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Messages - Stuart

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 17, 2003, 02:27:24 AM »
Having thought about it for a couple of days, I agree that the early days of the show might be the best upon which to base a new version...  There is a strength of characterisation and history for the characters that very little of the show's later years can compete with.

I increasingly think a new series should turn the whole thing on its head...  take a handful of the best original characters (Barnabas needn't be amongst them), throw in a few new ones, and take the whole thing back to basics.  It needs a sense of dread and remoteness -- Collinwood is a distant threat, casting long shadows over the lives of everyone who lives in Collinsport.  Have a community all bound by their secrets and betrayals, with the supernatural lurking around the corner, barely seen but ever-present.

Maybe the other approach is to look at stuff the original series never did and ask why...  Why are there no children, for instance.  I'd like the idea of something strange, like there have been no children born in Collinsport since Carloyn Stoddard, with a deep, dark threat bubbling to the surface when someone falls pregant.  or something.  Something that's always been there, but we've never realised before.

Basically, anything but governesses on trains, graverobbing caretakers unleashing cousins from England... it's been done.  As Mark pointed out, DS has a much broader range of stories to offer than a sympathetic vampire yearning for love.  And a new version that really explores those possibilities could be great fun for everyone.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 12, 2003, 01:45:38 AM »
Why shouldn't it hold a young audience for more than two seconds?  The young audience is a smart one -- good stories, well told... that's all it takes to engage any viewer.

John Wells is a writer producer whose credits include ER and The West Wing.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 11, 2003, 11:47:25 PM »
I never will understand why fans get so skittish about talk of a new DS -- any production, no matter how good or bad, can do nothing to alter the reputation of the original.

Of all the pilot concepts mooted over the last decade, this one seems the most promising to me.  New blood (and before people start whining about dumbing down, bear in mind that John Wells' pedigree in TV drama is hardly for MTV-gen fluff...) and a network that will need retooling of the concept are its best chance.

A straight redux of the series won't work -- it's largely the reason all redux efforts have grounded since 1991, and Dan Curtis finally seems to be facing that fact, so fair play to him.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:New DS Talk May Not Be BS
« on: November 11, 2003, 11:41:34 PM »
I've added a news story about this to my website: -- click on News :)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Quentin Tarantino admits he's a DS fan...
« on: October 22, 2003, 08:55:22 AM »
Jonathan Frid still has his cane from the show, but none of his costume.  When DS ended, he kept the cape, a ring and bought one of his suits (the brown one, I think). His secretary threw out the ring and cape during the 1970s, and the suit was eventually auctioned off at a convention, I believe.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Victoria Winters
« on: October 16, 2003, 08:27:35 PM »
Picking up on something mentioned earlier about Joan Bennett having always played Liz as Vicki's mother...

I was watching the episode where Vicki (Durkin incarnation) finally marries Jeff Clark, with Liz as her witness.  There's a moment at the end of the ceremony where Elizabeth is left alone, her smile drops and she looks simply devastated - I swear, I got a tear in my eye. It really is a mother grieving the loss of her child -- it's screaming out.  A wonderful little scene.

Watching, it seemed to sum up the truth of their relationship so deeply, that I really wonder if the writers knew that Vicki was doomed and figured they'd throw the fans a line to give that thread some resolution.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 15, 2003, 12:54:27 AM »
As you say, you and I will probably never see eye-to-eye on this, but I maintain that it's valid.

No one is suggesting that these fixes "modernise" the show -- it's not intentional and its not realistic. However, to argue that it should be released in a technically substandard form because it is a show with a small market makes no sense to me.

DVD is a format with higher technical quality than VHS, which the DS releases should be aiming to match throughout, and the remastering is a crucial part in that. Similarly, regardless of whether it reaches a wider market, it should be comparable in quality to other cult television releases - that is the market its potential lies in, and that's the market that stores stocking the discs are aiming at.

Personally, I'm delighted with the DVD releases. For me, it's been like watching a whole other show and light years away from VHS.  I'm aware of several people I know who got hooked on DS from the DVDs - new people hop on all the time, and a more professional level of presentation plays a small but important part in that, I think.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 14, 2003, 11:38:00 PM »
I'm still convinced that those glitches should be removed - they shouldn't be on the VHS tapes, and I'm glad it's been addressed...

Sure, in some cases, the audio survives where the picture doesn't, but DS is not a radio show - and unless you can manipulate the existing video material to cover those gaps, it isn't technically acceptable to leave it in without picture.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Victoria Winters
« on: October 14, 2003, 11:33:11 PM »
(1)  What Is Your Favorite Victoria Storyline or Time Period?

