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Messages - Heather

Believe it or not, this youngin' knows most if not all of the songs mentioned, AM radio, etc...I was brought up on the classics (cough.)  ;) Some of my favorite moments on the series (aside from J&B's various ventures) are when they play an interesting selection on the blue whale jukebox... ;D
Great topic, Sandor!   :-*

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Life Issues
« on: February 02, 2006, 11:56:39 PM »
But seriously, it's hard to imagine anyone could have worse parenting skills than the Collinses. I mean, just look at what a dysfunctional group they are - from 1680PT's Brutus right down to Present Day RT's Liz and especially Roger.

I'll drink to that... ;)
Amazing the family survived, especially with all the curses and whatnot.
But then, they are the Collins' of Collinsport...

Caption This! - The Return of Laura / Re: Episode #0167
« on: January 22, 2006, 08:53:33 AM »
LOL, J-C...  ;D

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Who else loves Parallel Time?
« on: January 20, 2006, 10:50:53 PM »
Parallel time is like a apricot brandy-soaked fruitcake (made with assorted dried fruit and pecans...not those red and green things. {Cough}) Its filled with potent nuggets of joy, surprises, and ultimately...intriguing to the last slice.

And in general, I agree...the concept of PT is fantastic fodder for fanfiction, indeed.

Popping in when I can,

Ms. studious [yes, I do indeed compare a lot of things to baking.  ::) One of my many eccentricities... :D]

[occasion18]  Happy, Happy Birthday!   [occasion18]


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: GraysonArt strikes again...
« on: December 23, 2005, 10:56:31 PM »
Wow...Gosh... thanks everyone; you're too kind!   [santa_kiss]

I don't feel bad about being the odd apple persay (I really should've said eccentric {cough}), in fact sometimes I revel in it. >:D Its just that it can get a bit tiring explaining who Grayson & DS is, over and over, to an unenlightened few. ;) Oh apologies, artwork not available for download yet. [by the way, if I or my cohorts see artwork posted elsewhere without my permission, I will get out the whip...;)]

But, it being the holiday season and all...if someone wanted a copy of anything, feel free to PM me your contact info (email) and I could send you a .jpg or .pdf of said piece. I still think its a shame I can't share some of these things "live" so to speak... [santa_sad]
However, I was fortunate enough to show some of these pieces to a few fellow Graysonphiles a couple months ago at a private get-together. I'm glad I was able to give a few friends an eyeful, for a couple minutes at least.  [santa_wink]  xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / GraysonArt strikes again...
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:47:52 PM »
Hiya kids... ;)

Well, it's been a long while since I've shared any designs and/or artwork over in these parts, and since it's the winter solstice and everything ;), I thought....what the hey:

These are a couple DVD covers I designed for a packaging graphics class [had to redesign a couple DVD covers; said DVD's having a common theme throughout - in my case, 2 Grayson films. Then, designed a box to house said DVD's...making it into a boxed set.] Being the odd one in my class, I of course chose: the 1962 "Satan In High Heels," and the 1966 "Who Are You, Polly Maggoo?"

This is just the back cover, spine, and front cover of the box:

{note: the above aren't shown at full size...the DVD covers are approximately 7.5" x 10.5", the box is a bit bigger...}

And for a certain web class, I had to create a personal/portfolio site. My apologies in advance if it takes a long time to load...need to tweak the file size of the pages a bit (sigh.) And I will be adding more artwork in the next couple years before I graduate, no doubt....


Fantastic news John--thanks!  :-*

Current Talk '05 II / Re: We're not Trekkies...
« on: December 13, 2005, 06:01:12 AM »
And, of course, I love that we fans of the Divine One refer to ourselves as "Grayson's Legion."

:-*  Absolutely!  :-*

And frankly, around these parts, I prefer "cousin" one a sense of belonging, among other things...

