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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"Angelique gazed into Dirk's eyes with just a hint of an evil smile on her face because she knew that he sheds like a 20 year old persian cat - and that pleased her very much!"

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *** A Karmic Change ***
« on: May 05, 2009, 09:58:53 PM »

I'm really new here, and noticed I had -4 curse... and I was thinking 'CRAP! what did I do?' I know some of what I say in the games can be a little over the top... but I was like, "oh man... i'm in trouble!" Now I find out it's a good thing! WOO HOO!!

"Trask felt totally affronted after Quentin told him that what Trask really needed to improve his sour disposition was a walk on the wild side."

Greg: "I plan to achieve the Second Coming by stripping naked and covering myself in Jello pudding in this bed!"
Charity: "Hallelujah!!!"

"Rachel became extremely embarrassed after her old friend Tim arrived unexpectedly at Collinwood because it brought back all the salacious memories of their times at Worthington Hall when they would sneak off to secretly drink and swear like sailors!!!"

Quentin: "Com'n Brother, admit it! You like Miley Cyrus just as much as I do!"
Edward: "Speak for yourself, Mr. "I have a Hannah Montana book bag"!"

Voice on phone - "Why yes, Miss Drummond, we did receive your order for The Uncensored "Girls Gone Wild" Snoop Dog edition DVD - but we thought that surely it had to be a mistake coming from such a refined, decent and virtuous woman as yourself."

"Angelique gazed into Dirk's eyes with just a hint of an evil smile on her face because she knew "Alias Smith and Jones" was going to bomb - and that pleased her very much!"

Evan thought that Quentin's wearing candles on his shoulder meant that once again, he was the master of misheard lyrics, and had to remind him that it's "SUNSHINE on my shoulders", not candles.

Evan and Quentin were terrified when they thought that it smelled like one of them left their cat locked  in the room.

In an effort to prove to Magda that he could have been a contender, Barnabas showed Magda his uppercut technique.  Magda was wondering how to break it to Barnabas that he could never be the next Marlon Brando.

Laura was shocked and angered to learn from Rachel that the children's lesson didn't include anything about the city of Phoenix.

Dirk was shocked to learn that Barnabas' plan for him included yet another round of "99 bottles of beer on the wall", because Dirk totally messed it up last time.

Fill in the phrase: "... it was at that moment Edward found himself completely stumped. He thought, "Who ______________?"

Fill in the phrase, "Now, be honest with me, Barnabas... do these marks ___________?"

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