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Messages - Taeylor Collins

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Barnabas VS Buzz
« on: August 21, 2008, 04:06:37 AM »
I made all kinds of mistakes when I first started posting full time.  I find it's good to go back and re read the rules from time to time so I thought I would suggest that to you.  Plus Midnite and MB are  [ghost_cool] cats!! And it's there job to keep us all on track!   So relax and have fun!!   [banana2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0610
« on: August 21, 2008, 04:02:44 AM »
Quote from: mscbryk
and of course i find the adam plot to be infinitley worse than almost anything else on the series ever.i loath it with a passion.

I agree. However, 1968 holds some great Jonathan/Grayson/ Barnabas/Julia moments, scenes etc. so I just pretend he isn't there. :P I could watch GH and JF all day. :)

I am totally different. I watch my shows through thick and thin. Charmed had a certain witch in it's final season that I didn't like  very much but there was no way I wasn't going to watch it.  I had devoted 7 years of my life to the show and I was gonna see it through to the end.  And I am so glad I did because there were some GEMS in Season 8.

Back on topic: Even though it is not the greatest, there is just something I like about the Leviathans. I think it has more to do with the atmosphere and the 70's feel than storyline. Although I thought it started out well and fell apart in the middle! It's a shame really because they were not only a threat to the Collins family but to the entire world.  What an amazing storyline it could have been. 

RE:  The Body is top notch television much like Once More With Feeling and Hush.  And I don't mind to watching it because the actors really really really delivered. Especially, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan and Emma Caufield. [spoiler]To me Anya was the most heartbreaking because she was like a child who didn't understand death.  [cryg][/spoiler]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Songs that remind you of DS
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:38:54 AM »
4 Minutes To Save The World by Madonna and Justin Timberlake because the Leviathan plotline concerned all the world and not just the Collins family. [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0613
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:34:47 AM »
More Grayson praise!  So sue me!!  I love how she says her 'E's for example: "Doseeeege"  Julia isn't having it as she is always on top of things and "KNOWS" what is going on to an extent. It looks as if Vincent Loscalzo used blush to make Joe's "stubble" more prominent.  This is an old trick of the trade that only a makeup artist, like me, would notice most likely. [ghost_wink]  I thought it was sweet when Julia put her hand on Barnabas shoulder. [love5]  I personally think it was during this time on the show that Julia quite subtlety started to show her genuine affections toward Barnabas. Poor Barbabas and Julia they had a rough night/day. I agree with the above posters that  this little scene between Joe and Maggie was  [love9].  I think KLS was a WONDERFUL newcomer who worked well with her formidable costars. "Well I am honored by your new found trust"-Barnabas to Julia.  Episodes like this remind me of how great DS can be.  The plot devices more times than not were really good and not overly contrived. For example:  Such as Julia learning about Barnabas by talking with Mrs. J when she returned to Collinwood.  JC was shirtless again, well sorta!  YUM!  [love10] [naughty]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Songs that remind you of DS
« on: August 20, 2008, 11:56:02 PM »
It's all good. :)

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 20, 2008, 11:46:43 PM »
I agree MB.  I have have said this before and this is no disrespect to Dan, because he started it all and I have GREAT respect for him and his memory.   But the fact that he isn't going to be a part of the new movie is a blessing. He famously stated that by the time the original DS ended he didn't have another idea in his head. I was re watching DS RESSURECTED last night because I was so excited about Watching Project Two and Dan had planned to get the 1991 show started and set the style and then turn it over to other writers, directors, producers etc.  If '91 had lasted I truly think him relinquishing his hold over the show could have given the production team reign to tell some amazing stories.   It's excruciatingly sad that the fans didn't get to see what could have been done with the show, the possibilities could have been endless.  I think I have stated this before but I held a long standing grudge against NBC until Heroes started a couple years ago.  I TRULY boycotted them for the stupidity.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Songs that remind you of DS
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:48:24 PM »
I love the Scissor Sisters.  I didn't know what there name meant for the longest time though.[ghost_nowink]

What a kind and gentle man Louis seemed to be.  He looks so precious and sweet as an older man one just wants to hug him.  I regret that I never had the honor of meeting this beautiful soul.  I can't thank Craig Hamrick enough (another man I wish I had met) for making me almost feel as if I had meet Louis, if only through stories.

