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Messages - Stuart

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:keith prentice fan
« on: December 28, 2003, 08:28:09 PM »

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 19, 2003, 02:57:54 AM »
My point exactly, Darren.  Since one can't conclusively say what a uniquely "Dark Shadows" story is, I don't think you can discount any new version outright.  You can't reasonably bemoan that a new version won't match a set of criteria that you can't articulate yourself.  To me, that's like saying: "Well, I'll love that radio show, so long as it's yellow."

There probably isn't a single story from the original show which isn't cribbed from somewhere, so I think the possibilities are endless.  Personally, I find that very exciting -- you have a totally blank canvas to play with once you've set up the cast... horror, romance, mystery, period drama -- all valid possibilities providing you can tell a good story.

But, for the sake of argument I'll have a go at a concept:

"The lives and loves of the residents of the Collinwood mansion, and the dark shadows that the supernatural casts casts upon them."

Endless possibilities -- which is the best future any new show can have.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 19, 2003, 01:05:45 AM »
That may be all well and true, but telling good stories is not just what it is about. It has tol tell stories that are uniquely dark shadows and indistiwuishably darks shadows.

As I said before, I'd love to know what that actually means...  and, following on from that, why that's such a tall order?

i have decided to relax my requirements for the original series...

John Wells breathes a sigh of relief...

Quote comedy, unless a boom microphone or camera gets into a shot or the actors flub  the lines or sets falling down.

Riggggghhht...  So, substandard production is perfectly okay, but daring to introduce a human dimension like wit isn't?  Makes perfect sense.  I dunno -- were I a more cynical person, I'd assume you're being very witty...


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 18, 2003, 11:40:39 PM »
Kids who think that special effects are the key to good story telling and tv and movies are very  dumb and thick skulled.

I find that a very misleading statement - Raineypark's post remarked on a younger generation struggling with a "visually dull" original - storytelling never came into it.

Sure, DS was cherishably great at times. However, there was also a lot of dross, substandard production and outright stupid excesses along the way.  It's important to retain that perspective.  A new version can't survive on fans alone -- as I think I pointed out elsewhere, the entire fan audience could switch off after the first episode and it would be a blip on the ratings, if anything.

None of the arguments about new producers not "getting what Dark Shadows truly is" convince me.  Firstly, I haven't a clue what that statement actually means -- and I think if pressed, the original poster would struggle to define that term in any tangible way.  And secondly, it boils down to the same irrational argument of blindly slating something that hasn't even been written, let alone cast or filmed.

I see no reason why a new version can't unite the strengths of the original with the benefits of hindsight and a more sophisticated production.  Ethos is a lot more important to the show than mythos, I think.  Beyond that, it's just a case of telling good stories... that's all that counts.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 18, 2003, 09:21:24 PM »
Of course you can manage without an introduction to Barnabas -- it's so easy to do...  He's a guy no one knows too much about, brooding and distant with shadows in his past and a secret that threatens his future.  That's all a new viewer needs -- if anything, it makes the whole vampire thing a much bigger surprise than the hand-out-of-a-coffin stuff ever could.

With a new version nothing is sacred.  Nothing's nailed down and nothing needs to be obeyed -- all that's needed is imagination and an open mind to the possibilities.

231 - The Dark Shadows Journal Online


As the festive season approaches, the Dark Shadows Journal re-opens its Christmas sub-site just in time for the holidays! With original fiction, humour, winter e-cards featuring classic characters and desktop wallpaper, it's everything you need to enjoy Christmas at Collinwood!


Stuart :)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Angelique in NoDS
« on: December 14, 2003, 02:01:51 AM »
Steve...where is Sam Hall's screenplay? Is it something you download, or something you personally bid on and won?

The original script is reproduced from Dan Curtis' archive copy in the "Dark Shadows Movie Book", published by Pomegranate Press.