She's pretty good in the early episodes, where she has a quest and a purpose. And the sequence where David traps her in the abandoned wing is a highlight of the first year - pure gothic pulp.

(2)  What Would You Have Wanted For Victoria If The Character Had  Stayed Until The End, Or What Do You See What The Writers Could Have Done?

Evil Vicki!  Hahahahaha... How cool would that have been? Possessed by the Devil and covertly psychotic would be amusing. Or maybe she finds out she's really a Collins and begins to dig her heels in, all bitter over her lost birthright. The Liz/Vicki revelation is an obvious one, and it might have been rewarding seeing the fall-out and the pair reconciled.

(3) Who Would Victoria Ulitmately End Up With If It Was Your Choice?

Her and Burke. Both of them are lonely people - he's got a past he wants to forget, she's robbed of one... they both know what it's like to be an outsider. Hmmmmm...

(4) Who Were Victoria's TRUE Parents?

"Return to Collinwood" answers that one... please no bleating about "canon", people ;)

(5)  Would The Show Have Lasted Or Been Better In It's Final Years Had Victoria Been Present?

No.  After 1795, she's a bit lost, truth be told. Alexandra Moltke's memorable bitch at the time about Vicki's stupidity generally hits the nail on the head.

In some respects, it's a pity that Carolyn Groves didn't get the gig before Betsy Durkin, because I think the character would have lasted, and Groves manages to bring some interesting new shades to the role. Her Vicki seems far more mature and self-assured, and it might have been interesting to see if and how the writers would have responded to it.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Just curious...............
« on: October 14, 2003, 11:15:18 PM »
It's a combination of a lot of things...

There was no script department on the show as such, so aside from old breakdowns and synopses, there was very little written material to refer to. With no process of keeping records, it meant that things that were changed after the writing - either by accident or design - would often go unrealised by the writers. There were no tapes to refer to, and locating specific stuff for cross-reference was incredibly difficult. So it all hinged on people's day-to-day memories, which were patchy and incomplete - certain writers would drop out for months at a time, be replaced, etc, too...

Similarly, with sometimes just hours to learn a script, the actors rarely had time to worry about the minutae, and would assume that the stuff was correct. This is still the case on soaps today - it's another issue of time. Assuming someone did spot a gaffe, it depended on whether anyone was sure of what *exactly* was wrong to correct it, if there was time to fix it, and if it didn't impact other scripts.  In most of the cases, it's unsatisfactory, but the conditions made it almost impossible to prevent most of the time.

Most of it comes down to simple hours in the day. With very little time to get massive amounts of footage onto tape, unless it was a major, major issue, everyone probably went with the flow and hoped that nothing too bad would get through.

Sure, there are things that seem super-stupid to us today, but remember they made it past a writing team, around 20 production staff, and the actors themselves. Human error, pure and simple.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Pre-Barnabas Eps ever on DVD?
« on: October 14, 2003, 10:04:49 PM »
Speaking to my site last month Jim Pierson said that the plan was to get the whole series out on DVD :)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 14, 2003, 10:02:21 PM »
I think serious video glitches should removed. A total loss of picture is technically not acceptable for broadcast or commercial release and should be snipped wherever possible. It's unfortunate that such deterioration is present, but rogue portions of "black" video aren't acceptable - those moments would never be considered fit for broadcast, even in the 1960s. There's a crucial difference between "charmingly flawed" and technically substandard.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 09, 2003, 12:48:07 AM »
Great release -- I only bought this for completeness, really, but it was a pleasant surprise.  A lot of the time, I think DS goes seriously overboard on the nostalgia/tribute angle, but this seemed to justify its rose tint.

Watching the music montage with the reunion guests, I broke into a broad smile -- probably like some demented and overproud parent -- and i guess pride is the best sentiment the disc conveys. The fans, the actors, everyone genuinely seemed proud and at peace with the show, not attempting to apologise for its shortcomings and disappointments.

The extras are fun too -- Joan Bennett does a classy turn on the Mike Douglas show, while Kathryn Leigh Scott gamely smiles through some hilariously inept 1969 promotions for the show, which are all the more amazing for not even trying to explain what "dark Shadows" is about! Bless  >:D

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Next Festival in Tarrytown????
« on: September 13, 2003, 08:36:58 PM »
i really think there was an intention to end it until 1) 2000 people showed up this year and 2) KLS did put JP on the spot,on-stage. .

The Tarrytown jaunt was being planned before this year's Festival took place -- I think the "final" status was u-turned pretty much immediately... I don't think it was coincidence that the words "final" and "farewell" were nowhere to be found in the weekend's program book  >:D

The full interview is now up -- it can be accessed from the homepage of my site :)

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