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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 22, 2011, 12:25:33 AM »
The fact that the source was listed as "a major American soap opera website" is quite suspect.

Brandon, is that a quote from this board?  I don't recall seeing the soap website described as "major."

I was paraphrasing. I was talking about the line in neiljohnson's first post containing the spoilers where he says that he found the spoilers on "a soap opera website that features American soaps." It may be true that this website is not a "major" one, I was just going on memory of what I read. I apologize for misspeaking.

Regarding the spoiler Gothick was talking about and the idea presented, I love it as well! That would be a fantastic scene to recreate in the film, and I'm sure there would be plenty of instances where it could happen.

Ultimately, I hope that [spoiler] Barnabas is not defanged, as it were, and actually packs some punch in this film. The original show did an excellent job of walking the line of making us hate Barnabas even if his actions were justifiable, and make us love Barnabas when we weren't sure if we should or not. This, to me, is an important aspect in storytelling because it allows you to really make a character grow and evolve. [/spoiler]

Also, now that I've been thinking about it [spoiler] they couldn't really kill off anyone too major in the first film without at least introducing other family members to include in a potential sequel. The major characters are very few here, as there aren't many direct relatives of the Collins family left from what we can see according to the cast listing. I would imagine that Burton and co. would want to keep the cast around as more box office draw for a potential second film. But then, Burton is not famous for making sequels to his movies so who's to say that a sequel would even happen? And if it did, and they replaced Burton what would that mean for our beloved series? [/spoiler]

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Who's Reading The Forum?
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:31:16 AM »
I tend to respect show runners/directors more when they check in every so often with the fans of a show or movie they are producing through forums, twitter, facebook, or some other form of social media. I'm not looking for some sort of communication or conversation, but when someone in the biz randomly says in an interview "yea, i read this or that forum to brush up on the history or to see what people thought of this or that" it really lets me know that they care about fan reaction and what fans think.

Plus, it's nice to know that in some small way, you're involved in what you like by doing more than just watching it.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:26:23 AM »
I also asked for the source (website, person who posted them on the website, source before this etc) but was not provided with one. The fact that the source was listed as "a major American soap opera website" is quite suspect.

Nonetheless, if these turn out to not be spoilers at all but mere ideas someone dreamed up, the conversation is still interesting.

Current Talk '11 II / Who's Reading The Forum?
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:03:16 PM »
It's no secret that when a fandom is particularly passionate about a certain piece of entertainment, and there are popular forums in existence for that fandom, that those who work on the movie or show read the forums to get fan reactions or ideas of what should happen next.

As I was reading through some of the threads earlier, I wondered to myself if anyone who is working on the current production of the new Dark Shadows movie was possibly checking this forum to see what we all think of rumors/spoilers that are currently out there. Is it possible that Tim Burton himself is checking messages on this forum without being an actual member?

What does everyone think?

I would just die if at the end of the credits it said "Dark Shadows is a Tim Burton Production!"  ;)

Agreed! That would be a cool little tongue-in-cheek moment for those of use who are familiar with the original series.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:49:12 PM »
Thanks for posting the spoilers! They are very intriguing and any or all of them could be very plausible parts of the script. The only thing I wonder is who or what the source of the information is. If we knew that, it would definitely lend to or take away from the credibility of the information.

The only thing I don't like is:

[spoiler]That Barnabas doesn't kill his victims. The original series walked the fine line of making Barnabas very dangerous, yet at the same time still likable. If Barnabas doesn't kill his victims then he must have a serious army of people who are loyal to him and can do his bidding. And I'm wondering exactly how many of his victims are members of the Collins family? Since Carolyn and David are both minors here, does he bite Elizabeth? I'm sure he'll probably bite Julia since he'll need her full trust and confidence once they become close, but that doesn't really leave many options.

Also, the spoiler about Victoria Winters is full of great possibilities to move the story to interesting new places. But why is Angelique constantly after Barnabas? Is it just because she's so completely evil that she's holding that horrible of a grudge against Barnabas for breaking her heart all those years ago? The thing that was great about the Barnabas/Angelique relationship in earlier incarnations was the fact that she was so pissed at him for breaking her heart and he only made it worse by continually falling for other women throughout his 200 years, which would instantly bring Angelique back. So if he's not falling for Vicki, is he falling for anyone at all?

Finally, I'm excited to see who exactly dies in the film, besides Angelique (if her death is true). And, we all know that given the history of Angelique's character, her dying doesn't really mean anything at all. I have a hard time thinking of which of the main cast could die at Widows Hill. All of them are so integral to the tone and feeling of the series, I wouldn't want to lose any of them.[/spoiler]

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! I know I'm a little late, but better late than never!

Interesting topic, Bob.

I never really paid much attention to the statue, I guess because I was so used to it always being a background player that I completely ignored it. Did we ever see the statue in another place throughout the series of the show? For some reason I don't think we did, even if the statue wasn't on the table for some reason or another. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken.

