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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1840 it or hate it?
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:37:05 PM »
And don't forget the widows as well as Josette's spook.  Bill Malloy's geist even popped in for a visit.  Did they all know that each of them were there?  Did they acknowledge each other?  Take notice?  Play poker once in awhile?  Have an office Christmas party?


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Drinking in Collinsport
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:33:11 PM »
I'll bet Mrs. Johnson didn't.  Well maybe only on occasion for medicinal purposes.


You take care, Charles, and let us know how you're doing as soon as you feel well enough!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1840 it or hate it?
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:20:29 AM »
I made mention on another thread dealing with this subject my speculation of what happened in unchanged 1840/41 history.  After Gerard/Judah offed Quentin (by whatever means), he sought to solidify his total control and ownership of Collinwood, but Tad remained a problem being the heir to the family fortune.  When Gerard/Judah tried to deal with him, not only did Tad resist, but so did Daphne, and Carrie decided to get into the tussle, too.  Gerard/Judah takes them to Rose Cottage for a final confrontation but all four are killed there (possibly by a fire that breaks out) during a battle royale.  With Tad dead, the inheritance of Collinwood passes to one of Gabriel's and Edith's children (Edith, of course, was not killed in the unchanged history but then maybe neither Gabriel, so who knows).  Anyway, that's just how I viewed things as "originally" happening.


I only saw glimpses of Passions (basically because a friend of mine was hooked on it).  It did have, of course, all those supernatural elements and it even incorporated directly the theme music from Dark Shadows in one scene.  But I never considered it a Dark Shadows inspired soap.  After all, other soaps eventually brought in supernatural and even sci-fi elements, from Days of Our Lives to General Hospital.  But the one short-lived soap that I saw as "Son of Dark Shadows" was Port Charles, the GH spinoff.  It was to have self-contained storylines that lasted 13 weeks and then moved on to the next one.  But when they introduced the vampire and became a tad more popular, the 13 weeks was chucked (as it was on DS) and PC became the second vampire soap opera.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Count Petofi
« on: April 02, 2008, 05:30:31 PM »
To me, it appeared that the writers did leave it a tad "unanswered" if Petofi really did die in the fire.  From what I've heard or read, there were some notions about bringing him back but it never went beyond the initial idea stage.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1840 it or hate it?
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:06:48 AM »
I was also, and remain, indifferent to the 1840 storyline.  It was basically, to me, a retread of both 1795 and 1897.  What made it watchable to me was Virginia Vestoff as Samantha Collins.  Everything about her was perfect, from her character, to her acting, to even her hairstyle.  She was the ultimate Queen of Mean.  If she had gone head to head with Angelique, she would've won hands down, and wouldn't have needed any supernatural powers to come out on top.  Too bad they had her flake out over the return of Quentin's undead past love. 


Current Talk '08 I / Re: DS Repetition....
« on: March 30, 2008, 11:28:40 PM »
Guess it's common in many if not most shows, regardless of genre.  After all, Ricky is putting on a show, Lucy wants to get in the show, Ricky tells her she can't be in the show, Lucy does some red-headed thing to get in the show and ends up in trouble.  Ricky should've just sent her to the hospital; she could've shared a room with Elizabeth.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: DS Repetition....
« on: March 30, 2008, 06:02:32 PM »
Elizabeth is hexed by Laura and is sent away to a hospital.

Elizabeth is hexed by Cassandralique and is sent away to, well, the morgue.

Judith is hexed by the orders of Gregory Trask and is sent away to a hospital.

Flora is hexed by....hey, wait!  Flora doesn't get hexed!  What's the matter with those writers - couldn't they come up with something hexing for her?


Current Talk '07 II / Re: i'm doing 1840...finally
« on: March 25, 2008, 03:32:08 PM »
How much you wanna bet that they simply took the wheelchair David Henesey had to use for awhile during the Leviathan story line when he actually hurt himself (and they had to write it into the plot) to save a few bucks.  All they had to do was ask if he still had it laying around somewhere (unless it was a borrowed one), drag it in, pull off the back and slap on a wicker replacement and - voila! - one 1840's-style wheelchair that they hoped no one would look at too closely.


Now, now, you guys need to thank all our lucky stars.  By some fluke she could've ended up on Barney, the Teletubbies, or with the Wiggles.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Barnabas and Sabrina Stuart
« on: March 24, 2008, 05:35:20 PM »
I found it.

You know, I just can't help picturing that happening when Barnabas was stalking Maggie and Vicki was staying to keep an eye on her.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Barnabas and Sabrina Stuart
« on: March 24, 2008, 04:03:41 PM »
Thanks Gothic!

I always wondered why, since Angie had power of Joe, and she know longer was interested in - ahem - "dating" him, and he kept pestering her, she just didn't use her vamping powers to make him leave her alone if not just forget about her.  Maybe vampires are limited in how they can use their powers.  I keep thinking of that hysterical scene in the Leslie Neilson Dracula spoof movie where he's trying to get Lucy (was it Lucy or Mina?) to do his will from a distance, but with her in her room was her maid and he kept getting his controlling "signals" crossed.  "Stand up!  No, not you - you!  You sit down.  No, you not you; you stand up!  Okay, okay, let's start over!  Now everyone sit down!"


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Barnabas and Sabrina Stuart
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:04:38 PM »
Or maybe it's possible that once a vampire "loses interest" in someone, they also lose interest.  Since he no longer had "need" of Sabrina, that psychic link was broken. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: HAPPY EASTER ALL/OT
« on: March 24, 2008, 02:52:27 AM »
The Easter Bunny was very good to me!  I went to the supermarket today (Easter) and everything was on clearance, two for the price of one.  And there they were - two bags left of Reese's peanut butter cups eggs!  How I love that waskily wabbit!
