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Messages - adamsgirl

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The morning my twin sister passed away, one of my mom's cats wouldn't leave her alone. He jumped on top of her and just layed there. He had never done anything like that before. He was also my sister's favorite cat.

I believe he knew. It truly is amazing.

Well, here's another creepy animal story for you. Years ago, I spent summers in upstate New York (where I now live). We always visited with a family my father knew from his work. My father's friend was younger than my father and still lived at home with his parents. When the guy's father was ill and taken to the hospital and dying, the family dog was very upset. One night, he just kept howling and howling. Turns out, that was the night the man died! You bet animals can sense stuff like that.

Years ago, my parents lived in a Revolutionary War-era home on Long Island. It had lots of secret passages and rooms, built, so they were told, so that the family could hide from British soldiers and/or Indians. In any event, they swore the place was haunted -- strange smells (mostly roses, my mother said), sounds of footsteps, etc. In one of the rooms in the basement, they had hung some hams or something. Guess it was like a "cold" cellar. In any event, meat would go missing. They decided to put flour on the floor to at least catch some footprints. There never were any, although the meat would be missing. Often, they'd come home and find their clothes strewn all over the place, dresser drawers open. Their dog refused to go upstairs, no matter what. One day, they went out. When they returned, they heard the dog yipping in fright from upstairs. Poor thing had been locked in a closet. They never knew how that happened. Spooky!

I'm a gerund man, myself.  Hey, waitaminnut!  wasn't he on the series - Gerund Stiles???  Did he get hanged?  Or beheaded? >:D

Gerund, eh? [spoiler]Well, it was neither HangING nor BeheadING. It was a shootING![/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: January 22, 2007, 02:27:44 AM »
Does anyone recall a sort of "coda" to the last episode? Thayer David narrated it, and we find out that, yes, Barnabas and Julia did wind up together. Other things are wrapped up as well, but it's been ages since I've seen it. I do have it somewhere, so I'll view it again and get back to you all. As I recall, though, as Thayer narrates, we see still photography from episodes and DS movies.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 22, 2007, 02:15:41 AM »
Yes, he's in new commercials though he died over 10 years ago.  It was done digitally and is darn creepy.

Honestly, I can't believe his family allowed it. It's more than creepy! It's macabre!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 20, 2007, 06:21:44 PM »
Sometimes, even primetime shows will do it. Case in point: "Family Matters." The family originally consisted of three kids. After a few seasons, the younger daughter just disappeared -- poof! No mention of her, no explanation.

I often wondered about Adam, though. Assuming he did go off and get his scars removed, why wouldn't he have come back for Carolyn? And, when Barnabas once again became a vampire, did Adam turn into one? Too many threads left hanging for me, but then again, as you can tell by my handle, I'm an Adam fan.

Oh, you can bet this was done on purpose. When I heard about it, I almost got physically ill.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 20, 2007, 05:10:27 AM »
Actually, that's not quite true. In Adam's last episode (Ep #636) Stokes tells Adam that he knows of a clinic where Adam's scars can be removed and then remarks that he (Stokes) needs a new project. Just from that the audience can easily surmise that clinic is where Adam went.  ;)

Okay, but that's still far from conclusive! I mean, we are to believe Adam and Barnabas had this very special connection. Whatever happened to one, happened to the other. That was mega-important. It was simply dropped! I"m sorry, but it's nonsensical!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 20, 2007, 12:17:31 AM »
Of course the worst case of this was when they had Adam just go into Professor Stokes' room never to be seen again. There is an advantage though, to their just dropping characters with no explanation. It gives us something to speculate about and those of us who write, to write stories about.

Yes, yes, yes! I agree -- no explanation - nothing! And given his supposed connection with Barnabas, that was just dumb. BTW, glad to see you here, Alondra!

True, David, and now we know why it's been given the ax. Headwriter James Reilly, whom someone correctly identified as the ex head writer for Days of Our Lives, isn't the boy genius some thought he was. He's the one who was responsible for that ridiculous storyline on Days where Marlena is possessed by the devil. He's hoping, as I read yesterday, that Passions will continue either on the Internet or cable, as also has been mentioned here. Well, good luck to him, but I can't see it happening.

Actually, when aristocrats were beheaded in Tudor times, many of them paid their executioners to be sure the blade was sharp enough to do the deed with one clean cut. Prior to that, beheaders would just hack away at the person, which makes me quite ill.

I guess this is why the guillotine was considered so innovative. WHAP -- and there went the head!

As for the question about beheading Quentin publicly, I believe the rationale for that was that they were reverting to laws upheld in the 1600s. It's kind of flimsy, yes, but it kind or explains how they would even have a witchcraft trial in the first place, let alone a judgment of public beheading!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 18, 2007, 11:49:23 PM »
Not to belittle Frid, 'cause I *do* think the guy's got talent, but he himself admits to being a 'slow-study' and frankly, he never seemed to be the kind of actor who could 'think on his feet' and recover from a flub like say, Louie Edmonds can.  I can't think of a single time where he just winged it and ad-libbed while staying in character.  Instead, he'd nervously wring his hands, search for the teleprompter and stutter.  Not really a flaw, just some actors can do it and some can't.  Frid seems to be the type that can't.  Just my 2 pesos...  ;)

I have to disagree. Frid was a phenomenal actor, and you've given him some credit for that. However, he was a classically-trained stage actor, and this was a new genre for him. Soap actors will tell you that they virtually have to do a play a day, a pretty daunting challenge for any actor.

Another reason why I'm watching daytime soaps less and less- preposterous plots that insult the intelligence of the viewer, and worse, rewrite the show's history!

OLTL, once a fine soap, just went nuts with the Viki/Niki thing. Worse, they even continued it with Viki's daughter! I mean, it isn't as if dissasociative personalities are genetic!

I thought one of the more well-written soaps was Ryan's Hope. However, even that got ridiculous when they had some gorilla kidnap Delia Reid Ryan and hold her captive in a castle in Central Park! I mean, shades of King Kong.

As for soaps in general, Nancy's right. The business is dying. More and more, they're cutting costs to keep themselves alive, which is why they're fiing people such as Stuart Damon and Julia Barr (a two-time Emmy winner!). I think it's just a question of time.

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