I just saw a tweet from Warner Brothers that a few hours ago they released a teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises - and it started shooting only a about a week before DS -

This is true. The new trailer plays before Harry Potter that was just released this weekend. Although, it doesn't really have a huge amount of footage from the new film, just a few brief flashes here and there. Mostly it relies on images from the previous two films and title sequenes "This is where it all ends" etc etc to build up excitement and momentum going into next summer. But really, with a movie franchise as big as Nolan's Batman, they don't need it.

And on the subject of Megan Fox, I DEARLY PRAY AND HOPE TO GOD that she is NOWHERE NEAR the new DS film. I cannot stand her and she is a TERRIBLE actress. I don't mean to hate, but I just can't help it. I seriously do wish and hope that this is one of those crazy rumors that someone started.

This is pretty exciting. Hopefully my local comic shop will carry it so I can at least check it out and see whether or not I like it.

I can't believe it's been FIVE YEARS since her last fest! I'm pretty sure that she was at the first fest I ever went to, which I think was 2006. Hard to believe I haven't been to a fest in that long.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:16:41 AM »
Just curious, did they mention whether with Star Trek, in the case of the original series, will it be the unedited episodes, or the ones where they replaced the lovely old paintings, models and maquettes with tacky new CGI effects?  (My apologies to those who think of the shift to CGI on vintage classic TV shows is an "upgrade."  The thought of it makes me want to vomit.)

I'm not sure if the original Trek episodes are edited or unedited. I have only watched select episodes from TNG thus far.

And I agree with your point that "it's the way of the world" for everything to go streaming eventually. After all, these companies need to find new and inventive ways to make money off of us where entertainment media is concerned. With more and more people watching things online, you've seen companies like Hulu and other beings created. Initially they're free, but then after people become used to using their services they begin to charge. Hulu really irritated me because they originally offered certain shows currently airing on television for free, meaning you could view them anytime at your leisure for no cost. But now they've changed it so that some episodes are free but others you must sign up for their "Hulu Plus" program in order to view, which means paying a monthly access fee. And, of course, the episodes they reserve for this service are often the best, where all the plot points finally come together and something important happens.

Hopefully as the popularity and interest of Dark Shadows undoubtedly grows as the movie nears release, Netflix will make the decision to offer the original series in its entirety through streaming or DVD service.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:39:50 PM »
I'm also not surprised by the price increase since Netflix has really become the go-to way to rent and watch movies instead of visiting a movie store. Not to mention the fact that I'm sure they're trying to increase their library offerings and/or try to get more copies of things they already do offer. Since there isn't a time limit on how long you can keep a DVD, some people keep them forever and never send them back! I've had the last Netflix DVD I rented for at least 6 months or more because I keep forgetting to stick it in the mail. (Which, after I finish this I will immediately go and do that).

Fortunately for me, I own all of the DS DVD sets except for two of DS: The Beginning. So I can watch it anytime I please by just pulling out one of these sets. But, for those who don't, streaming is a great option that can definitely be frustrating. I have found it very annoying before when I've tried to watch a series and one or two episodes is missing here or there, or they only have the first portion of the series but not the last half or even the overall majority of the entire thing. They have enough to get you hooked and then you're SOL.

When I use Netflix anymore, I just stream whatever I want to watch. Eventually everything is going to be on there anyway, and Netflix is constantly getting awesome new licenses, like the one that allowed them to just add the entire Star Trek television library. That was pretty surprising to me given how guarded that series is and how much it costs (ridiculous amounts!) on DVD and Blu Ray.

MB - I can be a bit touchie when it comes to people around me in a theater ( movie or plays ). When my wife and I went to see "Return Of The King" a couple had me mad enough to scream and my wife didn't even notice them. While I'll be the first to say "that's on me" that doesn't change it.

I am also touchy in the theater. I hate listening to people chomp and grind on their food and snacks, obnoxiously sip their sodas, and constantly tap-tap-tapping away texting their friends! I am hyper sensitive to this situation, and have been for a few years now. I took a film class in college and we did an entire unit on how background noise completely changes and can even ruin a film experience for someone. Ever since then, I can't help but notice things like this despite constantly trying to ignore them.

I usually find that the best time to go to the movies where I live is early on Sunday mornings. The younger (and mostly ruder) crowds are at home in bed, all the adults are either out shopping/at church/working around the house/or sleeping. I find that I am usually the one only, or one of few audience members in the entire theater room, and that's great!

Can I be the one to tell her that there are a lot more than 160 episodes?  Please?!


I always introduce people to DS starting with the begining of 1795, it's a great jumping on point, as they don't need to know anything about the show by starting at that point, and the pace of the show picks up really well at that point, and it's one of the best stories from the series.
The first few months of Barnabas being released from the coffin before 1795 can be a little slow paced for new viewers.

This is a good idea, because I myself think that the episodes after Barnabas is released are quite slow, and sometimes find them hard to watch. If I really want to I can, but there's only so much of Maggie screaming "Let Me Out!" that I can take. Mostly I watch this episodes for the interactions of the other characters and the smaller story lines that happen at the same time.

I'm sure that with the release of the new movie there will be a renewed interest in the "classic DS" as I'm sure it will be dubbed. I'm consistently surprised when I meet someone in everyday life who is a fan of the show. I've met a few people where it comes up in casual conversation.