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Messages - KMR

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Maybe it's time to finally order the DVD...

Oh, heavens, are you kidding me?  Get thee to the dealer NOW!   [ghost_grin]

Wow, Gerard, I've encountered some stupid people in my day, but really, that is just too much! ;)

Just last night I picked up a galley of SHIRLEY JACKSON: A RATHER HAUNTED LIFE by Ruth Franklin. It will be published in September. It looks like it will be a wonderful book about my favorite author. (But it looks like it will also be revealing a lot of the less happy parts of her life.)

 I'm going to have to buy a copy of the published version when it comes out, because the end notes are lacking page numbers and the photographs aren't reproduced very well in the galley. This book is going to be a keeper, so I won't mind paying for a "duplicate" copy.

Current Talk '16 I / Re: "Knock Knock"
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:07:10 AM »
Patti, I think maybe the "have to invite a vampire in" part of the traditional vampire lore has to do with the sexual metaphor aspect of vampirism.  If you don't invite the vampire in, then he can't come in and corrupt you.  But if you do invite him in, well, that gives you responsibility for your own corruption.

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Mr. Popularity
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:01:13 AM »
Chris also had more other body part time besides face!   [ghost_wink]  But it wasn't until many years later, when watching HODS on VHS, that I really noticed Mr. Briscoe.

I remember watching this episode when it first aired.  (But I don't remember the ending.)  And I always remembered Geraldine Page and Richard Thomas, but not Barbara Steele.  But then again, I had no idea who Barbara Steele was when I saw it.

MB, I'm wondering if maybe it's the angle on the henchman's face and the way the light hits the blood that makes it more effective.  It looks like it could possibly be the same makeup technique as on Gabriel, but the angle and lighting on Gabriel make it much less effective.

Is there anyone active here who has seen the 129-minute cut?  (Have you, MB?)  I wonder if some shots originally were intended to last a bit longer.  There are certainly some very rough edits in the version we have currently.  And they definitely shortened/eliminated some shots to de-emphasize gore and sex between the (97-minute?) "pre-rated" or "R-rated" version and the 95-minute official release version.  (I saw the 97-minute version twice on the very first day of release.  Quentin and Angelique's kisses, and Gerard's moves on Tracy, were certainly eyebrow-raising, at least for an impressionable 14-year-old.  When I saw the movie again a fews years later on TV, it seemed quite a bit tamer--but that could well have been due to CBS' standards and practices department.  But then the VHS also seemed tamer than my memory of the initial release, and later on I learned about the apparent mistaken release of a non-PG version in Aug. 1971--which I had been lucky enough to catch!!)

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Twin Peaks
« on: April 26, 2016, 07:51:23 PM »
That TVLine article said that principal photography had completed.  For the whole series!  I didn't realize they'd actually started.  Wow.

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Twin Peaks
« on: April 26, 2016, 07:45:35 PM »
Yay, Julee Cruise is listed in the cast!  I hope that means we'll be getting some more Badalamenti tunes with Cruise vocals.  And maybe, maybe another album like "Into the Night"?  That would be heaven...

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: FINALLY!! Dr. Mabuse!
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:15:19 PM »
Got my copy of the Doctor Mabuse Collection on Monday.  Haven't watched either of the films yet, but I did get a chance to pop it in the player for a few minutes.  I was a little disappointed to find that the video is not encoded for anamorphic widescreen (i.e., "enhanced for 16:9 televisions").  If you have a 4:3 set, the picture will cover the entire width of the screen, with black bars on top and bottom.  But if you have a 16:9 set, the picture will be windowboxed, i.e. black bars on all four sides.  At least it will be better than watching it online.

The disc includes a 45 minute documentary about the making of the films, with Jerry, Kathryn, Lara, and Christopher all appearing in it.

I'm sure you're right, MB.  It all leads up to the very ending of the movie.

I've a hunch the basic story for the movie was not settled on until they got firm commitments from the "A-list" actors, so they'd know which actors to create characters for.  The "B-list" actors could be plugged into miscellaneous parts.

Also, revisiting a comment I made in the previous post, it's interesting how the boutique is described as "a very New York shop" and not "a very New York-like shop". Could it really be that the reason Scenes 81 & 82 are described as being set on a Tarrytown street is because in this film Collinwood is really located in Tarrytown, NY and not in Collinsport, ME?! I don't believe there are actually any references in the script to Collinsport or Maine. Or are the references to Tarrytown and New York simply oversights that crept into the script because they knew they would be shooting at Lyndhurst?

Okay, MB, I was all ready to go with this idea of NODS being set in a parallel universe with Collinwood in Tarrytown instead of Collinsport.  (Mainly because it just feels like it's in a parallel universe anyway.)  But then today's quote threw that idea out the window, at least for me.  Tracy saying that being in the shop makes her feel like she's "back in New York" would be a weird thing to say if she's only 30 miles up the Hudson.

I would definitely prefer Keith Prentice to Michael Stroka but my ideal choice for Gregory would have been Louis Edmonds.

Oh, Louis would have been a hoot in that role!

I also agree that Keith be preferable to Michael.

Happy Birthday belatedly, dearest MB!  [occasion18] [occasion15] [occasion18]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Today (4/4/16) Current Talk Montage
« on: April 07, 2016, 01:23:25 AM »
Okay, I thought "montage" referred to the pictures surrounding the forums, and "slideshow" referred to the slideshow...

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