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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Darks Shadows The Revival on Hulu
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:49:52 PM »
I haven't seen the '91 version since it was rerun several times on the Sci-Fi Channel, so I'm very grateful for this link to watch it again.  As a matter of fact, I've watched several episodes today since my car was in the hospital (and I lost a day of work) and had lots of time.  This allowed me to re-evaluate my perceptions of the remake.

I still found it lacking in the subtley of the original.  Much of the first episodes was basically a remake of HoDS, in some cases virtually scene-for-scene and line-for-line.  I couldn't help but think that if this was a "realistic" story, the entire national media would have descended on Collinsport to report that there actually are vampires.  And I keep wondering where the police got those huge silvery crosses from.  In the original, the very word "vampire" was not even uttered until almost a year into the storyline.  

When I first saw the remake, I had problems with casting, but now not so much anymore.  Originally, I didn't like Ben Cross as Barnabas and was middle-of-the-road with Barbara Steele as Julia.  Now I see them as very well cast.  I even started getting use to Ely Pouget's portrayal as a more, shall we say, "fun-loving" version of Maggie.  She was more in tune with DC's original portrayal of Maggie as a much hard-working, in-your-face girl.  However, I still think Jim Fyfe was miscast as Willie.

Collinwood still comes off as impersonal and sterile.  That model of the exterior doesn't help matters; I keep waiting for Godzilla to come and stomp on it.  The interiors, although lucious (whether stage-settings or the authentic house it was filmed in) lacked the proper atmosphere.

I originally didn't like the screenplays (probably because of that lack of subtlety), but now I appreciate the writing more.  

I did notice, on this internet version, that things are "brighter" in the night scenes, but I've been able to ignore it.

All in all, I'd say that I am enjoying it more than my first viewings of it, whether when it appeared on NBC or in reruns on Sci-Fi.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: March 22, 2009, 11:19:07 PM »
Dom, at my age I'd still have to use the I Ching time-travel schtick to find a 21-year-old.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: March 22, 2009, 10:13:21 PM »
I think I mentioned on this thread, MB, that I have a DVD/VCR combo.  It also serves, via the DVD player, as a CD player and since it's hooked up to my stereo it works like a charm.  I got it as a present because my old, separate VCR, DVD and CD players all conked out at the same time, within days of each other. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: March 22, 2009, 08:28:59 PM »
After reading all this regarding all this complicated equipment (why, oh why, oh why, oh why, can't the designers of these contraptions make them easy to use?), I would suggest to all here who are thinking of buying this stuff to invest in a pair of I Ching wands instead.  Why?  Because shortly after you purchase all of it, it will become outdated and incompatible with the new gizmos.  Instead, toss the wands on a table, go into a trance, project yourself into the future with your credit card, buy the machinery and return with it to the present.  By the time you read the "instruction" manuals to figure it all out and get it up and working it will be the latest thing on the market while all your friends will be cussing up a storm over their now obsolete, antiquated systems which they spent a ton on just six months ago when it was latest rage on the shelves.  (The I Ching approach will also work with such things as computers, cellphones, i-pods, TV's, CD players and even household appliances.)


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Prayer for my family.
« on: March 21, 2009, 04:05:23 PM »
My condolences to you, Greg, and know that you and your whole family are in my thoughts and best wishes!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Question about Quentin and ratings
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:52:32 PM »
Don't forget all of Quentin's "as played by Engelbert Humperdinck" appearances in those dreadful Gold Key comic books.

Quentin looked Tasmanian, Julia resembled a retired drag queen badly in need of chin surgery, Prof. Stokes appeared to be semi-batrachian...  I'm not sure what to say about Barn's portrayal in those comics, except that as I recall it, he was drawn looking more like Tony George than Jonathan Frid.