As for Angelique, I always felt that she wasn't a witch.  Certainly in the full script she's a far more sympathetic character than Strack and his cronies.  My take on it was that the injustice of her death kept her spirit at Collinwood, and that any powers she showed were gained from attempting to alter those events. I very much like the cloudiness of the character - it's a nice source of mystery for the film, and it definitely benefits from not answering all the questions it raises.

I'm pretty glad the unfilmed scenes were lost - the opening reads as a wonderful set piece, but it pretty much kills any intrigue in the opening act along the way.  And the shopping scene with Gregory really spoils the enclosure of the rest of the movie - all the action takes place on the Collinwood estate, so popping away for a daytrip halfway through seriously compromises that sense of isolation.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:MPI Mailing
« on: December 14, 2003, 01:51:46 AM »
There's no price listed for the Return To Collinwood CD - simply an ad that says it will be available in 2004.  ;)

Is there any artwork shown for "Return to Collinwood", out of interest?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 09, 2003, 11:02:43 PM »
I don't understand the anti-WB camp either...  John Wells' previous work (E.R. and The West Wing) is hardly teen orientated fluff -- far from it.  Both are credible popular dramas with strong production values, and there's been nothing said to suggest that his take on DS would be any different.

By all means, if it makes it to the air and you hate it, then slate it to your heart's content, but entirely dismissing something that hasn't even been made yet seems pretty illogical.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:TV Guide dot Com
« on: December 07, 2003, 01:31:20 AM »
I think some of the people are being a little unfair about the article - it's not meant to be a serious journalistic overview of the casting process, but just a bit of fun kicking about possibilities.

Anyway, since a friend suggested it to me, I'm convinced that Crispin Glover is just born to play Barnabas. He's about the right age, looks totally sinister and has just the right air of menace about him.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Dark Shadows Journal Updates
« on: November 29, 2003, 07:31:18 AM »
i am uploaded one, and it has also works with my msn, thing. which i didnt know it would

Hmmmm... I'm intrigued -- I didn't think they were MSN compatible.  Are you using Trillian to sign into MSN, or something like that?

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Dark Shadows Journal Updates
« on: November 27, 2003, 07:00:06 AM » -- The Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the website:

* AOL IM Buddy Icons: Customise your online chatting with a spooky new range of Dark Shadows character icons

* News: Updates about upcoming events, plus the cover for Dark Shadows DVD Collection 10


Stuart :)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Return to Collinwood 2003
« on: November 27, 2003, 05:56:00 AM »
The version on the CD was recorded on Labor Day -- the Monday after the festival -- at a New York sound studio.  I'm not sure if it's still the case, but there was talk of putting some enhanced multimedia features on the disc.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 26, 2003, 05:49:56 AM »
I cannot help but be concerned for the fact that it is going to be on that network which is known for the kind of meaningless sex,humor and endless casting of all teenage cast for its shows. I have set up some personal requirements for me to watch the show beyond 1 to 3 episodes.

TBH, the fans are the last people it needs to please to survive -- and rightly so.  From the WB's perspective, we could all switch off after the first episode and it would barely register on the ratings, if at all.  We're a blip on the scale, nothing more, so they can take or leave us.

Personally, I'd love to see some more humour in a new series.  One of the things I loved about the recent "Return to Collinwood" play was its rich vein of comedy, which genuinely enhanced the story -- it adds a dimension to the characters and brings a touch of welcome reality too.  And the show itself was frequently at its strongest when it smirked at its characters and excesses -- don't forget Quentin's bitter line in acid wit, Magda's simpering sarcasm to Barnabas or Count Petofi's penchant for Wildean one-liners.  Terrific stuff -- one should never confuse being funny with being silly.

As for a new show, I'm open minded -- I don't really care how true it is to the original, if it has teenagers in, or whether KLS has a cameo...  Make it good drama with a few surprises and I'll be a happy viewer.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Return to Collinwood 2003
« on: November 26, 2003, 05:42:39 AM »
It's in the latter stages of post production, so expect it probably early in 2004 now.

And very spiffy it is too  :D

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