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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '08 II / New Big Finish Dramas
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:25:21 PM »
I haven't heard much about these, so I'm wondering if anyone purchased them at the fest, and if so, what do you think of them? I'm interested in buying them but I'd like to hear some reviews first.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Why do we love 1897?
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:33:33 PM »
I think the reason 1897 stands out as one of the best storylines is definitely because of the plot and how well it was played out over 9 months of television. Of course, it did get to be a little much towards the end where it seemed like the writers were grasping at straws, but we can forgive that for the months of solid storytelling previously.

It is no small feat to have pulled off two love triangles--Barnabas, Edward, and Kitty as well as Quentin, Beth, Crazy Jenny (and later Amanda)--at the exact same time as the werewolf "origin" story if you well, while also juggling a few family secrets that were about to be on the loose, and a Hero's Journey story which is always entertaining if done well. This doesn't even cover the stuff with the Trasks, which was fit in there at just the right time to fill in holes where previous plots had been resolved or put off until later.

All this is not to be said without mentioning the superb writing and acting, and I agree with the person above who said that some of the best scenes of the series are housed within this storyline.

The most important thing about this time period piece was that it was a blatant character driven story, more so than the others, because it didn't rely on cheap plot contrivances and extraneous logical leaps to make it work.

I've been to two fests--06 and 07--and both were great experiences for me where I met people from this board (hi retzev!!!) and talked with tons of others who may or may not be on this board. The actors are all very open and welcoming, some certainly more than others (usually those who aren't exhausted from huge lines, and thusly have some extra time to sit and chat), and will talk to you for quite some time if they're free.

During my first fest, John Karlen moved from table to table to table at the banquet, talking to everyone (the actors usually sit with people they know or are familiar with at the banquet) and having a great time. Also, at the same fest, my mom and I split up to get autographs and stuff in different lines, and when my mom went to Jerry Lacy's line and asked him to sign my book, he asked if I was unable to attend. When she told him that I was there, but we had split up to get autographs, he told her to make sure she brought me by to meet him later. That was nice, to be sure, but when I went by later and purchased one of his photos, I asked him to make it out to "Brandon". He looked up and smiled, and seeing my mother, said "Well, I'm glad you got a chance to come by the table," then proceeded to have a short conversation with me, even though there was a line. (The other stars do the same, which can make the autograph lines horribly long sometimes).

The only downfall to the fests are the lines, but, as someone mentioned earlier, they are a great place to get to know people and make new friends. The banquet line, the registration line, and the autograph lines (if you hit them at peak times) can last for HOURS on end, but if you don't mind waiting and standing, they're great.

I'm sure you'll have a great time when you get to go, and I'm hoping to go again next year as well since I was unable to make it this year.

My favorite portrayal in the entire 91 series is Stefan Gierasch as Joshua. I thought he played that part so well, and it took me a while to realize that he had also played Woodard.

I also enjoyed Barbara Steele as Julia, but she has nothing at all on Grayson, IMO. It took me a long time to get used to her Julia, but not as much for her Natalie.

Ben Cross doesn't even come close to holding a candle to Frid, at all. I hated the way they made him growl and snarl into the camera. What a cheese!

And, finally, while I didn't like what's-his-face who played Roger, I did enjoy him as Reverend Trask. He truly was scary with those eyebrows!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Starting at the very beginning
« on: July 13, 2008, 02:29:26 AM »
I started watching DS from the beginning as well, but I only have the first two Beginning sets so I decided to stop until I can grab the others that are released.

The show definitely has a different feel to it, and all the characters are so incrediably different that its hard to believe how much they changed after Barnabas arrived and everything supernatural really started to kick up. Some have labeled these early episodes as "slow moving" or "boring", and I used to be one of them. But now that I can appreciate the atmosphere that's been created, not to mention some of the STELLAR camera angles that were used (and in a daytime soap opera, no less!), not to mention the set design, music, the acting, writing, directing, and everything else that I've forgotten, these episodes definitely stand out as some of the best of the series. They're not rushed, they're well put together, and what amazes me is that each episode seems to satisfy you while leaving you with more questions at the end.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Does the cast get residuals?
« on: July 03, 2008, 04:19:54 PM »
No, I don't think they receive residuals from DS. IIRC, this came up in some other thread a while back.