...Although, those that know me can call me darling[/b] any day...[13]


studious wench

Current Talk '05 II / Re: We're not Trekkies...
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:17:33 AM »
I thought of another one:
Shadow-ite - someone who speaks DS - who uses actual phrases from scripts word for word which fit into their conversations.  Unless the person they are speaking to is another Shadow-ite however, they are not aware of what's going on.

Guilty as charged...once in whlie. LOL

Quentinphile - someone who appreciates Quentin for his mind only.  (I lie a lot)

LOL... and who can forget Juliaphile, dahhling?    [santa_cheesy]  :-*

Hmmm - then the video should be playing, even on a Mac.

Well MB, I don't have a definite answer as to what the problem is (sometimes I think its because I need to do a systemwide upgrade one day soon...certain programs aren't always compatable or run up to par unless you have one of the more recent Mac systems, or at least in my case [ie, I currently have Mac OSX version 10.28...the latest is Mac OSX 10.4, dubbed "Tiger"]. But I have the most up to date version of the Windows Media Player for the Mac, so...I dunno.  [santa_undecided]
And come to think of it, I've had this problem before on other sites. The only solution was to download it to my hard drive first (if said video was downloadable), and then it would play okay, usually...

Oh wait a could also be a firewall issue. I've had problems playing and/or downloading certain files when the firewall was on full force, so to speak. I know its not a virus problem; I run system checks every time I log on to the computer.
Well, if all else fails, my computer is having another p.m.s. attack, and i need to download some more chocolate.dat files into my hard drive, stat...[just kidding!] a round about way, I think I may have just answered my own question. Sorry for rambling...Sigh. lol

No problem. In fact, because so few people routinely read the Testing board (and shame on those of you who don't  (admin: for shame)), mentioning your situation here in this topic might actually alert more Mac users to a possible problem.

I loved the smiley you used just And yes, people who don't read the testing board should be whipped with something long strong and silver during a full moon!  [santa_evil]

...just kidding.  ;)

That's most probably the problem because the video is in the Windows wmv format.
It just struck me as odd at first because I have windows media player... But I know what you mean, if its formatted for windows...

But *maybe* I can figure something out for Mac people...

That's okay - don't worry about it.  :-*  It just hasn't been my week for doing anything on the web, it seems.

And now, ironically enough, back to my web project (finals season). ;)

P.S. My apologies for bringing this up here and not on the Testing Board...

Dang it...I can't get this to play for me. I have no idea why...  I'm operating off a Mac,  tried this on Netscape, Firefox, Safari..and IE (which I never use anymore, so don't whip me too hard). I keep getting the error message: "Cannot open the file. Verify that the path and filename are correct and try again."   [santa_cry]

Anyway--just wanted to say good job anyway PennyDreadful...if the rest say its great, it must be fantastic! I wish I lived in your neck of the woods so I could see your show.  [santa_kiss]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Who here has seen the WB pilot?
« on: December 05, 2005, 06:26:08 AM »
2) Everyone smoked back in the DS days which dramatically ages a person (lines around eyes, mouth, overall skin appearance). . . This point occurred to me when i kept wondering. .well, you know. . on DS Grayson Hall is only 6-8 years older than me but she seems older .. And Frid too seems 50ish (not 20ish no matter how many believe). .and then i thought of my own Mother who looks significantly older than her mother and grandmother--and even me at this age. .we all have the same physical and skin types. . .ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mama smoked like a train for 30 years.

Same here. My dad was a heavy smoker for 40 + years until he finally quit (thank goddess) due to a health emergency...I've also found, in my own family, that those that smoke do tend to look a bit older physically. Luckily, I don't smoke because I've seen what they've gone through, not to mention I'm allergic to the stuff...

some actors even kept their cigarettes on the camera dolly for drags between takes (okay Grayson was the main actor who did this.

You're full of interesting fun facts J99, I'm telling ya... :-*

J99 ho ho ho [santa_tongue]

Are you giving out gifts this year? I'll be waiting... ;)  [santa_cheesy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Lyndhurst/Sleepy Hollow
« on: December 04, 2005, 11:35:30 PM »
Great pictures, yunz guys... [thumb]