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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '11 I / Re: How to explain 1840 Angelique...?
« on: January 30, 2011, 05:31:36 AM »
I was going to read all three pages of this thread, but after reading through only half of the first page my mind began to boggle and I had to stop before I went insane. lol. Honestly, trying to figure out some of the timelines that took place on this show is not only mind numbing but it's also suicidal. The fact of the matter is that the writers didn't pay much attention to continuity, as we all know, which is one of the best things about DS because it allows us, the fans, to continually debate exactly what happened.

Whatever the reason, I'm glad the brought back Angelique as much as they did because she was obviously a fan favorite and was the character who could throw a wrench into any storyline.

It's definitely exciting to see that Frid will be involved in a "modest way" with the new DS film. I've been out of the DS loop for a bit now, and I just found the news that the film will begin shooting in April, which is exciting. I'm interested to see what the product of the filmmakers efforts will be, and if DS will appeal to the highly romanticized young adult crowd that is currently going gaga over vampire stories at this point in time.

It's amazing to me how only a few years ago vamps seemed to be on the outs but thanks to Twilight all of a sudden they're the shiznit at again.

Now all I have to do is work up the courage to actually go to the theater when this film comes out and sit through everyone's eating noises and cellphone clicking.

I figured after Frid went to the last fest that it would be a regular thing for him again. I'm surprised, but not really. He seemed to have such a good time at his 40th anniversary that it was only a matter of time before it became a regular thing. I'm glad that he continues to choose to spend those few days with us each year. I would like to see him add something new to his apperance this time though. I didn't go to this year's fest, but it seemed like it was along the same lines of 07's fest, in regards to his apperance. But then, I'm sure with the fests he went to in the past, he's probably done it all anyway.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: September 03, 2008, 11:40:41 PM »
Nelson, I really like the Burning (Wo)Man story proposal you posted. It would definitely be a great way to bring Laura back into the series to wreak havoc on those at Collinwood. Not to mention that the festival itself would be a great setting for 2-4 episodes at any point during the season because it would cause major drama within the family and in the town. It could be something else for the town to ban together against the Collins family for.

And yes, Nina was the name of the werewolf in Angel Season 5.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 28, 2008, 03:29:26 AM »
I think that it is VERY possible that Barnabas might bite a male and that it be erotically portrayed in the film, given that we have Burton directing (he's afraid of nothing), Depp starring (he's afraid of nothing and nothing's brother), and we have John August writing, who is a gay man and undoubtedly would have no problem writing it into the script if it served the story.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:20:59 PM »
I don't mind being criticized, so that's why I responded.

And I do agree that recasting roles can be disconcerting because depending on the new actors take on things it will take a while to get used to their portrayal versus the original actor's take on the character.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:44:45 AM »
Taeylor--I think it would work as either, as has been proven in the past with the original series and the 91 remake, but my version was envisioned as a primetime drama. And I'm glad you like my ideas!

Goober--Your comment, I'm assuming, refer to the appearence of Roger and Barnabas in my take on the revision of the series. I think we could get away with Roger being recast, but and we've dealt with and will deal with Barnabas and everyone being recast. But I like Jon Frid as Barnabas, so that's why I kept the "older" version of him to one episode in my idea--this way, his "son" could be introduced, with a different name (instead of Barnabas Collins, maybe Bramwell Collins, Brandon, Ethan, George, Goober, Jeff, Alex, etc etc) and a different actor playing them.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: John Seavey’s Storytelling Engines: Angel
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:36:26 AM »
I think the comparison between Angel and Barnabas is always brought up because both vampires had a "conscience". Barnabas didn't like what he was cursed into being, and as such he begged his father to end his life so that everyone around him wouldn't end up dying. Meanwhile, Angel was a selfish, evil fiend who killed anything and everything, just for sport, but when his soul was introduced into the equation, he made conscious decisions to change his way of life. Of course he couldn't kill anyone because he'd feel guilty, but he still could've fed off of people without killing them, but chose to drink pig's blood instead.

I read this article a few days back after seeing it posted on Whedonesque. I thought it was definitely interesting, and I'd like to see this guy try to analyze the original DS like he has other shows.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Collector Plates by MPI
« on: August 21, 2008, 04:15:30 PM »
When I first heard about these, I was also interested in them. But at this point my DS collecting is winding down majorly, and I'm glad that I didn't shell out the money for them. From what it sounds, I would have returned them promptly after looking at them. This is also why I never bought the later model music box that MPI released with the wedding picture on the four sides of the box. When I looked it over at the fest, it looked like I could've dropped it from 5 inches off the ground and it would've broken, and it was so tiny that I could've flushed it down the toliet!

Nothing against those who have bought it, more power to you, I just wouldn't have paid what they were asking for it.  I would've countered with $5.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 21, 2008, 03:58:57 PM »
The problem with coming at this thing with supernatural stories is that you only have so many classics to use before you have to really dip deep into the well of those stories that aren't as familiar to people. These take more set up, and can be easier to pull off because you have more creative freedom with them.

