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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT to dom
« on: July 25, 2003, 06:06:00 PM »

I saw the topic of this post, and was hoping it had something to do with your avatar.  I'd been wanting to mention for some time that I love it!  Florence Ballard is my favorite member of the Supremes.  Too bad she didn't get the recognition she deserved.   :'(


Current Talk '03 II / Re:The Stepfather.......
« on: July 25, 2003, 05:50:38 PM »
Speaking of old movies, with that moustache and that really lousy dye job, Timothy Stokes reminds me of Herbert Marshall, the distinguished British actor who played Somerset Maugham in the film version of Maugham's novel, "The Razor's Edge."


I know who Herbert Marshall was, and PT Stokes reminds me of him too.  A boozy, sleazy, creepy version of Herbert Marshall, but nonetheless...Perfect!

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 II / Re:John Yeager...what can I say.
« on: July 18, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »
Yeah, I could not BELIEVE that scene with Yaeger and Maggie in the alley.  I had to rewind the tape in order to prove to my unbelieving eyes that yes, he WAS dry humping her from behind!

It just beggars belief that Dark Shadows got away with something like this back in 1970.  Glad I didn't see this as a kid, it might have warped me.  Even more.  ::)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - LEFT KNEE
« on: July 15, 2003, 06:11:43 PM »
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, too Annie!  I've had knee trouble before, and know that it's just no fun.  Hope everything looks good on the MRI.

Take care, sweetie!   [sun]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Beck Was On DS?
« on: July 15, 2003, 06:04:25 PM »
So the REAL question is....what does Beck look like?  ???


To see the real Beck, go here:

BTW, does anyone know how I can have a look at yesterday's montage?  I'm dying to see the Beck-a-like.

Polls Archive / Re:Good vs. Evil - Poll 2
« on: July 11, 2003, 04:04:54 PM »
For me it's definitely vampire Barnabas all the way.  I do feel sorry for him each time the curse is reinstated, but he's just so much more interesting as a creature of the night.  He is especially good in the eps from when he first comes on the show until Vicki's trip to 1795.

As others have said, Barnabas in 1967 was ruthless, unpredictable, and believably evil, yet strangely enough he never seemed more human and understandable.  What was the line he spoke to Dr. Woodard?  "Loathsome I may be, and evil.  You can mock me for that.  But leave my pain alone!"

It totally gave the viewer insight into what made this villain tick, and made us sympathize with him for what he'd been through, even as we hated his actions.  That's great t.v.!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Good vs. Evil - Poll 1
« on: July 11, 2003, 03:52:57 PM »
My vote definitely goes to the Ghost of Quentin.  Menacing and sexy both at once!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Maggie Collins, as seen by Grandma Moses
« on: July 11, 2003, 03:08:19 PM »
Actually, with Maggie's portrait, we should count our blessings.  It could've been on black velvet - with her having those great, big, round sad eyes.

HA!!!  Even THAT would have been an improvement over the portrait we saw.  Thank goddess Quentin slashed it, 'cos if he hadn't, I would've!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Thursday's birthday
« on: July 09, 2003, 02:11:35 PM »
Hey gang!

I was offline for several days (a very needed vacation), and only got back just now.  What a treat it was to see these birthday greetings!  You certainly know how to turn a girl's head. [blshy]

Many thanks to DOMinatrix, Bob the Bartender, Mark Rainey, ProfStokes, onyx treasure, Annie, Maria Merriweather, Minja, Eleanor Rigby, Cassandra, Josette, Bobubas, and Midnite (a/k/a Iron Bitch), for your good wishes.  Y'all are the greatest!   :-*

My day was great, incidentally.  The big 40 and I've never felt better!   ;D

P.S. To Bob the Bartender - of course you realize that my own glossy raven tresses are NATURAL and that I would NEVER dye them.  ::)

P.S. to DOM - thanks for the thoughtful gift.  Really needed that lighter fluid, and boy is my arm ever getting tired!  [chkyy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:No Embalming in Collinsport?
« on: July 01, 2003, 06:11:16 PM »
Not embalming?  Isn't that against the law in some states?  I guess Maine isn't one of them.  But it's hard to believe they didn't at least embalm Angelique.  The way she's acting in this storyline might be explained by the lack of blood to her brain.  ::)

Brrr.  Hafta go, this creepy subject is giving me goosebumps!!!   [a2a3]

Polls Archive / Re:Happy 37th Anniversary!
« on: June 27, 2003, 03:10:06 PM »
Has to be the first episode!  It's just so atmospheric and heavily laden with the promise of all the spooky goings-on yet to come.  Think I'll watch it again this weekend.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Parallel Time
« on: June 25, 2003, 02:46:06 PM »
Well, far be it from me to dissent, ;) but I kind of like PT1970.  There are elements that could be far better, I'll give you that; in some senses it's a storyline with several failed opportunities.  But I still enjoy much of it.

