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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark Shadows False Memory Syndrome
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:01:13 AM »
With regards to Carrie, Midnite, yes and no.  (This is referring to the Brian De Palma version of 1976, not the 2002 made-for-TV version which was also fantastic).  The fundamentalist fantatic Margaret, the mom, utters the line after Carrie leaves her bedroom on the way to prom.  Later, while Carrie and her beau were at the prom, the scene switches to the mom who, in the kitchen of their home, picks up a knife and begins to chop away at carrots as if beheading them, giving indication of what she intended to do.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark Shadows False Memory Syndrome
« on: February 14, 2009, 03:27:05 PM »
I'm confused.  Does this mean the Partridge Family did or did not play a gig at the Blue Whale???????  [snow_huh]

See?  Perfect example of FDSMS.  It wasn't the Partridge Family, it was the Brady Bunch kids singing "Time to Change" while Chris Jennings was having problems.  I clearly remember that episode - it was during the Leviathan story line and Anne B. Davis stood in for Clarice Blackburn for a few episodes.


BTW, who does Barnabas wind up with in your story- Julia, Angelique, Roxanne, or Maggie?

I won't blab, Charles, just in case I can somehow recover it.  If I can't, I'll blab.  Of course, I do have Maggie return (since, in my CDT version, the series continues and Dan Curtis does have TLATKLS come back to the series).  PT Roxanne also re-appears when Barnabas needs to return to parallel time.  He finds Quentin and Maggie living in the Loomis House, their marriage seriously on the rocks, things going really bad.  While Barnabas has to deal with his feelings for Roxanne along with another woman in that time for whom he deeply loves (won't say here), he also has to figure out what's really the cause of Quentin and Maggie's marital problems.  Something very foul is really afoot.  As for Angelique, well, I won't say right now either.


I'll have to try that, Katrina.  I did check on Microsoft's website and they want like 100 gazillion dollars for the software.  I had the old '98 and back then Microsoft allowed WordPerfect (which I far prefer) and Microsoft Word to flow back and forth.  When my old computer blew up and I had to get a new one, it had the XP version and I no longer had the additional Corel software.  XP and all after won't do it unless you get the additional software.  Bill Gates probably figured out he was missing out on a few extra bucks and you know how he was hurting for money.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark Shadows False Memory Syndrome
« on: February 13, 2009, 02:26:31 AM »
For years, even decades, although I had watched the whole storyline in its original run, I had thought that it wasn't Quentin who had haunted Collinwood, but Petofi who had possessed Quentin's body and got "trapped" in it, the whole thing being revealed in the 1897 flashback.  When I finally saw it all over again on the Sci-Fi Channel in the early 90's, I was stunned how I could've been so wrong.  Classic FDSMS.  I also had another bout, but this one was understandable.  I clearly remembered in a scene in 1970PT, when Quentin and Maggie were in their bedroom and Maggie was changing, even though she had her back to the camera, she was topless - you saw her bare back.  Then when I saw it again on Sci-Fi, she was clearly wearing a slip.  Then something crossed my mind.  I had taped that episode and rewound it and then turned the color off on my TV (we only had a black-and-white set back in 1970; color TV was for, as my dad use to say, "fancy people") so it was black-and-white.  Sure enough, the color of the slip had blended in with the flesh color of Maggie's back.  Unless one looked very close, she appeared topless.  Vindication. 

I have a friend, another DS fanatic like me, who was convinced, in the classic blooper scene during an episode's closing credits. of Jonathan Frid walking through the Collinwood foyer carrying a cup of coffee.  I told him, no, he was carrying his costume.  No, he insisted, it was a cup of coffee.  I informed him I've seen that episode several times in Sci-Fi reruns.  No matter, according to him, I wasn't seeing it right.  It was a cup of coffee.  I'm sure if he even saw it again he still wouldn't be convinced.  Classic FDSMS.


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Annie
« on: February 12, 2009, 09:33:52 PM »
Happy birthday, Annie!  You've arrived at the best age! 


