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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Barnabas and Sabrina Stuart
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:04:38 PM »
Or maybe it's possible that once a vampire "loses interest" in someone, they also lose interest.  Since he no longer had "need" of Sabrina, that psychic link was broken. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: HAPPY EASTER ALL/OT
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:52:27 AM »
The Easter Bunny was very good to me!  I went to the supermarket today (Easter) and everything was on clearance, two for the price of one.  And there they were - two bags left of Reese's peanut butter cups eggs!  How I love that waskily wabbit!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: Where did Chris, Amy and Sabrina go?
« on: March 22, 2008, 02:50:29 PM »
Or Sabrina, who finally got sick and tired of brother dear, splashed him with A-1 steak sauce and shoved him into Chris' room one full-moon night.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: HAPPY EASTER ALL/OT
« on: March 22, 2008, 01:23:12 AM »
Are we off topic yet?

So long as we only discuss Easter candy, we'll always be on topic for this thread.  [easter_wink]  [easter_grin]  [easter_cool]

You're so right, MB!  Anything dealing with chocolate, especially if it has to do with Reese's, is always on-topic!  Okay, people, it's time to come up with some fanfiction dealing with DS and peanut-butter-and-chocolate!  With that, the show would still be on the air.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: HAPPY EASTER ALL/OT
« on: March 21, 2008, 01:32:15 AM »
Oh, you've said it!  Nothing like Reese's peanut butter eggs!  I'm hoping the Easter Bunny dumps tons of those on me!!!!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Favorite ending to an episode....
« on: March 18, 2008, 01:17:50 AM »
A couple of others:

After the family flees Collinwood, the camera pans from empty room to empty room (with all the lights burning - that electric bill must've been a killer) as the gramaphone plays and at the very end the laughing ghost of Quentin stands triumphantly on the grand staircase landing.

Following the switching of Vicki and Phyllis at the sceance, the camera pans all the way back (which must've been all the way to the far end of the studio) showing the participants standing there in shock, becoming smaller and smaller (until it was ruined by the microphone boom at the very top).


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Another thing to think about....
« on: March 16, 2008, 08:41:14 PM »
This is my take on what happened in the unchanged time which brought about the haunting of Collinwood by Gerard/Judah in 1970.  Gerard/Judah solidifies (in 1840) his plan of revenge against the Collinses for what happened in 1692 through some of the manipulations we had seen, particularly framing Quentin allowing him to be executed.  Now he is lord and master of Collinwood and tries to take complete control.  Since Tad is the heir apparent of the estate, being the son of Quentin, Gerard/Judah must deal with him, but Tad resists, joined by Carrie and their governess Daphne (did Gerard and Daphne actually marry in the unchanged past? - debateable).  In an effort to isolate them, he takes them to Rose Cottage where some sort of battle goes on, resulting in all their deaths.  The lineage now passes to the next son, Gabriel (and his wife Edith; remember that there would've been no need for either to die the way they did without things being altered), and his children.  From them come the descendents leading down to Elizabeth, Roger, Carolyn and David.  The spirits of Judah/Gerard, Daphne, Tad and Carrie remained in a sort-of "stasis" until a catalyst allowed Gerard/Judah's enraged ghost - along with Daphne's, Tad's and Carrie's - to become active so Gerard/Judah could again exact his incompleted vengance, in this case the catalyst being the arrival of Hallie Stokes (well, Hallie arriving anywhere would drive anyone into a rage).


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Another thing to think about....
« on: March 16, 2008, 12:35:02 AM »
This is the biggest conundrum of the whole series.  Since they changed the past so radically, the family they know should not exist since the lineage has changed.  As I've mentioned before, I've done my own Charles Deleware Troll version and in mine when Barnabas, Julia and Stokes return to 1971, they do find an entirely different family descended not from Gabriel and Edith (originally) but through Tad Collins.  There is no Elizabeth, Roger, Carolyn, David, etc., but all new folk.  In my plot line, our heros eventually do return back to the past to set things right, especially after the different family is terrorized and then killed by the ghost of Tad Collins (who haunts Collinwood for a very specific and evil reason).


