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Messages - Ben

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mitch vs. Anthony
« on: March 16, 2002, 10:49:02 PM »
I always think Anthony George had a bit of a raw deal -- face it, Burke Devlin was such a pale version of the embittered, calculating original by the time Barnabas arrived -- character-wise George inherited a much weaker character.

I agree with the comments on 1795 -- Mitch Ryan was probably much too contemporary in both his acting style and physical appearance to have meshed well in that particular time period.

Interesting insights, Stuart.  After having grown comfortable with the rebellious character Ryan created during 1966-67, I can't imagine him trapped in ruffled costumes and 18th century formalities ("Formalities, shmormalities!" I can almost hear him barking, as he trips over his costume).  

George, who seemed to revel in period formalities, seemed better suited to be Jeremiah.  There might have been possibliities for Ryan, however, had he been given a rebellious character to play in 1795 -- or at least a loud, angry one.  Peter Bradford, maybe??  But then poor Vicki would be SO confused ... telling Bradford that he had been flying in a big silverbird over that city in Brazil.  [hdscrt]

Anyway, had Ryan played Jeremiah, I probably would have felt worse knowing that his Jeremiah became reduced to that pitiful looking Bandage Man.    [crazd]


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Kneeling Ghosts
« on: March 14, 2002, 05:50:59 AM »

You know, I wish that Dan Curtis had let Louis Edmonds (as Roger Collins) sing "Try To Remember" with Nancy Barrett (as Carolyn, of course) on piano in the drawing room of Collinwood (with Barnabas, Liz, Julia and Stokes as Roger's captive audience).  

After watching Lara Parker trying to shoo away ol' Jeremiah today, I couldn't help but envision her breaking into a variation of the Steve Lawrence/Donny Osmond classic, "Go Away, Little Ghost."

(who, if things work out, will be making his downtown Chicago piano bar debut later this spring, with a song list that will surely include "Try to Remember")

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Kneeling Ghosts
« on: March 12, 2002, 06:12:29 PM »
I know that I'm dating myself by this, but when the ghost of Jeremiah starts to amble about Collinwood, I almost wish that the DS technicians played that "immortal' Three Dog Night song, "Joy To The World."  I'm sure everyone remembers it:  "Jeremiah was a bulldog, was a good friend of mine..."

Bob, you'll know I'm dating myself, too, but this reminds me of a rather sophomoric prank that my eighth grade classmates tried to play on one of our teachers, an older nun.  We convinced her that we wanted to sing "Joy to the World" at our upcoming graduation.  At first she thought it a peculiar choice ("a Christmas carol ... in May?").  But then she agreed ... until she heard the Three Dog Night record.

But would you believe we actually got to sing these other tunes: "We've Only Just Begun," "Get Together," and "Turn, Turn, Turn."  We were groovy, groovy, groovy, weren't we?  

Ben   ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Picky Complaints
« on: March 12, 2002, 05:55:13 PM »
There are a couple of things that happen on DS that drive me crazy.  

They must have quite an artisan in that town.  As soon as someone dies, the carved tombstone is right there!  In this case, perhaps that explains the misspelling of "Jerimiah"!!

The other is when a body, in this case Jeremiah's hand, comes up out of a grave.  Isn't anyone buried in a coffin (other than vampires) around here?  It's quite an effective moment, but I still don't see how that hand breaks through the coffin and then out through the soil!!!

Those things might drive you crazy, Josette, but I hope you still find them amusing!  I find it more thrilling to see the improbable hand poking out from under the dirt than having to endure the more "accurate" portrayal of a six-foot coffin lid trying to crack its way open through the earth, awkwardly toppling all the surrounding styrofoam gravestones in the process.   :D


Current Talk '02 I / Re: In Defense of Vicky
« on: March 08, 2002, 04:38:37 AM »

So THAT'S what explains Peter Bradford! Thanks for finally putting your finger on it, Luciaphil. :D

And all this time, I thought Vicki was simply attacted to guys who yelled a lot.

