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Messages - Gerard

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Latest Windows Update an Internet Killer?
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:23:52 AM »
And to think Bill Gates became one of the wealthiest multi-billionaires in the world peddling this crap.


David, can you marry a gay man to The Lovely And Talented Kathryn Leigh Scott at the festival?  I'm not sure if that's legal there.  I think it is in Alabama and San Marino, but I'm not sure about California.


I am shocked!  Simply aghast!  This simply is wrong, totally wrong!  This can never be right!  Weddings without any mention of cake?  Now I know our whole society is crumbling!


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Vampire Angelique's Reflection
« on: July 07, 2008, 12:13:28 PM »
It was the same mirror Miss LuAnn used at the end of Romper Room to see all the little tykes out there in TV land who were watching.  "I see Tommy, and Susie, and Mikie, and Mary..."  I remember when, on occasion, she would say my name and I'd run into the kitchen shouting "Mamma!  Mamma!  Miss LuAnn saw me!  She saw me!"


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Count Petofi's glasses
« on: July 05, 2008, 03:03:42 PM »
I always figured they were fake, a prop, and maybe things like that were even designed by optometrists so they wouldn't impare or otherwise harm vision.  They did at that perfect touch to make Petofi all that extra creepy.


Didn't the article say it was in or near Pittsburgh? 


Well, now they've got a place to film the Depp/Burton movie!


The palm trees were a turn off for me. 

There!  See, MB!  Even Miss Winthrop didn't like those frickin' palm trees!  Palm trees!     AAAAAHHHHHH...........!!!!!!!!!  [82b5] [Rant_Emote]


Current Talk '08 I / Re: happy birthday to our show!
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:23:40 PM »
How many here saw the pilot episode when it first aired?  I did, and it was quite by accident.  The local ABC affiliate actually initially aired the show in the morning (so I'm thinking that I was the premier the following day) until after awhile it moved it to the ABC network's afternoon direct airing.  Anyway, I just finished watching some game show (don't remember anymore what it was) and was getting ready to turn off the old, huge black-and-white, white-oaked-encased Admiral TV set when suddenly that eerie commercial for DS (it's on several of the MPI videos) flashed across the screen saying it was coming on next.  Well, hearing that music and seeing the images of the taxi pulling up to the front doors with David peering out through that upper floor window certainly caught my attention.  So I watched it.  And continued to do so for the next almost five years.


I wasn't exactly enthralled with the '91 revival, being an orginal, first-generation viewer of the first series.  My problems with it (other than those annoying palm trees in the background) was that it lacked the subtelty of the original.  In the original, the word "vampire," for example, wasn't first uttered until about a half-year into the storyline about Barnabas (and that wasn't until well into the 1795/96 flashback).  In the '91 version, with everyone knowing there were vampires on the lose, how could they not have known that it wasn't the Ben Cross Barnabas?  It was so obvious.  Hopefully, this film version will take things a bit more logically.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Burbank Airport Marriott
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:47:32 AM »
I hope this helps, D Friedlander.  I've done, in the past, a great deal of travelling with a limited amount of clothing (in order to get them in a carry-on; I hate checking luggage, but now with the new restrictions, it's hard to take everything on a carry-on, plus the airlines - greedy b*st*rds that they are - are now charging for checked luggage).  Here's what to pack.  One extra pair of pants or slacks.  Make them "semi-formal" when you need to wear something for a more "formal" occasion.  Make sure they're at least 50% polyester; cotton takes too long to dry and wrinkles.  Wear jeans when you are flying.  Pack about three shirts, maybe one or two more; again, check the material that's pretty much wrinkle-free.  Take along socks and underwear that you can discard.  I'm serious.  Who sees them?  Bring along a bigger bottle of shampoo (one that is now allowed with restrictions for size of fluids, plus don't forget that most hotels provide shampoo).  Use the shampoo to hand-wash your shirts in your hotel room sink at night and hang them up on the shower-curtain rack.  By morning, they should be dry (wrinkle-free shirts is the reason for this).  Shampoo works just like Woolite (many shampoos will say they can be used for laundering hand washables). 

I've spent weeks in Europe with just a carry-on, minimal clothing, and shampoo for hand cleaning.  It works like a charm.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:51:14 AM »
MB, you are brilliant!!!!  I'm loving both!


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Where'd SHE Come From?
« on: June 27, 2008, 02:04:31 AM »
Apparently, in the original thought for the story line, Dr. Julian Hoffman (or was it Julius? - well, it was initially suppose to be a guy), was also going to die when he offed Barnabas.  Bodies, bodies everywhere.


Though presumably your parents had benefit of marriage.  ;)  Joe and Maggie would have been vile fornicators!!!  :o

Even when my parents were married they never did that, MB!  And don't ask me where I came from - I'm not listening!  Mmmmhhmmmhhhmmm...........


Joe and Maggie actually sleeping together?!  [yikes]  The shock!! The scandal!!

You're so right, MB!  Maggie would never do something like that!  Never!  Just like my parents.  There mere thought.....
