I told him we should rent the DVD's and both short-circuit while watching them.


I've never heard of it, but I did find a website about it (and about the first season coming out on DVD).  By watching the available trailers on the site, it does have a very Dark-Shadowish quality about it (an updated one, that is, that almost teases about what a well-done, updated, stylish remake of DS could be like).


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
« on: August 27, 2006, 03:40:57 PM »
I also tend to lean towards Frank.  They were closer in age than she was with Burke, and you could tell there was a spark there.


The pics are wonderful, Joey!  It makes me nostalgic.  I went to the 2003 festival for one day after docking back in New York following a cruise to Bermuda.  I couldn't think of a better way to end a cruise.


I don't know what her schedule is (I guess one can go to to see), but if the Queen Mary 2 is docked, take a look at her.  Well, from a distance, since security won't allow you too close.  But even from a distance, she is impressive.  I was fortunate to spend a month aboard her in 2004, her maiden season.  She now docks at a Brooklyn pier designed just for her; her previous dock in the Chelsea area in Manhattan proved too small.


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: August 22, 2006, 05:12:03 PM »
The original novel was about Man usurping the perogatives of God. 

The original movie was about Man's inhumanity to man.

I've never had a clue what the DS version was about..... ::)

About man getting ahead?


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:46:27 PM »
I guess why I didn't care for him is because I didn't care for the storyline - the whole Frankenstein thing was, IMO, schmaltzy.  I remember seeing it when it first aired in the stone ages of back-and-white TV sets that took forever to "warm up" with knobs that turned and a rodor sitting on top to maneuver the antennae on the roof (through which you could only pick up three stations), and it really frightened me, but I was only ten-years-old.  But now I see it differently.  It didn't have any of the subtlety or finesse of the last monster-on-the-loose-in-Collinsport, i.e., Barnabas' first appearance.  For that one, the only thing anyone knew was that a serial killer was out there who was never seen or ever caught.  In this one, Adam was lumbering about, terrorizing hapless witnesses, breaking into Collinwood and carrying off the beautiful girl before her frightened mother, etc.  And everyone was trying to hide him from one place to the next - the basement of the Old House, Stokes' apartment, the abandoned shed, the closed-off West Wing, at Nicholas' cottage.  The guy never got a chance to unpack.  No one really knew what to do with him.  It was all just too long and convoluted for me.