Back in the 60s, most actors didn't think about putting residuals in their contracts because there wasn't really a market for reruns like there is today. And certainly, no one that worked on DS ever thought it would see a resurgence in the 80s and 90s, with reruns and the VHS tapes from MPI, as well as now with the DVDs from MPI. Because they never thought DS would be seen after it went off their air, and because most soaps (until Soapnet that is) didn't ever show reruns of their episodes, its safe to say that the residuals clause was not in any contract.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Tim Burton REMAKE/RE-IMAGINING report card
« on: July 01, 2008, 08:26:26 PM »
1) BATMAN--I like the first film in the original franchise of films, but I liked Batman Returns better. The Peguin wasn't too good, but I love some Michelle Pfieffer as Catwoman, so I watch the film just for her. Both are great.

2) MARS ATTACKS-- When this originally came out, I didn't get the humor because I was younger. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember liking it when I watched it when I could actually get the humor.

3) SLEEPY HOLLOW--I completely love this movie. Depp's Ichabod Crane is just awesomely funny and quirky, and I think this definitely the best adaptation I've seen of the book. The atmosphere is great, the music is spectacular, and the visuals are stunning.

4) PLANET OF THE APES-- I don't remember this probably because I saw it once and hated it, since I'm a huge fan of the original. But one clunker of five choices really isn't anything to be upset about.

5) CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY-- It was more true to the book, and I abhored it when I first saw it because I, like many, compared it to the original which you cannot do. I love the original version a ton. When I took the Burton/Depp version on its own merits, I realized that its just as good (not better) as the original. I especially enjoy Depp's performance, and his similar dismissal of the children's stupid/idiotic questions as Wilder in the original.

Any fan that doesn't embrace this movie, even if it is with reservations, is off their rocker. It'll most definitely bring in new fans to the DS lore and legacy, and will undoubtedly increase the potential for future projects of a DS nature. I know that it will be hotly debated before and after its release (it already has been) and that some people will absolutely hate it. But that's a fandom for you: some love it, others hate it. Its never all in one category.

One thing I am fearful of, however, is audience pandering. Others have already spoken about this. I just don't want it to be suped up with drama, action, and special effects to please today's target audience. I have no doubt that at least one of those things will be heightened anyway, but hopefully its not something that will bring down the film. Let's face it, a slow-building, thematic film is not popular these days.

Oh, and the other thing I have nightmares about is having to eventually hear that "Johnny Depp is the first Barnabas Collins." Oh. The. Horror.

I can't really see much CGI being put into the DS movie. Where would it even be appropriate other than maybe Barnabas changing from human form to bat form and other types of supernatural effects that might have to do with ghosts or even Angelique and whatever spells she might conjure up. Realisticly, if the film is done right, the film shouldn't really rely on these effects too much anyway, because DS was always more drama than effects.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Which Bitch?
« on: June 18, 2008, 04:45:01 AM »
I think Angelique is the ultimate DS bitch, if not one of the ultimate soap bitches of all time. There are several reasons why she can hold this title, as stated previously, but there is one that was missed.

The fact that after everything she went through, after all the crap she tried, all the hell she inflicted on Barnabas and those around him, all in the name of love, that she could, in 1970 (or 69, can't remember) when Barnabas is fooling with the Leviathans, have settled down into a "normal" life and want to live happily, is perhaps one of the best things about her and it added so much to her character. She finally figured out that she couldn't win, decided to marry Sky, and settle down, only to find out [spoiler]that Sky was, in fact, part of the Leviathans himself, and she was scorned yet again by another man, enraging the bitch within. This time, though, she had an actual, undisputable reason for bringing the bitch back.[/spoiler]

1970s Angelique is my favoriate Angelique of them all.

I'm glad Big Finish is coming out with something new. I'm definitely anticipating these discs. I wonder if these will have any clues as to the continuation of the story that was set up in the first four discs, because from what's described here, the two new ones seem to be more standalone than the others.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

(And there was no swinging from the chandeliers, but there WAS some moon howling and grave-robbing. Of course, that was only AFTER I was hypnotized by someone who was talking about the crystal center of something or other).

If the 2004 45 minute pilot cost six million dollars I can't even begin to think how much this movie will cost with Depp's and Burton's salary and not even considering the CGI effects, entire cast, location shots , interior shots plus marketing etc......

I'm betting that this film will have the modest budget range of probably $40 to $60 million. (Or less).

While I think that filming the movie in B&W might be good for it, I don't think it would be a good idea as far as attracting an audience. While we, as devoted DS fans, would already appreciate it before we see the film, general audiences wouldn't get the atmosphere that black and white would add, and I'm sure it would be highly publicized that the film is black and white, especially in a world where everything has eye-catching special effects. That media coverage would certainly, IMO, kill the chance for bringing in new fans.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Crazy Jennie
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:23:55 PM »
Didn't Jenny and Quentin have two kids? And didn't the little boy die? I don't remember when he bit the dust, but that certainly would've sent her over the edge, or worsened her condition.