But, what needs to be focused on in order for a new DS series to take place is the CHARACTERS. And I'm not talking about their possible supernatural illnesses. I think a DS: The Next Gen would be a good starting point, and so would a complete reboot of the series (as in new actors playing our familiar characters). The thing about DS: TNG is that you can have a completely fresh story with new (and old) characters, and still have little easter eggs throughout the series that are callbacks to the original show that we would catch.

If there were a DS: TNG, my vision is this:

David is master of Collinwood, but isn't happy about it. He feels as if he's been forced into it because Carolyn cultivated an interest in the paranormal and began traveling the world, teaching, learning, and living, so after Elizabeth died, David was the next one in line to take over the estate. He also runs the Cannery and Fishing Business, and is days are long, stressful, and fraught with problems. While he does have his wife to help run Collinwood, she is becoming increasingly stressed as well, and angry with David, because he comes home in nothing but anger much of the time, and takes it out on her. Not to mention the fact that he feels obligated to go over the Collinwood business when he gets home. Translation: Their marriage is falling apart, and she is thinking about divorce.

Now, if Roger is still alive, he'd have to be recast. I'd prefer to see his original pompous, highly aristocratic manor reduced to being in a wheelchair, and needing assistance from someone else to do most daily things. This would and could be mined for comic relief. His and David's relationship still wouldn't be a good one, because Roger always tries to offer up suggestions about what David should do with the business, and David feels as if his father doesn't trust him to do what needs to be done with the business.

David would have some kids, one or two, and they would provide your typical teenage storylines. Here is where the supernatural things could be introduced--the daughter is dating a guy who has a short temper only to discover he's a werewolf. The son gets entranced by a witch-like girl who takes him home to meet mom who is really Angelique!

Carolyn would return in the first or second episode, finding Collinwood and the life of her cousin not doing so well. Carolyn comes back with bad news--in her travels, she stumbled across Barnabas, who informed her that Julia has just died. Carolyn has elected (basically forced) an aging Baranbas to return to Collinwood with her, despite his vehement refusals, claiming that if he comes back bad things will most certainly happen. Once he is back, and staying at Collinwood, despite his protests that he'd rather live at the Old House, he feels a familiar urge that he hasn't felt in decades: the urge for blood.

Baranbas ends up in the hospital one evening, suffering from a condition that the doctors cannot diagnose. Late one night, a hot young nurse enters the aging man's room, and he makes her his victim.

Soon after, a young man shows up at Collinwood, one who bears a striking resemblance to Barnabas, and says that he is Barnabas' son. He claims that the hospital contacted him after his father's death, and he is here to meet his family, back from studying abroad.

Things are beginning to heat up at Collinwood...and old ghosts are returning to haunt.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: a REAL Dark Shadows music box?
« on: August 21, 2008, 03:31:28 PM »
That was me that mentioned that. From what I recall, the seller on ebay was selling it for a couple of least that's what I remember. I wonder how many of those music boxes they made. It's just lovely IMO...much better than the cheap plastic box of the original.

Well I know that my parents didn't pay that much for the thing, it was probably more around $60. Are the ones you're talking about hand made? Because the one I have is definitely manufactured.

I'm definitely participating in this!!! I haven't really ever had a chance to get into the original Watching Project just because of sheer lack of time, but this series has less episodes so I'll be able to find the time to keep up now I think!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: a REAL Dark Shadows music box?
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:15:35 AM »
Someone mentioned a small, silver music box that played the Josette theme that was seen on eBay a few years back. I think I might have the one in question. It's all silver, and it came in a purple box. It's about two inches tall, and probably three inches across the top, from left to right. I haven't played it in the longest time, but from what I remember, it plays the actual theme, or a very close version to it. It's a windup.

I don't remember what it cost back then, because I got it as a gift. I was pleased with it, but would've much rather had the original music box released when the show was still on the air in the 60s, but those are very hard to come by intact, and in good condition, for a reasonable price.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: New Big Finish Dramas
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:07:27 AM »
Thanks for the reviews, guys. I already have the first four dramas released. I was looking more for opinions on the latest two featuring Maggie Evans that were premiered at the fest this year.

I read last year or a few years ago that vampires were a thing of the past and were on the way out as far as storytelling goes, because there were so many vampire stories out there that the market was heavily weighed down and becoming too populated. But it seems like that article was wrong because with the upcropping of vampire tinged things here lately, it seems like vamps are still in style. I mean, you have Twilight (which I just read and thought it was pretty good, though the fourth book is getting horrible reviews), True Blood, the new DS remake, Buffy and Angel comics, Moonlight (which was cancelled, but it was still a vampire show), and shows like Supernatural that have featured vampires.