I LOVE MERMAIDS. But I find myself quite freaked out thinking about merwolf.  BRRR...

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:45:54 PM »
Have you ever seen the movie "Ladyhawk"? That could be a good starting place. A man who is cursed to be a wolf at night, his lover who is cursed to be a hawk during  the day, so that they can never see each other, and the man who put the curse on them because he's in love with her.

I haven't watched the movie but I saw "Charmed's' version in a Season Three episode.  Only difference is the man was an owl at night and the woman was a wolf during the day.  The only time they saw each other (in their true form) was as the sun was coming up. They were cursed by a demon that loved the lady. [ghost_wink] Charmed didn't always rip stuff off however, I think MOST genre shows end up taking old myth, tales, stories and putting their own twist on it.  I personally loved their take on Valkyries since I had never saw anything about that race of demi gods. 

A bit off topic but I will have to try and see that movie. [ghost_wink]

Zahir I don't think Magnus meant any harm he just has a different view. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT: Night of the Iguana
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:39:37 AM »
It's great to know that there are youngsters such as yourself Goober who appreciate old Hollywood movies. Maybe the world isn't doomed after all.  I am 30 and just recently began to get an interested in them thanks to the lovely Rose McGowan.  I wish I had years ago as I have A LOT of catching up to do.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0612
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:31:55 AM »
How nice Mrs. Johnson has her wig down for a change. Why did Clarice even wear a wig??  I think Grayson looks really striking in this episode, but whats new?? Actually there are a few eps when poor GH is looking worn out.  So I don't ALWAYS say she is pretty~~~oh okay just most of the time. [ghost_embarrassed] I found myself getting a bit teary eyed watching the scenes with Craig, Clarice, Joel and Grayson knowing that all four were no longer with us in body.   It breaks my [love9] to dwell upon it. I think the dress the costumer had on GH today showed of her figure quite nicely.  "For once in your life you did a sensible thing!" Well Clarice Blackburn's delivery just had me rolling! Julia as usual  is figuring out that something is not quite right. Joel Crothers looks mighty sexy with the stubble!  [love2] [love3] [love7] "Have you given him his medicine?"---Barnabas "NOOOOOOO"--- Julia with GH nailing her snarky delivery! I love her accent.  I really enjoyed this episode.  But anything with Julia and Barnabas is always enjoyable to me. I love those two crazy kids! [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:15:58 AM »
Taelor, I respect your opinion but also disagree.

I also respectfully disagree as I have watched everything Amber has done since Buffy.  I don't exactly know how to word it but Amber (to me) does not have the Victoria quality nor the range to play her. I feel the same way about her as I do Sarah Michelle Gellar (who I  adore and have followed since Buffy) who Goober had suggested for Angelique.  It's cool though we all have our own opinions and ideas and that is what makes the boards so much fun.  [ghost_wink] Really the thought of any Buffy/Angel alum being in DS makes me cringe.  And TRUST ME I am a BUFFY/ANGEL fanatic!   I will get back to you though if I come up with any ideas.  We have a movie casting thread already. So is this thread completely devoted to a new small screen version of DS??

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: August 20, 2008, 06:54:40 AM »
You do have a point Goober!  If they go with Victoria I hope she is the reincarnation of Josette and not Maggie.  I just think this gives Victoria the backstory and past she longs to be connected with.  Who knows what they are gonna do though?  We will see....

I suppose we are getting off topic so I am not gonna post anymore concerning this and stay with casting ideas.