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Messages - MaggieEvans

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Tim couldn't bear to look as the giant red feather approached Charity to tickle her fancy.

I will look on tonight to see if there's a copy there for download. If it's public domain, there's a chance it will be there. Other than this site here, that's where I spend most of my time. It's a great place for all things public domain.

I would not bring that up here... because I didn't want to sound like I'm advertising the site, but when I read "public domain" in the initial post, I had to let you all know about it.

Carl tried to rip off The Who by doing a speed metal version of "Baba O'Reilly", which really got him all sweaty and that's why his dirty hankerchief had gotten stuck to his face.

"Charity was flabbergasted when her mother confessed that in her youth she'd almost gone through with traveling forward in time to have sex with every member of the 1994 Denver Broncos." (sorry for the South Park reference)

"Rachel was stunned when Charity remarked that it was quite obvious that Rachel had become smarter than the average bear since leaving Worthington Hall!!"

The Reverend was way ahead of his years when he opened his arms to sing "Baby Got Back".

Tim tried to gag himself when he read Nichole Richie's new book "Bulemia and You".

"Edward became extremely uncomfortable when Jamison latched onto him and cried "Why does Barnabas keep calling me DAVID????"

"Please, Magda - I have to borrow your red dress that matches my running shoes or my "drag" race  won't work at all!!"

"Barnabas was quite surprised when he saw the portrait of 'Leonardo' Collins suddenly turn into an autographed pic of Leonardo Di Caprio. His surprised turned to disapointment when he realized he already had a picture like that on the wall of his room."

And initially, that's how I thought it read, which is why I shouldn't be doing this at work! But, what can I say... I've been on this forum since Sunday and I'm already addicted!

"Happy it was finally going to be over with, a nervous Dirk ran into the drawing room immediately after Judith said she was ready to discuss getting rid of that mustache because he is neither a member of Queen, nor the Village People."

"Upon discovering himself in 1897, Barnabas decided almost immediately to keep a diary of his exploits, and on this night he was detailing the exciting story of how he'd claim to invent the internet, just to beat Al Gore to it."

"got to 2nd base with Rachel, not realizing that his source for such slang, Willie, whom had defined this as being within 2 feet of a female without getting maced, was incorrect"

OMG that's hilarious!!!

Yes, but Quentin was a bit of a freak, if you know what I mean.

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