Current Talk '08 I / Re: DS & Innovation Comics.
« on: March 14, 2008, 12:00:09 PM »
Beyond the fact that the illustrations in the Gold Key comic series were simply ghastly, one thing that irked me was that Barnabas (or the thing drawn to look like Barnabas) virtually ALWAYS wore his cape-coat.  He never took it off.  Day or night, it was on.  Whatever season, it was on.  If he was having tea at Collinwood with Liz (who looked like Madam from Waylan and Madam after a nose job), it was on.  When he slept in his coffin (if he was a vampire in a particular story), it was on.  When he travelled in time to no matter what century, it was on.  I recall only a couple panels where he didn't have that thing on in almost the entire collection I had purchased.  For cryin' out loud what was he, a nun who couldn't take off her habit?


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Where is Everyone?
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:55:30 AM »
Well, then, MB, explain to me why you told me I have to keep sending you ten bucks a month if I want to stay a member of this illustrious board?  Huh?

You thought that was to remain a member of the forum? No, no, no. That's blackmail money to keep quiet about what I caught you doing at Seaview that time back in the '90s (or was it the '80s - I'll have to check my stash of incriminating photos).  [b003]  But I'm a cheap blackmailer since it's only cost you $720 so far.  [lghy]  (And BTW, where's this month's payment? >:()

I'll be sending it to you, now that the jig is up.  I'm running behind on my blackmail payments.  I had to dish a little bit more for that one blackmailer on a Lost In Space message board who caught me oiling the sprockets on the robot.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Where is Everyone?
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:27:58 AM »

Is it that there's another section for paying members?

Nope. There are no such sections.

Well, then, MB, explain to me why you told me I have to keep sending you ten bucks a month if I want to stay a member of this illustrious board?  Huh? 


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Moltke/Von Bulow Trial
« on: March 06, 2008, 03:34:19 AM »
I'm pretty sure, but not positive, that a documentary I saw on Von Bulow did make mention of DS in conjunction with Alexandra Moltke.  The film, Reversal of Fortune, however did clearly only call her a soap opera star and nothing more with no mention of DS.  There is a direct DS connection, yet, in the movie.  In the opening credits, as the camera pans over the great mansions of Newport, there it is in all its splendor is Seaview - Collinwood.


Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0432
« on: March 02, 2008, 08:35:44 PM »
As much as I love the 1795/96 story, the pushing of the historical envelope by having a trial for witchcraft always irked me.  No matter how superstitious some of the residents of Collinsport might have been, trying someone (and executing them, no less) for witchcraft, in historical accuracy, just would not have happened.  But.....there could've been a way around it.  Trask and his disciples, let's say, wanted a witchcraft trial but knew that no matter what legal shenanigans they attempted would not make it happen, so they decide to attack it from another angle.  Instead of Vicki (or Phyllis) being tried for witchcraft, why not have her tried for murder, using witchcraft as a tool?  They could argue:  okay, we all know that witchcraft was used and we also know that it no longer is a crime to practice it.  However, it is a crime to murder and we can prove that witchcraft was the tool to commit it.  So, we'll prove that Vicki was a witch - which ain't no crime - and she used it to kill (in this case Jeremiah and the hosts of others dropping dead all around) and that is a crime.  After all, it's not a crime to own and use a gun, but it is a crime to murder someone with it.  It's not a crime to own a hatchet, but it is a crime to murder someone with it.  It's not a crime to have two hands, but it is a crime to strangle someone with them. 

If the writers had used that approach, not only would it have been more historically accurate, but would've been even more interesting, IMO.  I won't even get into the whole witchcraft trial in 1840/41. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Lego Lyndhurst
« on: February 25, 2008, 01:03:25 PM »
Is that ever neat!  I've always loved Legos and had them as a kid, and have considered getting back into them as a "hobby" (in quotation marks because, let's face it, I'd be playing with them and "grown-ups" aren't suppose to "play," so we call it having a "hobby" instead).  At Chicago O'Hare, they use to have a Lego play area for kids (don't know if they still do because I haven't flown through that airport for several years now) and it contained a to-scale Lego model of the Sears Tower that was even illuminated from inside.

By the way, that Lego Lyndhurst looks more realistic than that eclectic model of Collinwood used for the '91 series (I always waited, during the opening credits, for a guy in a Godzilla suit to come and stomp on it).  Maybe the set designers should have used Legos instead.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: The Old House - HOW big?
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:47:08 AM »
Gerard - love the story of your former place of employment.  I don't suppose you care to share with us the name of the mansion and its location?

Because the apparent haunting is somewhat of a "secret" among people involved in the museum (staff, former staff, etc.) as knowledge of it would be an "embarrassment", I really can't provide the name here, but if you send me a private e-mail requesting it, I'd be happy to oblige!
