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Messages - Gerard

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ALL/OT
« on: February 15, 2008, 02:09:12 AM »
Same to you, Annie!  I just spent my Valentine's Day shoveling over six inches of new-fallen snow, and more is still yet falling!  I'm gonna strangle that groundhog!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: The Old House - HOW big?
« on: February 14, 2008, 03:18:16 PM »
It is incredible how small rooms were in those grand, old houses.  A beautiful mansion in my hometown was eventually converted into an art museum (I use to work there).  The various rooms became gallaries, and some of the bedrooms were so small that walls had to be removed, but others retained their original size.  Even the parlors, several of them that there were, were diminutive.  About the only chamber that was sizeable was the main entrance hall with its grand staircase.  One of the reasons that the rooms were tiny was, I read, to help preserve heat.  These palaces were constructed in the days before central heating, even if they had some form of furnace.  And because there was no central air, they were built in specific placements, with large windows in the rooms, to allow for cross ventilation with the doors open, taking advantage of any breeze during the summers.

By the way, that museum-sans-mansion is haunted and, yes, I did have "experiences" while working there.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: TODAY IS MY 49TH B-DAY!
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:31:13 AM »
Happy, happy, happy birthday, Annie!  One more year and you join "our club!"  Whoopee!


You'll have a wonderful time, Annie!  Italy is a beautiful place!  I've been there several times, and will be back there in September (on a cruise).


Like the author of the article I too wasn't allowed to watch Dark Shadows. I wonder why our parents didn't want us to watch the show. Was it because they thought we would turn into Satan worshipers or were they just homophobic???

In my case, it was because (and I've mentioned this before) my mom didn't want me to watch that "spooky crap."  She didn't like spooky things.  Plus, it came on opposite Art Linkletter's House Party which my mom faithfully watched (and later, when Art left the air, The Galloping Gourmet took over which she also adored).  But I won the battle through my own stubborness.  It was one of the few times I did.  The other time was when I finally, absolutely, totally refused to eat kiszka (pronounced keesh-kah)......Polish blood sausage.  You'd think someone who loved blood, gore and Dark Shadows would also enjoy kiszka.  But not me.  One day I simply refused to eat it.  I pushed it away and my mom did the usual you-will-not-leave-the-table-until-you-eat-your-kiszka.  So I closed my mouth, folded my arms and sat there for several hours.  She caved.  From that point on, when she made blood sausage, she made me a hot dog.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows: Why Such a Huge Gay Following?
« on: January 17, 2008, 01:53:41 AM »
Interestingly, the only person I had a crush on was TLATKLS.  I still do.  I had the opportunity to meet quite a few of the handsome menfolk from DS when I went to my one and only festival (in 2003), but the only time I almost passed out was when I got to meet her.  Go figure.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Question for Trivia Buffs
« on: January 17, 2008, 01:50:09 AM »
The Lovely And Talented Kathryn Leigh Scott played Josette's ghost quite a few times, but I don't know if it was all the time.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows: Why Such a Huge Gay Following?
« on: January 16, 2008, 12:48:38 PM »
Like David, I, too, watched DS because it was scary (well, it was back then to a kid - there were times when I watched it with my hands over my eyes).  I never considered my fondness for it, back then, as having anything to do with my orientation; I didn't even know what that was all about.  I just liked horror - scary monsters, ghosts, things from another world eating New Jersey, etc.  I couldn't get enough of shows like The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Thriller, Lost in Space, Star Trek, et. al.  I have friends who are also gay, including my best friend, who absolutely loathed DS (and anything scary).  Nothing in it piqued their gayness.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Can Internet Explorer 8 Keep Its Promise?
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:26:45 AM »
MB, you need to stop being so paranoid!  If there are any problems with using Microsoft's new IE, all you have to do is call them up or e-mail them and ask them to help you!  It's so easy - before they answer your questions, you have to pull out your credit card and give them a minimum of $49 to tell you how to fix it!  Now what's so wrong with that?  After all, Bill Gates is only being fair; don't forget, it has only cost him $12 billion dollars to complete his private plantation, er, I mean estate, so he can live in a tad of comfort.  Now, doesn't he deserve that?  I mean, he has given $1 billion dollars to his foundation, the generous man he is, after pulling all that change out from underneath the cushions in his sofas in his plantation, er, I mean estate home.


