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Messages - quentincollins

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Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 18, 2007, 04:18:39 AM »
I did a search on Amazon for Dark Shadows Return to Collinwood and it popped right up .

Current Talk '07 I / Vengeance at Collinwood
« on: February 18, 2007, 04:13:50 AM »
Is there any chance of releasing Vengeance at Collinwood on cd ?
Return is now being sold on Amazon , and the new B ig Finish cds have sold well enough to plan a second season , so these cds are obviously at least profitable.
I just hate that I 've never had the chance to even hear it !
Please MPI release Vengeance at Collinwood on cd !

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 18, 2007, 04:09:38 AM »
Get all the DS audiod you can , they're awesome . Honestly , the Big Finish audios have a better story , more of a continuing series . Return is more of a Reunion movie . There's so many beloved characters returning , it's a blast , but the story doesn't do much more than just set the stage for the characters to return . Still a blast , but not as much plot.
Ned was an obnoxious boor on tv , but in the audio he's mellowed considerably into a doting husband .Really , Roger Daivs could be playing an all new character he's so different . They just used Ned because he was Roger Davis's only surviving modern day character . While on paper it sounds like an awful idea , imo , the actor's chemistry and the story makes it work .
Personally , I'd love to see a follow up to Return ( and release Vengeance on cd too ! ) , where Peter/Jeff and Vicky return to the present and Jeff and Ned meet ( they would be brothers in law after all ) .

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:43:57 AM »
I didn't like Ned on the original series ( while I did like him as Peter/Jeff) , but I liked him ok in Return to Collinwood.Older Ned seemed more calm and stable thanhe'd been on tv. The marraige didn't make sense on paper , but I guess Tony Peterson and Adam weren't available . I kind of liked them togather in RTC , I 'm glad that Carolyn seemed to have a happy marriage .

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Will We Ever See A New DS? Or would you want to?
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:39:09 AM »
There was a series of comic books released that tied into the 1991 remake . In them there's a scene with Roger talking to  Elizabeth about Vicky being her daughter .
I wish they'd release the 2004 DS pilot on dvd , just so we can see it , those of us who can't get to the festivals.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:21:11 AM »
In Return to Collinwood , Joe had died in a fishing boat accident "over a decade ago "  . While I was thrilled that Joe had gotten out of Windcliffe and married Maggie, I hated that they had him die so young . He could just as easily have died only a year or two ago. Maybe they wanted Maggie to have had a long grieving period before moving on with Quentin .
As for finding a place in the story for Joe, he could've been the werewolf instead of Chris . He could've been a late bloomer , maybe the curse wouldn't kick in until the victim was the same age as Quentin when he killed Jenny . Then Joe could've had all of Chris' s storyline , and Maggie could 've filled in for most of what Sabrina did ( excpet for the catatonia s/l  ) .
Not that I 'd want to get rid of Don Briscoe either , but his role was created as Joe was being worked out .

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Angelique's Personal Timeline
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:02:44 AM »
Until 1840 , the series always made it fairly clear that Angelique 's timline followed Barnabas's . She arrives in 1968, follows Barnabs  back to 1796,is burned by Ben and sent back to Hell for 101 years ,  then is resurrected  in 1897 by Quentin and Evan. In 1796 and 1897 , Angelique confirms to Barnabas that she had  experienced every previous meeting that he's had with her . Then Angelique is seen next as Sky Rumson's wife in 1970. I always though she had lived thru all the years from 1897 , although that's unclear.
1840 is where everything gets confusing . Angelique has been traveling with Lazlo and visits Barnabas 's tomb every year . She doesn't know Julia and seems to truly be the Angelique from this era . Presumably she was resurrected after Barnabas was entombed .Then at the end of 1840 she removes her curse , loses her powers and dies . This would seem to contradict what we've seen from her before . How could this Angelique go on to be the Angelique we've already seen in 1968? Well, when Barnabas, Julia and Stokes returnto the present , they have changed time , and Elizabeth doesn't even know they were gone . So that could be the answer . That because of time travel , time has been changed , and Angelique from 1840 died  a mortal death and did not go on to be reborn in the modern day , just as Quentin's fate was changed and he was not a ghost haunting 20th century Collinwood. For that matter , Brnabas traveled back in time using I-Ching , but came forward thru the time staircase ! So his coffin post 1840 would be empty !
Minor spoiler for Big Finish's audio series and Return to Collinwood ( both of which I highly recommend ) [spoiler]Angelique is resurrected in both of those , and seems to have memories of both 1840 and the other time periods we've seen her live thru .
I just chalk that up to her having memories from both versions of history , having been dead so many times and all . Barnabas had memories of both Phyllis Wick and Victoria being Sarah's governess post 1795, he confirms this with Julia shortly after Vicky's return .[/spoiler]
And shouldn't Angelique Rumson still have been alive , as we saw her last shortly before PT1970 ?
DS was pretty sloppy in cleaning up their paradoxes , after all everyone still remembered Quentin as a ghost once Quentin returned to Collinwood post 1897!
But in my way of thinking , 1840 Angelique was native to that time period , and her timeline is a jumbeled mess that can't be neatly aligned into a single straight line.

