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Messages - Daphne

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Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *J.A.D.Q.
« on: May 23, 2002, 07:31:26 AM »
Guests are listed as spirits, right? And those logged in and signed up are listed as Cousins from England?

heheh that's sooo kewl!!! Midnite and MB are geniuses!!!

~~> And Raineypark your 15-yo is just grumpy  ;) hehe  :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Its much harder than it looks!
« on: May 23, 2002, 07:13:03 AM »
hooked wrote:
Sure you are welcome!  It is fun and my kids who are 10 and 17 both love it.  We are planning a party at our house and everyone is coming as a DS character.  We are crazy about the show and watch everyday together.

OMG!!! ur gonna throw a costume party like Barnabus?? Don't have a seance!! Someone will talk through whoever is playing Vicki! That would be so freaky! HEHEHAHA I wanna come!!! That's not fair!   :P  :'( *pouts* Maybe I'll go wreck Julia's lab like Adam 2 show my anger .....  ;D LMAO!!!!  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst dress ever???
« on: May 23, 2002, 07:07:22 AM »
Stuart wrote:
Anything in that supernaturally hideous shade of lime green -- the one that apparently exists in a special spectrum only found in "Dark Shadows" episodes  ;)

Awwwww, you don't like the lime green?? I love that color!!! I wish that's what people wore nowadays! It's so bright and colorful and cheery and outgoing!!!! It reminds me of the green Fruit Loops or Apple Jacks or some kind of green cereal. Or even green Skittles, although not that dark. I love Carolyn in lime green! It really epitomizes her character so well -- loud and outgoing and hard to miss and ..... eeeee!!!!  ;D ;D I love lime green!!!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Personal Response to "the Dream"
« on: May 23, 2002, 07:03:07 AM »
My dear impaler friend wrote:
I know what you mean, Daphne.  I went to stay at my aunt's house a few years ago and slept in my cousin's room.  That night I had a dream that I overheard two people talking ... they seemed to be female voices ... and they were saying that Mary, my cousin, was going to have a baby.  The next night the phone rang just as we were sitting down for dinner.  It was my cousin calling to say that she had just found out she was going to have a baby.

OOOOOO that's kewl!! I never get to know any private or important information or anything like that  :P I'll just see I saw this picture of my computer one day with the IMs in all the same places, and all the people saying the right things, and everything.....and then once I saw my closet arranged exactly how it was as I was getting my shoes 2 go running, and I saw myself jumping this hurdle once in PE and then getting in trouble for it, and it ALL happened and everything was set up the EXACT same way....oooo it's kewl!!! People say exactly what they say when I "see" them and everything. I rather like it  ;D

And I think you must be just incredibly smart, like Rainypark said ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows Monopoly
« on: May 23, 2002, 06:54:36 AM »
ROTFL!!! that's sooo kewl!!! I wish I were that creative!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Personal Response to "the Dream"
« on: May 23, 2002, 03:23:01 AM »
WOW......freaky......*goes in2 Julia mode* When did these first start? Has anything tragic happened in your childhood that might have triggered them? Are you under a lot of stress? Were you abducted as a child? Are both your parents human? And mortal?

hehe  ;) just playin'

That's kewl tho.....that u could be slightly supernatural.....I have ESP I c stuff in dreams and then it comes true days later, but I don't notice it until it DOES happen....and then all of a sudden I'll point and be like "I SAW THAT!!!!!" and freak people out. It's fun!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Naming the witch -- a poetic parallel
« on: May 23, 2002, 03:16:56 AM »
Vlad guessed:
Daphne ... You'll also have the "Parallel Time" Stokes to look forward to, as well as a very changed Professor in 1995 ...  Although from your name it appears you're familiar with the whole 1995 - 1840 business.  ;)

Dearest Impaler,

I first started watching in the episode where Daphne finds Joanna's cape. I have no idea the #, I've tried looking to no avail. But I haven't seen 1995; I didn't even know they WENT there.......  :o it was quite a shock 4 me. But I kindasorta grasped the 1840 TL....all I knew was the Quentin was going 2 die *tear*  :'( Really, what else matters??? HAHAHEHE  ;) ;D

But I look 4ward 2 seeing TD in another role....his characters are always so dif and interesting.....  ;D eeee

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Cleavers of Collinsport
« on: May 23, 2002, 03:10:55 AM »
*falls off chair laughing* ROTFL!!!! Mark, you're a genius..... so after the commercial break, there's more, right??  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Whose Hair...?
« on: May 23, 2002, 02:47:23 AM »
Although I positively ADORE Daphne's hair, I must say if I could choose anyone's, I'd choose Nancy Barrett's, becaues it can do anything!!!! OMG It curls and it's straight and it's wavy and it's up and it's down and it's short and it's long and it ALWAYS look sooooo perfect!!! Just *not fair*!!! But I wouldn't want 2 b blonde, I'd want dark raven hair like DAPHNE  ;D  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Professor of what?
« on: May 23, 2002, 02:43:23 AM »
Vlad wrote:
And I'm wondering -- just speculating at this point -- if Stokes' understanding of Parallel Time (... in a future storyline... ) might relate to Jung's theory of synchronicity. I only have a basic understanding of synchronicity and don't really know what the underpinnings of the theory are, but something makes me wonder if parallel universes might enter into it.

....there's really such thing as parallel time??  :o :o me Roger Collins, but I don't believe.....there was actually someone who thought so?? KEEEEEEEWL I'm soooo looking 4ward 2 taking Psycology/Sociology next year!!!!!  8) ;D

Happybat wrote:
Can't you just imagine Prof. Stokes in his own show, investigating cases of hauntings, curses, and other strange paranormal phenomena?  At the end of each episode, he would return to his well-worn armchair and sip sherry by firelight!

Sounds like something from Alfred Hitchcock Presents, lol

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Naming the witch -- a poetic parallel
« on: May 23, 2002, 02:37:20 AM »
I *still* have trouble believing that Matthew Morgan and elegant Prof Stokes are the same actor ..... WOW! I'm looking 4ward 2 meeting Count Petofi....and his hand...? right?  ?!?  ::) lol

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Its much harder than it looks!
« on: May 23, 2002, 02:31:31 AM »
LOL!!! that's great that your kids will play along! Do they roll their eyes? "Not this agaaaain!!!" LOL!!! I wanna come play! No one in my house plays with me  :'( *tear* hehehahaha  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 21, 2002, 07:09:31 PM »
*stands up and applaudes for ProfStokes* Very well put, Professor!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Your own dream curse
« on: May 21, 2002, 07:06:31 PM »
Jennifer admitted:
Psycho had that effect on me when i was a teenager
that shower scene!   It was far more frightening in  
B/w too!

Oooooo yeah that freaked me out too! idk y my favorite movies are all the ones that scare me, but ...... hehe it's the adrenaline rush or something.  ::) In B&W it's really kewl, but in color I liked it, 2, because the bathroom was like STARK WHITE and soooo spotless, and then the camera would pan left/right and you'd see this huuuuuge pile of lifeless, dark red blood, and this evilly smiling Norman Bates....ooooooooooooooo creepy!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 21, 2002, 08:21:20 AM »
Don't feel bad, my whole family does that 2 me. Just smile and pity them because they don't understand it, and you do :D After all, they don't know what they're missing.... 8)

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