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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Leviathans Are The Best Time Period!!!
« on: March 17, 2006, 12:08:08 AM »
My Apologies in advance: In honor of my writing muses, I had to correct the spelling of "Leviathans" in the subject line for my was driving me nuts.  :P ;D

Forgive me...I'm in "everything's gotta be perfect for final projects" mode right now...  [homework]

Anyway--one big highlight (for me) in the Leviathan time period has to be Julia's role in the whole situation. The way she juggles everything, playing master detective while her "good friend" is under the faceless terror's evil influence is just...inspiring.

I know, go figure...   ::) >:D

Happy B-Day, darling... :-*

Chris says Hi... ;)

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0964
« on: March 08, 2006, 11:49:27 PM »
{Standing Ovation}


G, that brought a tear to my eye...thank you.  xo

 >:D  :-*

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Voluptuous Horror of Grayson Hall
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:26:13 AM »
Great captures lately MB...things like that make me smile after a long day...  :)

I once knew an acquaintance who, when prompted for memories of DARK SHADOWS, would smile and say, "Remember Dr. Hoffman?!" and raise his hand over his face as if to block the "horror" before him... just like Julia. Did we ever count the number of times Grayson made that gesture on the series?
We also need to count up the number of times Grayson sniffed, and the number of times Dr. Hoffman gave someone a sedative.

...or how many times she pulled taut/twisted her gloves...

Or pursed her lips...

Or gasped...

Or consulted her medical bag, twirled her medallion, etc, etc...

That would make a fun homework assignment, doncha think?

;D   :-    :-*

Aww nuts...always late to the party. sigh. :(

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Has DS ever influenced what YOU wear?
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:27:20 AM »
Last year in Zara's they had a pinkish tweed suit that i wanted to buy to freak out my JuliaList pals!  haha!

I would have loved to have seen that...  >:D

Wow - congrats, and wishing you continued success!!  [clap]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: DIED ... BY ... FIRE!!
« on: February 15, 2006, 10:13:10 PM »
MB, I gotta echo Steve's it! Thanks for the chuckle and smile today...  :-*
The messages one sees when one clicks on said floaty are delightfully wicked as well...  ^-^

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Sci-Fi Channel Documentary
« on: February 11, 2006, 01:34:57 AM »
Connie, you adorable thing rock! Omg...LMAO   >:D  ;D    :-* :-*



Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1205
« on: February 10, 2006, 04:42:11 AM »
"Morgan, please, put a sock on it, won't you?"


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Bette!
« on: February 05, 2006, 04:38:54 AM »
Happy Birthday, Bette! Hope you had a Graysoney day full of the things
you love best. :)  xo

Now that is a great suggestion! I am SO there.  :D  :-*

I'd write as many letters as I can, or whatever it would take, regardless if I can make it to the fest or not... :-*

The bio more than deserves a little moment in the sun, IMO.   8)

Thanks for pointing that out, Midnite!  Looks interesting.  Although I wince at that unflattering shot of Deborah Kerr chosen for the box art...

Ya know...Mr. G's comment made me go back and take another gander at that site. I was in such a rush I didn't check out the cover art the first time. :o :o

OMG...I need one of Julia's sedatives... I'm sorry but...I can't help but comment on the cover:

First of all, the best cover out of the lot of them, IMO (remember I said - opinion! ;)) is the cover on the box for the boxed set itself. The rest I think could be tweaked a bit...but getting to the NOTL cover...the thing that strikes me the most, aside from the fact that those are some unflattering shots of most of the actors, and that even though I love the color pink like there's no tomorrow (cough), is that THE academy-award nominated actor IS NOT on the dang cover! A travesty in my book...
In fact, the only mention of her name is near the bottom left hand corner...
I know I'm biased, I think her acting stood out and was an ingenious part of the plot, fleshed out the tortured soul that was Judith "spitfire" Fellowes beautifully, but...come on! If you are going to include the main actors of the plot on the cover, include them ALL...

[deep breath] Okay, rant over...time for chocolate.   ;)

And isn't it amazing that James Ward receives slightly higher billing than GH?  I assume that the packaging reflects the credit order in the film itself, but nonetheless, she did play a much more prominent role in the film than he did.

Whoops - yup, You're probably right passion overshadowed the likely reason behind that...omission, but still...honestly!  >:(  ;)

Okay, I'll be quiet now...

Current Talk '06 I / Re: sale at brewster's!
« on: February 03, 2006, 02:32:42 AM »
Neat.  ;) There were also a W.T. Grants, Zayre's, and Shop 'N Save stores in W. PA/Pittsburgh area as well.  ;D
They all closed in our area by the 80's...except for Shop 'N Save, which is still alive and well in our neck of the woods.

To everyone: Thanks for the update and info...  :-*