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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Episode 494
« on: May 17, 2006, 11:49:50 PM »
To be completely honest, I also found it a bit uncomfortable to watch at first. Now, you know I adore Julia regardless (I tend to think of her character as a divine work in progress throughout the series), but ironically enough this is the very scene that a few acquaintences have pointed out as being a reason they can't stand/hate Julia. Who wrote her dialogue in this episode?

However, since I have a tendency to look at things from a...bent perspective, I have rationalized/joked that this scene was a result of either: 1. Barnabas was in an equally snappy mood that morning and left her to clean up the ancient kitchen, run tests, take care of Adam, and handle a still recovering Willie at the same time (I know that would piss me off - lol,) 2. It was a bad time of month, and Barnabas, after he'd accidentally thrown out a box of...personal items she'd been sorting through, consumed the last cup of coffee and chocolate bar in the house, 3. The results of her latest therapeutic salon visit were ruined when Barnabas accidentally spilled something acrid on a divine number she'd just purchased, leaving her to drag out that unflattering mottled suit. The only highlights being the orange shell and loud jewelry accenting her still new-ish 'do...

And I hate to say it, but [spoiler]I kinda chuckle when (after Willie had come back from giving Maggie Josette's earrings,) Willie says something to the effect of (I'm paraphrasing here) "I didn't go nowhere." Julia snaps back "nowhere must be a very muddy place..." pointing out the muddy shoes he'd just dragged through the house. I don't think anyone but Grayson could pull off that scene...[/spoiler]

Then again, maybe the stress of the situation just made the divine Doctor go back into sly minx mode for a moment... yeah, that's the ticket. ;)

Damn...I missed this thread. ::)

My concise review: Nicely done; although I still dislike the cover a bit...
However I do like the general layout/design of the back cover, interestingly enough. I just have this pet peeve about including all the main characters...omitting the one that was nominated for an academy award, and was a vital part of the story, well...(I know all the reasons why that was done the way it was done - I'm just goofy like that.)

But I CAN"T WAIT to read the full story behind that and *more* in J99's upcoming Bio of that divine redhead! [squeal]

[cough] ...Anyway, the movie is still top notch and highly recommended [thumb]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: For the Pun of it...
« on: May 14, 2006, 07:39:17 AM »
Gosh... [blshg]...Many Thanks MB - Btw, it appears fine in Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Safari, and Camino on the Mac...
I've had the notion of checking a webpage in all available browsers stuck in my head since the last web class I had, so I couldn't resist commenting about the faultiness of Internet Explorer...again.   [Blow_Up_IE] >:D

Many Thanks Jennifer - sending you a virtual feel-better Jennings hug (sounds like another good idea for a card - lol) [just pretent one is you and one is Chris, or something...]


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / For the Pun of it...
« on: May 13, 2006, 01:01:14 PM »
Well, I kept hesitating and tweaking this until i went into html shock (just kidding), so here goes---

I've recently concocted another "capture" story, wherein I dream up dialogue and a wacky scenerio/plot based on captures I've taken and/or tweaked from the series, and post them on a webpage. Well, this time I decided to post them in blog format. I'm using this particular blog soley for posting/archiving things of this nature. Anyway, I thought I should include a bit of a disclaimer/warning...


The following parody (of sorts) contains oddball humor, strong innuendo, adult language, adult situations, and various shades of the color pink...if taken too seriously, your brain will self-destruct in 30 seconds. If the idea of reading/viewing such work makes you want to throw Julia's well-worn flats through the monitor, please, exit this post now...


For the rest of you (this may take a little bit to load):

¢â‚¬¢ The additional chapters can be accessed at the bottom of each section (labelled part 2, part 3, etc...) You can also access each part in the previous posts links to the right (listed by "title and part #")

¢â‚¬¢ I also have a list of links for previous webpage stories I've done from the past (listed under "previous story links"). This story, titled "Stroke of Luck", is a continuation of sorts of my last capture tale, "Just Deserts." Now that I read through it carefully, the continuity between that story and this one isn't altogether perfect (cough), however in the spirit of the DS (whose continuity wasn't always pristine,) I thought, what the hey... ;)

¢â‚¬¢ Btw, I haven't checked this on a PC yet, but if you're operating off a Mac, viewing this with Internet Explorer IS NOT recommended. The layout is not...displaying right in that browser, to say the least.

And no, I wasn't under the influence of anything illegal when I did this...unless you consider working with gouache paints at all hours a drug. Blame it on waay too much stress.   ::)
Yeah, that's the ticket... :D

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0692
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:55:04 AM »

Well, I can't take too much credit because I've simply setup the software that I use to take captures at a set interval as the episodes play. So, each capture is taken purely by chance. I just post what I think are the more amusing ones once I come across them while picking out the ones I want to use for the daily slideshows.

Nice shots regardless of how you set up the software... [thumb]

...and here when I do captures I actually go through the thing frame by freakin' frame...sigh. Yeah, I'm a nut...  ::)[/i]

We should probably be thanking the DS actors for their endless array of facial expressions.

I second that...  :D

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Bizarre DS Fest Dream!
« on: May 08, 2006, 10:08:03 PM »
Wow...neat dreams guys and gals.

I may have mentioned this before, but what the hell...

I've had a couple dreams with Grayson in it, but only as Julia...she was always in her lab in the OH, but for some reason the lab was done up real nice, tons of neatly arranged equipment (maybe Barn. had pitched in for modern conveniences, or I was tapping into memories of her lab from HODS, I dunno - lol)...
In one of the dreams Julia turned to the person she was examining, flashed a hypodermic and said "sing your prettiest" (a minor quote from "Satin in High Heels" for those that don't know what I'm referring to) for some reason...

So what's the moral of this barely related story? J99, "sing your prettiest," ie. give it your all, at the proposed panel...we'll all be cheering for you. ;) :-*

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Work those gloves!
« on: April 28, 2006, 10:01:55 AM »
no one worked a telephone or a pair of gloves quite like the good doctor.

I quite agree...

and cassandra's endless array of lime green ensembles was really creamy. :P
That and her colorful robes...  ;)

Thanks for the captures, MB...made my day. :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: KLS Mentioned in new book
« on: April 24, 2006, 01:00:25 AM »
i think most of the females now are clueless about continued invisible manipulation and marginilization. .if you're not this'n that you're not valued by certain males. . .i'm only in the first chapter of the book but again, thank god someone wrote this


Sorry Midnite - I don't mean to continue this discussion in the off topic territory. But, As someone who is of the age group in question, I just had to say that I agree...

Misfit in Pgh.,

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0694
« on: April 15, 2006, 11:50:44 AM »