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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Dark Shadows Vol. 1: The Beginings
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:24:29 PM »
did anyone notice on the back of the back that it says the episodes are in black & white & COLOR? i think THAT"s a misprint unless they are counting the interviews with Our "Vicki Winters" other than that i think it's funny as hell. he he
That probably refers to the special edition of episode 1 on the collection that includes the commerical spots originally aired, most, if not all, of which, were indeed in color...

Was Frankenhooker mentioned .... ?


Current Talk '07 II / Re: 1795 Discrepancy
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:06:36 PM »
I was thinking that if all the people whom Vickie meets back in 1795 resemble people she knows in 1967, why doesn't Barnabas notice those strange similarities when he wakes up in the future?  I mean, wouldn't it freak him out that Elizabeth and Roger looked so much like his mother and father, or that Dr. Hoffman was a dead ringer for the Countess Du Pres?
He might have noticed but was suave enough to not let on.  Had he been going on about that out loud, he would have been thought mad as a hatter (cf: Vicky in 1795) :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Christmas_Season Theme
« on: December 07, 2007, 01:56:36 AM »
Sorry, peeps.  I am not opposed to the holiday theme, but the Red type on the dark background is extremely eye straining, especially when moving from lighter pages such as the reply page....

Oh, and are you absolutely certain everyone who posts/reads this page is Christian?  ;)

Beautiful fixer upper!!  [hall2_grin]

It reminds me of a bizarre cross between the original series' Collinwood (the tower on the right mainly) and Count Orlock's house in Wisbaden in Murnau's Nosferatu....

Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:37:01 PM »
In 1897, Dirk replies to Laura's line saying "okay."  [hall2_tongue]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Question about Collins descendants from 1795
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:17:52 PM »
The thing is, though {spoiler alert}, Gabriel killed Edith in 1840, so how could Grandma Edith be alive in 1897?{end spoiler}.

To look at that another way - Barnabas came back from the dead, Angelique came back from the dead, Quentin came back from the dead, Peter came back from the dead, Daphne came back from the dead.  Elizabeth was believed to be dead and was buried ...

See where I'm going with this?  [8_1_209]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Question about Collins descendants from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 09:00:40 PM »
The thing is, though {spoiler alert}, Gabriel killed Edith in 1840, so how could Grandma Edith be alive in 1897?{end spoiler}. Of course, we all know this was, yet again, one of those writer hiccups. The 1897 storyline came before the 1840 storyline, so it really was a matter of whatever suited the storyline needs at the time, and logic be damned. [BOO]
Perhaps we can retcon 1840 as "1840PTI"  and make 1840PT "1840PTII"!! [hall2_tongue]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: vicki's return from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 08:46:42 PM »
okay, one more question:   if she (viki) changed history by saving daniel, how come there was a collins family anyway, since, if daniel was killed that would have ended the family line.
I always had the impression that Vicki had simply gone through the same motions that Phyllis had.  In other words, Phyllis arrived at the  Collin's estate addled from the carriage wreck, was accepted into the family as governess and became the scapegoat of Angelieque. In gaol, law student Peter Bradford took pity on poor Miss Wicke and after the trial went badly, he helped her to escape where she then saved Daniel, was recaptured and then hanged.  Since he had taken the rap for Noah's death, he too was tried and hanged.

I think the general idea is that history is alleged to be pretty solid (none of your "treading on a butterfly in the past will destroy the future").  Broadly speaking, as long as the major events take place, the smaller details of how they happened don't matter so much.  The biggest difference probably was that Peter fell in love with Vicki, where he had not with Phyllis, believed that Vicki was from the future and that belief allowed him to find his way to here in the present (this all could have been Sarah's spirit at work).  They found each other in the present and eventually (imo with Sarah's help) both vanished into the past that Peter was a part of and that Vicki had been so entranced by.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: vicki's return from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 08:31:12 PM »
Vicki saved Daniel? When? What am I forgetting here?
Near the end of the storyline, Nathan hired Noah Gifford to kill Daniel so Nathan could gain access to Millicent's fortune (which she had signed over to Daniel, thinking that Nathan loved her not her money).  Vicki who had escaped from gaol, shot and killed Noah to save Daniel.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Question about Collins descendants from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 03:57:31 PM »
oopsie!  Thanks for putting me right!!!  [hall2_grin]

Angelique was infuriated to learn that the Ghost of Jeremiah had buried her false teeth.

Angelique was infuriated to learn that the Ghost of Jeremiah had _________.

Naomi and Natalie were momentarily horrified when Barnabas walked into the room dressed as Josette because they didn't realize it was only because he could no longer see himself in the mirror.

Current Talk '07 II / What's the skinny on the HODS & NODS DVDs?
« on: October 21, 2007, 03:23:30 PM »
I received a mailing stating that the 2008 Festival would be "celebrating the DVD release" of HODS & NODS but I cannot seem to find any other details

Side Note:  What's happened to Darren's ?  Is it accessible by another url?

Many thanks