Why, Gothick, how can you say that?  Those Gold Key comics were simply just, well, they were pretty much, they were...never mind, you're absolutely right.  The "artistic" work was plain awful.  Two things really got to me when I use to purchase them at the comic book section of the old Red Owl supermarket down the street from where I grew up.  The first, and I mentioned this once before in a very old post here, was that Barnabas, save for a rare exceptions, was always wearing that coat-cape.  No matter where he was, what season it was, what time it was, he always had it on.  The second one is (along the same line and which I haven't previously mentioned) is that whenever he travelled back in time he was always wearing his 20th century clothing (which was that darn cape-coat and his necktie knot sticking out of the top).  He would be prancing around people in the 17th century and when all the characters there were dressed like pilgrims he'd be wearing that darn cape-coa....oh, you know what I mean, and no one would question his modern duds. 

And then there was Elizabeth who always wore, no matter what time of the day, that same long evening gown that looked like it came right off the rack at some Hooterville theatrical company.  To top it off, literally, she had that gigantic beehive hairdo that made her look like Divine from Hairspray after he had lost 10,000 pounds.  No wonder Elizabeth never left Collinwood; she couldn't get her hair through the front door.


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: New Dark Shadows site
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:36:20 PM »
Sara, I'm impressed!  You've got some really neat stuff on that site!

And, Taeylor, I'm blushing!  I think I've got the vapors!


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Burnt Offerings
« on: March 16, 2009, 02:09:23 AM »
I saw the film when it first came out in the theaters (not knowing, until I read the opening credits and heard the music, that it was a DCP) and while I found it atmospheric, the ending had me going "huh?"  It was the same thing with the awful, made-much-later Kubrick version of Stephen King's The Shining


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Joan as a bride
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:38:12 PM »
We can pretend that that's her wedding photo to Paul!  Their wedding was probably no where near as extravagant, but let's just pretend.


I think whatever approach is used would be monumental, including in problematic situations.  If the movie starts in the present, there would have to be adequate character development to allow the audience to identify without it appearing rushed or packed.  For example, would it start with Victoria's arrival and sweep into Barnabas' release and her being his Josette, etc.?  Would Maggie be his Josette with everything else flowing around that?  Would the character of the governess, whether Victoria or Maggie, already have been at Collinwood, ala HoDS?  How would it end - would it allow for the screaming desire for a sequel going back to the 1790's?

If it starts in the 1790's, would it be a telling of the tale as if you-know-who didn't travel back in time?  Would that make Phyllis Wickes a major character?  Would it end with Barnabas being you-know-what, therefore screaming for a sequel set in the present?  If that happens, how would the sequel end?  Would you-know-who go back in time?  Well, then they'd need to remake the sequel, or otherwise how would the present play out?

Depp has a great deal to consider.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Is Nicholas Blair At It Again?
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:29:36 AM »
Thanks, MB!  If it happens again, I'll let you know!  I have to have my daily dose of DS!  Sometimes computer-ware stuff can be more vile than Nicholas.  Say, that gives an idea - maybe Depp could cast Bill Gates in the role of Nicholas or even Petofi!  If he's not available, then maybe some CEO from AOHell.  Talk about typecasting, eh?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Is Nicholas Blair At It Again?
« on: February 25, 2009, 01:41:55 AM »
When I clicked on Robeservations to get my daily fix of DS episodes, it said something like:  "Error Occured:  Attempted Hacking."  That's the second time I've seen that.  That rascally Nicholas will try anything to make us denizens of DS unable to get what we need.  Hopefully he'll be defeated so I can see my episodes!  Anyone have a cut-out of a black phantom to put him in his place?


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: VERY SAD NEWS /OT
« on: February 22, 2009, 10:37:26 PM »
Thanks for letting us know, Annie!  Tim and his family are in my thoughts and wishes!


They're coming to get you, Barbara; they're coming to get you!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark Shadows False Memory Syndrome
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:43:42 AM »
You said it, Midnite!  Red - ah might've known.  It's pink Mamma, pink.  Ah can see your dirtypillows.  They're....well, you know the rest.