Current Talk '07 II / Re: how $14 and a writers strike got me to 1991
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:49:20 PM »
i do think that even in 1991 joan collins would have been much too old to play david's mother.

She might've been type-cast perfect for the part, considering the character is actually several hundred years old and still looked pretty darn good.  And wouldn't it've been rather neat when Elizabeth (Jean Simmons) has her face-off with her about taking David away, and instead of Laura (Joan Collins) casting a spell, the two of them have a good old fashioned, hair-pulling, furniture toppling, fall-into-the-pool cat fight with every other line being "you bitch! - you bitch!"


Current Talk '07 II / Re: how $14 and a writers strike got me to 1991
« on: January 02, 2008, 03:24:14 PM »
Weren't they going to do a Laura Collins storyline in season two as well?  They seemed to be hinting towards it - David's apparent but very subtle "abilities" (including what seemed to be an infatuation with fire), Maggie warning Vicki not only about David's "problems" but saying outright that his mother was a witch, and maybe a few other teasers.  If they did do a Laura plot, I think that the most perfect actress to have portayed her was another "Collins" and a queen of primetime soaps - Joan Collins.


Current Talk '07 II / Re: how $14 and a writers strike got me to 1991
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:46:11 PM »
Those palm trees!  Don't forget those palm trees!  How those things drove me nuts!  They still do just thinking about them!  Paaalllmmm tttrrreeesss!!!   Aaaaaaaaaagh!


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: HAPPY NEW YR EVERYONE/OT
« on: December 30, 2007, 04:05:47 AM »
And same from me!  I'll be spending New Year's Eve at "murder party" - where someone is offed and all of us are suspects and we need to figure out whodunit.


Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:18:07 AM »
Yes, as wonderful as 1897 (and its prelude in the present time) is, what a mess from Barnabas going back in time.


In 1968, Quentin is haunting Collinwood (plus his body, having been shot by Beth, was found in the sealed-off room by David and Amy), so obviously he was dead.  But then Barnabas goes back in time to change things.  What really changed things wasn't so much his going back in time, but Petofi showing up and having Tate make that portrait which basically makes Quentin immortal.  He can't be harmed, because whatever harm comes to him goes to the portrait.  So if he was shot by Beth, he'd have a momentary "heart burn" and then the fatal wound would appear on the portrait, so he ain't dead.  So how could he have croaked and ended up haunting Collinwood?  Did Barnabas' arrival change it all?  If Barnabas hadn't've showed up, would Petofi?  Well, maybe, maybe not.  Magda was all out of sorts when she found out that by cursing Quentin she had cursed her own descendents, so she went to get Petofi's hand in order to cure Quentin.  But would she have done so if Barnabas had not been there?  Maybe he cajoled her more into trying to repair things; if he had not shown up, Magda might've just bemoaned what she did and let it go at that, so she would not have gone to get Petofi's hand and Petofi would not have shown up and had Tate make that portrait.  But Petofi did show up and made Quentin immortal, so he was more responsible for stopping the haunting than Barnabas was.  And yet a body showed up in Quentin's room - Trask's.  Is that what the kids found in 1968?  Or was history changed in a paradox that skeletons were switched?  Now that would've been an interesting haunting:  Quentin's spook is banished, but now there's a really angry Gregory Trask.  So here we go again.  Like I said, what a mess.


Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 27, 2007, 12:45:55 AM »
Also, the entire family & staff fled Collinwood (due to Quentin's haunting) & took up residence at the Old House. Now, as we all know, Barnabas restored the Old House to be an exact replica of what it was like in the 18th Century - no electricity, no telephone & I've always assumed no plumbing. It makes you wonder what the houseguests did about bathing & , uh , some other needs. Did they all have to use an outhouse? Did Roger have to stop at a filling station & shave before going to his office in the morning? Did Mrs. Johnson grow weary of cooking meals & washing dishes without running hot & cold water or did they use paper plates & utensils all those months. Maybe Barnabas allowed Willie to install a bathroom for Willie's needs. Can you imagine all those people lined up & taking their turns to use one bathroom?

They probably just had Willie do everything:  the cooking, the hauling of water (maybe there was a hand-pump in the kitchen), heating it, handwashing all the laundry, and the job of - um - emptying out chamber pots.  Despite not having her portable TV to watch The Merv Griffin Show and Secret Storm, Mrs. Johnson was probably tickled pink that she didn't have to lift a finger.