I called MPI today seeking info on the new DS catalog , and release date for the Return to Collinwood CD.As always, I got ahold of an unfriendly woman who suggested  I call back in the summer , with a tone that sounded as if she'd really rather I not call back at all. Just wondered of anybody had any more info than that. :(

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Favorite Set and Music
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:55:44 AM »
I have a lot of favorites , and they're all pretty obvious ones, for the rooms. I love Vicky's room at Collinwood , which is later Maggie's , and in 1795 is Josette's.I don't remember who if  anybody used them in other time  periods.I'm sure it was probably Rachel's room in 1897.Anybody remeber who used it , if anybody , in 1970 PT, 1841PT and 1840RT?I'd guess that Daphne used it in 1840, but I'm not sure .I do know that it was Liz's bedroom before she married. For some reason I love the history , knowing all the different women who lived in that room.It seems sort of sweet that Liz put Vicky in her old room.

I also love the foyer and drawing room of Collinwood , they're iconic symbols of the whole show.The parallel time room was pretty , it's a shame they didn't use it more , especially in 1841PT , where it seemed to be used so often at first.

Joseete's room is also pretty. More than any other room it seems like a character with it's own personality.

As far as music goes the opening credits and the bit at the begining are both nice.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Dark Shadows: Parallel Time
« on: December 28, 2003, 04:24:20 AM »
At the pace MPI is releasing the sets you may have to wait 5 years or more until the pre Barnabas episodes come out.I 'm not patient enough for that .
In 1970 in PT the PT room was Angelique's.I don't remember what it was used for in 1841.In RT I'm pretty sure it was always vacant.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Dark Shadows: Pre Barnabas Era
« on: December 28, 2003, 04:19:28 AM »
I've heard that MPI will probably release them on dvd after the rest of the series is out .They may be available on vhs still from MPI.I have them on vhs and have watched them twice. There are a lot of nice character moments , but the pace is slow to the point of glacial. Only for a serious fan .That said , there are some nice character moments , especially between Liz and Vicky that make up for Burke's revenge storyline , which is boring beyond the telling of it.Once Laura shows up things pick up quite a bit.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: December 26, 2003, 10:35:47 PM »
I really do like 1841PT , and think it's often underated because of it's lack of connection to the regular characters.I don't care for Keith Prentice, though and agree with the previous post that Jerry Lacy playing the role could have been great.
One of my big problems is with PT Daphne, she's such a wimp. [spoiler]What exactly does she die from anyways?Bramwell not loving her  seems to be the reason.[/spoiler]I'd much prefered if she'd had a story with PT Quentin instead, as they had such great chemistry in RT.
All that aside, I like the curse story line.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Tad Collins Dilemma
« on: December 24, 2003, 01:11:12 PM »
What was the original plan? Whose son would he have been, Flora's?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Alas! I wondered where he had gotten.
« on: December 23, 2003, 03:35:45 PM »
Is that Isaac over the fireplace?I've been rewatching from the very begining , and several times they say it's Jeremiah.In the early episodes they also make it very clear that the family is descended from Jeremiah and Josette.David even refers to Josette as great grandmother.It's easy to ignore this as  David being confused .off topic here but did that kid need ridilin (sp?) or what ?

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:MPI Mailing
« on: December 14, 2003, 04:48:28 AM »
i called mpi friday and requested a new catalog. the somewhat unfriendly woman on the phone told me there wouldn't be a new catalog released until at least january, and that the most current catalog was from 2001 . what's up with that?

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