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Messages - Gerard

It looks very interesting from the trailer.  I've never seen any of Abram's shows, like Lost, but I very much enjoyed his film Cloverfield.  I'll give this one a watch when it airs next season.


Leave Barnabas alone!  He's a, wait, he's not.  Well, anyway, don't buy this X%$*# DVD - I mean it, or else you'll have to deal with me!


I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere on our illustrious board (even in this thread), but most certainly the actress to play Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (or Naomi Collins) should be Helen Mirren.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: T.Z. Ep
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:22:43 PM »
I think it's called "Queen of the Nile."  I'm pretty sure it's also been discussed elswhere on here; take a browse through the search feature and you'll probably come upon it.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: New Dark Shadows Movie
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:06:09 PM »
Now I'm picturing Roseanne Barr playing Maggie Evans.  Barnabas takes one look at her and thinks:  "Wow, reincarnation wasn't kind to Josette.  Guess I should count my lucky stars I didn't marry her 200 years ago; I really missed a bullet with that one."


Current Talk '08 I / Re: First Impressions of the Remix
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:01:46 PM »
Apparently, they did use the same house (exterior shots) for both the Old House and Collinwood, just changing whichever side of the house for filming.  I do agree it took away something, providing no unique quality for either.  There were times in the revival when I wasn't sure where the characters were with regards to what structure on the "estate."


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
« on: May 21, 2008, 08:52:38 PM »
Considering the problems the family had with the various Trasks through several generations, if Pat Robertson ran again I don't think they'd vote for him.


Well, I don't blame Dan Curtis one bit, MB.  The man made one of the most successful minseries in history (War and Remembrance), and NBC treats his latest work like a piece of you-know-what because they screwed up.  I would've felt insulted by just tossing a bone by having a made-for-TV-movie to tie everything up.  I can just imagine how Curtis felt.  I found a lot of fault with his remake of DS, as expressed in posts dealing with the subject (those palm trees! - those horrible palm trees! - you all know how I feel about those rancid palm trees!).  But I think the kinks could've been worked out and the whole project would've been a seven-year massive success.  Shame on NBC.


I think of Dan Curtis' remake of Kolchak:  The Night Stalker.  I didn't get to see it in its evening run (because I had to work), but did watch it when it's been rerun on Sci-Fi.  I thought it was a well done, eerie show (the episode about the woman-creature that preserves her "youth" and looks by zonking unsuspecting females and feeding off of them while they are still alive was a real spooker).  Yet, whatever network initially aired it decided to cancel it even before all the filmed episodes were shown.  It was never given a chance.  And don't forget about NBC's decision to ax the DS remake.  It started out strong in the ratings, but the constant interruptions for reports on the Gulf War caused a ratings drop, not because viewers lost interest, but because they didn't know when it would be on.  You can't watch something when you don't know where to find it.  How utterly stupid.


How true.  Many shows that became critical and popular smash hits started out at the bottom-of-the-dumps ratings.  The Dick Van Dyke Show, All In the Family, Cheers, et. al., in their first seasons, went nowhere in viewership.  Cheers, in its first season, at times was last in the ratings.  But the networks stuck it out, because they knew they had quality, and just kept trying and - voila! - they ended up with classics.  They don't do that today.  Sometimes, after 13 episodes (sometimes even after just six!), they pull the plug.  What use to be gourmet has now become fast food.....and the drive-through, no less.


We paid 35 cents for a matinee, and that included not only the double-feature, but also a cartoon and a short documentary.  When I went to see HODS (and walked to the theater, too), my mom begrugingly gave me a dollar to pay for admission, popcorn, soda and candy - and she told me to make sure to give her back the change when I got home.


I saw both at the Capitol Theater (and when I saw NODS, I got to see HODS again, since they ran as a double-feature - remember when they still had double features? - the one for HODS was a western).  The Capitol was erected opened in the 1920's as a regular performance theater, with a stage, orchestra pit, two balconies, box seats and all the gillding.  It became a movie theater solely probably by the 1950's (before then, for several decades, it still had live performancess - including Lawrence Welk! - along with films).  In the late 80's, it went through extensive renovations and restorations, reverting back to a performing arts center named the Capitol Civic Center.  Films are no longer shown there.


In England (where the film was produced) as well as the rest of Europe, it used its original name of Doppelganger.  Only for its US release was it named Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (probably as a marketing tool, IMO, it make it sound more "science-fictionish" for the kiddie demographics).  However, it became more popularily known by its American title and even in Europe it's used there now, although one can still see it called by its original British name.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: What happened to Willie's "fiance"?
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:23:49 AM »
Maybe she was Pansy Faye's ghost and Willie didn't know any better.  Well, if she was, at least she was a cheap date - didn't have to worry about her ordering the steak dinner.


While many kids got bored and spent much of the time at the popcorn and candy stand, I found it all rather fascinating.

You were obviously mature and discriminating beyond your years.  [ghost_smiley]

Unfortunately, as I got older, it went in the reverse direction!