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Was DS ever actually shown live?
« on: February 11, 2009, 12:53:59 PM »
And then he could've had the whole gang sit down to do a "Our-Supernatural-Members-Are-Tearing-Our-Already-Dysfunctional-Family-Apart" chat and see who starts throwing the first chair.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Was DS ever actually shown live?
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:34:43 AM »
From what I've read about the history of the filming of the series, I find it very difficult if they had done any scenes live.  Virtually all episodes were done live-on-tape at least a week if not more, before they were aired.  In the beginning, everything was done while filming, from opening credits, to filmed exteriors, to commercials, to even the soundtrack, to the closing credits, all packed in and done.  Later in the series, some things were added on after it was filmed.  Another consideration would be that if something flubbed so severely earlier (or if something had been lost), was that it would've been necessary for the performers to be on the soundset to air that particular scene.  Since they tried to keep the number of bodies - live or dead - down to a minimum, what were the odds that the particular performers happened to be on the set, or to even have the set up?  Only a few were permanent, such as the foyer and drawing room, so they would have to get everything suddenly put together and there was very little space to do that.


Several times, Gerard has mentioned writing his own CDTish continuation in novel form, adding that it isn't published anywhere.

Thanks for the mention, Midnite!  I did my own "version" of CTD's of what-would've-happed which spanned seven more years of the series.  I had all sorts of stories and plot-lines.  It was only "published" on-line as part of an old AOL (of which I haven't been a member for several years) DS message board.  That board, so far as I know, no longer exists.  I can't even pull it up myself as I did it in the old WordPerfect format which Microsoft no longer (except with expensive software) will no longer recognize.  But I sure had fun writing it.  I resolved, in my own way, several old story lines, including the return of Victoria Winter and added my own plots.  It ended with the entire family being wiped out by a curse established back in the 1500's in Ireland and Barnabas and Angelique returning to that time period in the old sod to save the family.  Charles Delaware Troll inspired me to do it.  It wasn't as highly detailed as his, just basic story lines, but even in that format it was about 40 pages.  I wish I had the software to transform it into Microsh*t Word so I could send it it anyone who asked.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Whatever Happened to Burke Devlin?
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:39:13 AM »
I also enjoyed Tony George's work on DS

I actually enjoyed his work as well, but as Jeremiah.  I think his more gentle approach worked better than if Mitch Ryan had done the part, making the character of Jeremiah more sympathetic and what happened between him and Barnabas more tragic.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Whatever Happened to Burke Devlin?
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:49:21 AM »
Oh Janet, you're so Wicked!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Whatever Happened to Burke Devlin?
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:49:37 PM »
Maybe it's possible that there were plans for Burke to pop up again in a later storyline, considering how he, shall we say, departed the show and it was never absolutely stated that he, well, you know.  But once Vicki had, well, you know, there was no longer a need for him to say "surprise!" down the road.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark shadows Festival Website
« on: January 18, 2009, 01:47:34 AM »
Welcome, Michael, and let Marcy know she has all of our moral support, and if she needs any other type of support or help, you tell her just to say so and we'll be there as best we can.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: January 09, 2009, 03:41:01 AM »
It does, but in my area what it can all record is actually very limited.  There is a rental cost, and I'd just as soon stick with my VCR which will record anything (and I got that as a gift [a combination VCR/DVD/CD machine]), so that costs me nothing.  I like that value!


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: January 09, 2009, 02:39:41 AM »
I've read that VCR's will still be around for a long time.  They still have not come up with something suitable, in the way of DVD's, to put a disc in, record, watch, erase, and start the whole process again.  Many satellite companies now have the ability to "tape" programs into one's system, but not everyone has satellite (scores of millions don't - I don't; I have cable).  When DS was on Sci-Fi, I taped it every day and watched it later at a convenient time (and fast-forwarded through the commercials).  I used the same tape for years, recording, watching, rewinding, re-recording.  You can't do that with a DVD player (and that's a good term for it - all it does is play instead of work).
