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Messages - joe integlia

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: KATHRYN L. SCOTT IN A WIG?
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:17:28 PM »
i think if you watch the commercial u would have a different opinion. she even says 1 line and the voice sounds like her too before it switches to the other actress voice over. i agree it does look like ginger too but it didnt sound like her. anyway it would be a good question to ask KLS at the next convention.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / KATHRYN L. SCOTT IN A WIG?
« on: November 13, 2008, 04:28:16 AM »
Is this KLS in a wig? it sure looks like her. as ive mentioned here before, i work at a video editing facility in hollywood and all week long i have been editing this ad for the drug "RECLAST" into various daytime shows. after watching this ad about a thousand times i noticed at the end of the ad, this woman looks a lot like KLS. however in the rest of the ad it is clearly NOT her. KLS did mention that she just shot a medication ad at the burbank festival. if this is the ad and indeed her, i wonder why they only used her in the 1 shot. the ad is running this week in various court shows like DIVORCE COURT, JUDGE ALEX+ CHRISTINAS COURT and im sure many other shows.

this was a pilot for a proposed nightime series. videotape was mostly used for daytime soaps, variety shows and talk shows. it is a bit strange that it was not filmed but i think all of dan curtis productions were shot on video untill he made House Of Dark Shadows.

i heard an interview at work today with anne hathaway. i work at video post production place and we feed video to places. i dont know where it was going or what show it was for but she declared that she was beginning filming today on tim burton's "alice in wonderland" with depp.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: DS Halloween Party in LA
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:58:18 AM »
great photos. great house. great costumes. too bad msn is getting so stingy. they have eliminated chat rooms, discussion boards and now the groups will be no more.  [furious3]

i too was a bit puzzled by that "recollection" of dan dreaming about the idea of ds in the army. i never heard that version before but it would not be the first time kls remembered things a little different than how they actually happened.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Lara Parker's 71st bday
« on: October 29, 2008, 05:07:49 PM »
in honor of LARA PARKER'S birthday, i have added a vintage D.S. event video to my youtube page. exactly 20 years ago tomorrow, OCT 30th, 1988, the dark shadows fan club of southern california held a halloween/slightly belated birthday party with LARA in attendance! she watched clips from the show with us and using a "picture in picture" effect i superimposed her image onto the screen so u can watch her watching and reacting to the clips shown. she treated us to comments and the "house of cards" story. then we presented her with a lovely gift and cake. we also introduced her to RICHARD HALPERN'S niece, her name is ANGELIQUE! the entire video is available. for anyone interested email me directly JAYTEEVIDEO@YAHOO.COM
about 10 minutes from the event can be viewed on my youtube page.


i uploaded a 10 minute highlited version of the John Stanley interview with KLS + LP on youtube.
anyone interested in having the entire video that runs 50min and includes the stars signing autographs can e-mail me at JAYTEEVIDEO@YAHOO.COM for details. however someone else has uploaded most of the interview in 4 parts.

2 more.... KLS + LP

another picture..... John Stanley, KLS + LP on stage at the castro

the video transfer for h.o.d.s. done by crest national (where i used to work)was excellent and color corrected and i think it is the transfer used for the laser disc but it wasnt used for the vhs release. i only hope the color corrected transfer used for the laser disc is also used for the dvd release. heres another picture from the event......

picture of the castro theatre marquee on saturday. more pictures coming soon....

a picture of the schedule for "shock it to me" 2008 more pictures to come later......

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: DS Halloween Party in LA
« on: October 20, 2008, 11:07:44 AM »
sounds like fun. i would have been there but it was the same wknd as the shock it to me screenings of hods+nods in sf and i went there instead. i look forward to the christmas party in december.

i am here at davids and leaving to head back to hollywood soon. im sure david will post a lengthy report.  i sat thru 4 movies, horror of dracula, curse of frankenstein, n..o.d.s+ h.o.d.s. darren was able to show his n.o.d.s. presentation without the technical problems he had at the festival. it was very enjoyable. the thetre got a great turnout for all the movies shown that day. lara+katryn were on hand for the entire day, signing autogaphs upstairs and later apeaed on stage with horror host john stanley. john confessed earlier in private to david+i that he didnt know much about d.s. he was doing  fine job interviewing untill he made the mistake of stating that lara+kathryn were in both d.s. films but he was jokingly corrected. i got some pictures+video and will post asap. 

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