I find it very believable that the PT characters are so different from the RT characters.  That's kind of the point.   These aren't the same characters we're used to.  They share the same names (mostly) and faces as the characters we already know - but that's it.  The circumstances of their births, their family histories, their lives up to now, everything has always been different from what happened in RT.

I agree, it would have been nice to see a spunkier Maggie.  But I still think she showed a little more backbone than she's given credit for: she called Hoffman on some of her bullshit, and wouldn't let Quentin treat her like a child.

The Longworth/Yaeger storyline is yucky for the most part.  The best thing about it is Buffie Harrington.  If they'd focused more on her character it could've been better.  :(

The Alexis/Angelique angle is a lot of fun, IMHO.  I've just always loved evil twin soap plots, and this one is becomes a real humdinger.  Here, Hannah and Stokes could have been used to better effect, but I think Lara Parker really carries it off quite well.

It is hard to root for anyone at this stage of the game, though.  Barnabas is out of commission, and Maggie's AWOL in NYC.  With Alexis possibly not who she says she is, Quentin acting like a jerk, Hoffman a total bitch (what a hoot!), and with Liz, Roger, Carolyn and Willie totally in the background, it's hard to find your safe place as a viewer.  :-

I do think that this storyline picks up a bit with the return of Barnabas, and when the "real" Julia Hoffman shows up.   :)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:PT Characters
« on: June 18, 2003, 03:21:05 PM »
Wooo, Gerard!  That's a really hot idea - Vicki the PTAngelique hater.  The only woman who can scare Yaeger.  Fanfic, anyone?

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Best and Worst of Leviathans
« on: June 17, 2003, 03:37:53 PM »
Most welcome character (the one you were happiest to see)?
Evil Barnabas - cold as ice!  >:D

Your favorite character in Leviathans, period.
Julia as detective

Favorite duo (non-romantic)?
Julia and Quentin taking turns guarding Barnabas.

Favorite romantic pairing?
Paul and Liz Stoddard (ha!)

Favorite minor character?
Nelle Gunston.  I just really like Elizabeth Eis!

Most irritating character?
Michael.  Would like to wring his neck.

Scene(s) you can watch over and over and over and...?
The entire sequence of Angelique finding out about Sky being a member of the Leviathans and that he answers to her old boss Nicholas Blair.  Priceless.

Most wasted opportunity?
In this case it's a character: Professor Stokes - why didn't they do more with him?

Best plot twist?
Megan becoming a vampire.  She was so good at it!

Creepiest moment or event?
Paul Stoddard's abuse at the hands of a chilly Leviathan Liz.

Which scene had you yelling at your TV screen the loudest?
The marriage of Carolyn and Jeb.

What moment made you cheer the loudest?
Jeb's little tumble off Widow's Hill.

Moment in which you most wondered, "What were the writers smoking?"
Liz's psychedelic Leviathan conversion.  [crazd]

Event or revelation that made you ask, "What were the writers smoking?"
Peter Bradford reveals Vicki's death.  I also just don't believe it.

Favorite quote?
"Cheap insufferable pig!"

Favorite prop?
Bruno's whip.

Favorite special effect?
The ghost of Nicholas Blair.

Least favorite special effect?
That stupid fricking construction paper shadow.  What the?!?

Ugliest outfit?
Bruno's fur coat.  Could this guy BE any more skanky?  [snake]

Stupidest continuity error (the most horrendous job of retconning in this storyline)?
The only thing that can kill Jeb is a werewolf...unless it's drowning...unless it's smashing the Leviathan altar...or a shadow...or WHATEVER!  [kaiokn]

What scene had you closest to tears (because it was so touching)?
Josette and Barnabas: the final farewell.  :'(

What scene had you closest to tears (from laughing)?
Paul Stoddard and his grin.  [crazy]

Moment or event that made your jaw drop the farthest?
The sum total (acting, camera work, writing etc.) of the Paul Stoddard goes mad at Collinwood segment.  This was brilliant, esp. his interactions with Liz.

What nagging question were you left with?  (Uh, try to narrow it down, please. :))
Whatever happened to Audrey the Leviathan Vampire Chick? [vampy]

Finally, what was your reaction to the storyline the very first time you watched it?
To paraphrase this very poll, "what were the writers smoking?"   [smokn]

This time around was the second viewing for me, and I have to say I enjoyed it more than last time.  Maybe my expectations were lower, but there were some really fine & fun moments.

Thanks, Midnite.  This was fun!  :-*

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Buried
« on: June 17, 2003, 02:05:20 PM »
Suki Forbes?

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