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Messages - Gerard

Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: July 06, 2007, 11:14:17 PM »
The first thing that came to my mind was the music in one of the PT was supposed to be set the 19th century but the piano composition sounded more like something from a movie score from the 1940's.  Sorry for the lack of detail but, I couldn't recall the exact storyline.

You're probably thinking of "Joanna's Theme" which is actually from the Normal Time 1840 storyline, CastleBee.  Although it is a beautiful piece, it certainly was historically out-of-place.  It was eventually used as the theme music for the movie "Night of Dark Shadows," a very film noir type of melody.

My gripe with the 1840 plot was Gabriel's wheelchair.  Although it had an old-fashioned-looking wicker back, the rest of it was modern, with rubber wheels and glistening aluminum hand grips.  Obviously, the props man took a regular wheelchair and replaced the seat, leaving the rest of the contraption.  Either that, or Blanche Hudson's wheelchair somehow tumbled down the time-travel staircase and old Ben Stokes found it, figuring with a few mid-nineteenth-century replacement parts, it would work for sad, handicapped Gabriel.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: the gang in 1795...
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:57:36 AM »
In 1840, could Judah Zachary have placed a spell on the court making them believe a witchcraft trial was legal to ensure Quentin would be hanged?

No.  The only who would've had powers to do that would've been lobbyists and PAC members.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: A Parallel Time Sitcom
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:30:49 AM »
And the episode where Erica Tiffany-Smith arrives on the island, Joan Bennet plays her.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: the gang in 1795...
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:06:50 PM »
What really bugged me was the whole thing about putting Vicki (or Phyllis) on trial for witchcraft.  The Salem incident was just barely over a 100 years old and had embarrassed the heck out of New England, bringing such trials to an end.  To think, a century later, that they would accuse somebody of the capital crime of witchcraft to me was simply ludicrous.  Okay, so it was a good angle, but it was still horrifically historically innacurate.

Now, I could see them still filled with superstitious puritanism and thinking Vicki was a witch, and wanting to deal with her, yet knowing putting her on trial for it would be impossible.  It would've made more sense, in my opinion, if they had charged her with murder, since that was a crime, and said she used witchcraft as the weapon.  That way, they could've had their cake and ate it, too.  They could argue that they weren't trying her for witchcraft, and even though it was no longer considered a crime, that doesn't mean that it didn't exist.  All they had to do was prove that she used it to commit murder or any other illegal mayhem.  That, I think, would have made the whole story more interesting:  she's being tried for murder, and the "weapon" was witchcraft, and there could be a whole lot of arguments between the characters if the accused choice of weapon was real or not.


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1042
« on: June 25, 2007, 05:41:02 PM »
Hoffman:  I hardly think that was funny!

Maggie:  The hell it wasn't!  You should've seen Alexis after she hit that wire on the staircase!  Boing-boing-boing!  Splat!


...finding a bathroom in Collinwood.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Favorite Episode?
« on: June 23, 2007, 12:01:35 AM »
I would have to agree that it was the first episode.  Everything about it was perfect - the writing, acting, directing, camera work.  The combination of exterior footage blended with sound-stage filming.  Never did Joan Bennet look so regal.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Joan Crawford as...
« on: June 22, 2007, 11:54:32 PM »
My goodness!  Can you just picture Joan Crawford and Judy Garland working together on Dark Shadows?  Those vodka bottles would've been flying!  Just to add some more spice, they could've asked Bette Davis to do a stint as Mrs. Johnson.  Mmmmeeeeeooooowwwww!!!!!!  Ssssss-ssssss!  "Louis!  Jonathan!  Nancy!  Kathryn!  Quick!  Get into the safe room!  They're at it again!  Wait for the all-clear!"


Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: June 21, 2007, 01:00:49 AM »
Yes! I had completely forgotten about that big threat of Paul Stoddard's ghost coming back and killing Jeb. So that really DOES explain it. Vicky got offed because Dennis Patrick got another acting gig! Oh the horrors!

Well, let's be grateful.  Joan Bennet could've been offered a temporary stint somewhere else and they would've had to write off her character as being buried-alive/sent-to-Wyndcliff/off-on-a-Bloomingdale's-sale-of-the-century-shopping-spree and who knows what "plot twists" they would've come up with then.


Of course!  Once I again, I had suffered from FDSMS (Faulty Dark Shadows Memory Syndrome).  Maybe it was Joe who was wearing the Mary-Tyler-Moore pants.  That's why he was sometimes cranky when he went on dates with Carolyn.  It had nothing to do with her being sassy.


Wasn't Carolyn wearing "Mary-Tyler-Moore" pants in, I believe, the second or third episode, where she was cuttin' a rug with all her cool cats and chicks friends to the juke box in the Blue Whale?


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: I'M BACK
« on: June 10, 2007, 02:23:32 PM »
Hi, Lovely Annie!  Hope everything's going great!  Now make sure you do quite a bit of posting - the Q-Man has been missing you!


Polls Archive / Re: my favorite carolyn
« on: June 08, 2007, 01:09:58 AM »
My runner up (and I voted for '70PT Carolyn) would be '95 Carolyn.  She was simply brilliant playing a fortiesh crazy woman.  Even the makeup aging her, showing the results of her insanity, making her appear older than a woman her age, was extraordinary.  One of the best NB scenes, in my opinion, was when she was eating grapes - I think it was grapes - while just blabbering on in her madness.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Come None Of The 91 Stars Come???
« on: June 03, 2007, 03:15:35 PM »
Jean Simmons? You mean that guy from Kizz with the really long tougne was in the 91 DS?! Rockin!
Haha. Gotcha didn't I?

Not too far from what once actually did happen!  On some old DS message board or newsgroup somewhere, I was once typing in a hurry and "Jean" turned into "Gene."  Well, several posters, not familiar with the revival series, took it literally and before you knew it, it had taken on a life of its own with people excitedly talking about how "the guy from KISS" was on the '91 version and how they had wished they had seen it.  It took quite a few posts to clean that mess up.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Come None Of The 91 Stars Come???
« on: June 02, 2007, 11:09:34 PM »
I had my problems with the reviival series; I guess I've made that know here.  From the lack of sublety as found in the original, to palm trees obvious and apparent in the background, many things gourded on me.  But it was still an attempt to bring an updated DS to millions of fans and was successful in its endeavors.  Would I like to see its actors and actresses at a festival?  You bet your boots.  (Or, as my late dad would've said, You betcha boots.)  To see an actress as renowned as Jean Simmons would've set my heart afire.
