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Messages - Gerard

Polls Archive / Re: Long-suffering character?
« on: February 03, 2007, 12:17:13 AM »
Anyone who shared a scene with a Roger Davis character.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sorry, the twin question again ...
« on: February 02, 2007, 12:24:19 PM »
No, but there is precedent on TV:  The Patty Duke Show predates the premiere of DS by three years.  Patty Duke played identical cousins ( :o ) Patty and Cathy Lane.

Now I keep humming the theme song from "The Patty Duke Show," with lyrics applicable to the Jennings brothers.

They bite alot;
They claw alot;
They scare alot;
They kill alot -
You can lose your mind!
When brothers are two of a kind!


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
« on: February 02, 2007, 12:18:48 PM »
At the one DS Fest I attended, during a question-and-answer session with cast members up on the stage, an audience member did an absolutely hysterical tongue-in-cheek "question" about props moving about.  She did a short schtick about the piano in the drawing room in particular which had everyone, including the cast members, in stitches.  When she was finished, everyone applauded at her witty, hilarious routine.  She should've been on Leno.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Eve's obsession....
« on: January 29, 2007, 12:34:01 PM »
I couldn't understand Eve's obsession, thought process and motivation at all, which was probably another reason why I never liked that whole Adam story line.  She was obviously an intelligent, highly self-serving woman, so instead of hanging around there, allowing herself to be put through all the crappola she had to endure in order to find some way to make things work for her favor, why didn't she just pack a bag, snitch some money from under Nicholas' mattress, and catch the first bus out of there?  I mean, would you put up with having to pretend you like some guy that would cause the cast of Extreme Makeover to scream, take the condescending attitude and bullishness of Nicholas, and why-oh-why would you want to get some wus to like you?


Current Talk '07 I / Re: How do you feel about flubbed lines?
« on: January 29, 2007, 12:23:37 PM »
Although the flubs, bloopers and whoopsies are all now very apparent to us, when I watched DS during its original run, I just didn't see them.  Maybe it was the innocence of youth.  The only three that I remembered as a child were Barnabas mistating the year 1897 (he said something like 1895 or some such), Jonathan Frid walking across the foyer set with costume in hand during the closing credits, and seeing the fly buzz around Julia.  Many decades later, when I watched the episodes on Sci-Fi, I kept wondering to myself as I could now clearly see the blown lines, the crashing props, the microphone booms, the stage hands, et. al., "how did I miss all that?"  Ah, youth - it covers and forgives a multitude of sins.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 28, 2007, 11:15:00 PM »
I think they just had the actor as a "left-over" from the 1795/96 storyline and weren't sure what to do with him.  When they couldn't get any real use out of the character, they simply dumped him.


Flubs, bloopers and inconsistencies still do appear, sometimes quite often but with more subtlety, in motion pictures today.  In Steven Spielberg's version of "War of the Worlds," all electronic eqiupment within Bayonne, NJ, where the invaders first land, were suppose to be knocked out.  Yet, we see a man videotaping the war tripod.  Woops!

In Brian DePalma's version of "Carrie," the story was set in Maine, and yet we see palm trees (shades of '91's DS?).  In the final scene, where Amy Irving is slowly walking towards the ruins of Carrie's house, in order to get the flowing effect, it was filmed with Miss Irving walking backward, and then the shot was played backward so she appeared to be moving forward.  Unfortunately, someone missed a car in the distance which passed through the scene - it's driving backwards while we watch.


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #164
« on: January 28, 2007, 04:01:44 AM »
Sometimes I am amazed at the poor manners people use at these fest. I've volunteered and just watched on several occasions. People in the lines willl go on forever and ask really strange questions. I've heard people comment directly to the person about weight gain, drinking, and within ear shot say something rude.

I've witnessed some of the rudeness at the 2003 convention in Brooklyn, the only one I've ever attended.  I and some friends were there just for a few hours on Saturday.  I got in the line to meet The Lovely and Talented Kathryn Leigh Scott, and when it was finally my turn, I didn't want to take up her time.  I simply told her about how much I appreciated all the joy she brought to me, and ask her to quickly autograph two things (my program, and the box containing Josette's Music Box which I had purchased), and for a photograph.  She was so obliging.  But while I was trying to rapidly "do my schtick" and move on, the guy next to me kept interrupting, adding his own two cents, not wanting to wait his turn.  Not only was I becoming perturbed, but I could tell Miss Scott was uncomfortable.  Finally I turned to him and sternly asked him to be quiet.  He quickly hushed up, and I saw Miss Scott give a sigh of relief.


Games / Re: Alternative Tilte Names for DS
« on: January 27, 2007, 12:31:09 AM »
Joan Bennett's Show.

(My mother also called it that along with Spooky Crap; whenever DS came up in conversation [and one of her sisters watched it, as I did], she'd say "That's Joan Bennett's Show."  My mother loved Joan Bennett, and whenever she was on, she'd sit down and watch until somebody got bit, bewitched or otherwise supernaturalized, and then she'd roll her eyes and say:  "Oh, that Spooky Crap.")


Games / Re: Alternative Tilte Names for DS
« on: January 26, 2007, 02:17:08 AM »
Spooky Crap.

(That's what my mother called it when I'd watch it growing up.  "Are you watching that Spooky Crap again?")


I do believe that it was Anne Boleyn who requested that a swordsman, rather than an axeman, give her her final wash and set, shall we say for delicated purposes.  She knew that it was common for an ax to take several whacks, whereas a sharp sword yielded by a talented swinger was quicker.  Her request was granted.


I remember when I watched The Night Stalker in its original airing and heard Dark-Shadowish music and started to scream:  "It's from Dark Shadows!  It's made by the same people who made Dark Shadows!"  I pulled out the huge, clumsy cassette tape recorder I got for Christmas (this was 1971, and electronic gadgets were big and clumsy then) and started to audio tape virtually the entire movie right off the TV, holding the microphone up to the speaker.  Of course, I have no idea whatever happened to that tape.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 10, 2007, 02:16:01 AM »
It does irk me how they just dumped characters with little or no explanation.  Quite often, the actors/actresses did have other things to do, so their characters were just forgotten, rarely written out.  Yes, the performers did have to leave for a play, movie, vacation, whatever, or maybe the characters no longer had a pivotal part, but they deserved at least something other than just no longer being there.  Another such gotten-rid-of that annoyed me was Magda.  Suddenly, there no longer was a Magda.  I think they did eventually mention something about her going away to form a 900 psychic phone line service or something, but for such an important persona in the 1897 storyline to just go poof was rather rude.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: THE DREAMCURSE
« on: January 10, 2007, 02:11:02 AM »
When I saw the Dream Curse during the original run as a child, it had elements which absolutely scared the zaboombas out of me.  But then, I was a ten-year-old kid, and things were scarier back then.  I remember, for example, watching the scene where the spook of Jeremiah tries to do in Angelique in the cemetery and I watched it with my fingers covering my eyes.  By today's standards, of course and probably unfortunately, the scary stuff is gone and it is repetitive.  I mean, how many times can you look at that stuffed animal head?  But I still love their effort, and everything they were trying to achieve and quite often successfully did.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy New Year Cousins
« on: January 01, 2007, 04:40:00 PM »
Happy New Year!  We had a Dark Shadows New Year's Eve.  First, there was fog so thick I couldn't see across the street (had to cancel my plans because driving was out of the question).  And then, in the midst of that thick fog, it started to thunder and lightning.  I kept waiting for Mrs. Johnson to come through the door!