Ben   ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Rev. Trask fashion question
« on: March 07, 2002, 07:57:49 PM »
I always get a charge out of Rev. Trask's longwinded, pompous lectures, but he is even more difficult to take seriously delivering them in his trademark wide-brimmed, sombrero-like hat.  Might that have inspired SNL's Father Guido Sarducci?  

So, for Vlad, Happybat, and any other sartorial scholars out there, was Trask's hat commonly worn by ministers of the period?


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS Fest
« on: March 07, 2002, 04:21:48 PM »
Bette, it's been on my calendar for months, and I hope to finalize my plans soon.  Some of my other Chicago-area friends may be going as well.

Looking forward to seeing you and all my DS buds again, as well as meeting more folks from this board.  You're a great bunch!    :)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Best Line of the Day
« on: March 07, 2002, 04:04:40 PM »
I concur with your insightful observations, ProfStokes!  Usually, it's the overbearing characters who deliver the acidic lines.  Here in 1795, it's a treat to see them get a well-deserved dressing down, especially from folks we least expect.  



I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your mom.  May your lifetime of fond memories of her give you comfort and strength during this difficult time.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: TLATKLS
« on: March 06, 2002, 05:59:43 AM »
Question for Ringo..."TLATKLS", I'm guessing..."The Lovely And Talented Kathryn Leigh Scott". (?)

Hi, Latisha:

I don't think my buddy Ringo  8)  will mind my telling you now that you are absolutely correct about those initials  -- especially since I, too, had a chance to meet her and have my photo taken with her at last year's fest.  KLS is definitely TLAT!  And gracious, too.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Slightly OT - Imagining Peter Sellers on DS
« on: March 06, 2002, 05:47:26 AM »
I can just see the wily Inspector Clouseau questioning, among others, Roger Collins, Willy Loomis, Angelique Rumson, Buzz Hackett, the Eagle Hill Cemetery Caretaker and, of course, Barnabas Collins in the inspector's own inimitable style.  It would be like a veritable, intended assortment of Dark Shadows blooper sequences!

Hi, Bob:

Yes, I can see him bumbling his way through Collinwood, unwittingly smothering a fire started by Laura Collins, grabbing Vicki's hand during a seance and being transported to 1795 with her, making Barnabas choke by accidentally sitting on his toy soldier, confusing the ghost of Quentin Collins by answering the magic telephone in his French accent, and accidentally locking Barnabas out of his coffin right before sunrise.  

Of course, he doesn't have a clue about the impact of his actions ... Clouseau is really Clou-less.  Unfortunately, he would end up solving way too many mysteries for the writers to keep up with him.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: french accents
« on: March 05, 2002, 05:54:05 PM »
I think they were saying:
J: That was a grand piano.....
A: Not any more!!!

Ringo, I think there was even more:

J: Will Monsieur Curtis have us speaking French tomorrow?

A: What do YOU think?    ::)


Current Talk '02 I / Slightly OT - Imagining Peter Sellers on DS
« on: March 05, 2002, 05:56:02 AM »
I was reading a local Chicago newspaper feature on a Peter Sellers film festival underway this month.  The reviewer pointed out Sellers' penchant for playing multiple characters in the same film, and it got me thinking how versatile the well regarded Sellers might have been on DS, which had the same actors playing different characters in ever-changing storylines.  

If we take it a step further, a Blake Edwards-produced DS might even have found Sellers playing multiple characters in a single episode -- including, say, a vampire resting in his coffin as well as the brave soul who stakes him later in the show.

Imagine the quips Sellers and Thayer David could have exchanged about their numerous, widely varying roles.  I can hear Sellers saying, "So, you've got Matthew Morgan, Count Petofi, and Prof. Eliot Stokes?  Well, I'm doing Constable Carter, Sam Evans, AND Burke Devlin -- tomorrow!"

DS did have actors doing more than one role in a single ep: Grayson Hall playing Hoffman the maid and Dr. Julia Hoffman (1970 PT), and Lara Parker playing Alexis Stokes and Angelique Stokes Collins (1970 PT), even though the physical resemblance between the characters in each case was intended.

Sellers, with self-effacing humor, once said that he was able to absorb so many divergent personalities because he didn't have one of his own.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: cough, cough
« on: March 03, 2002, 12:44:49 AM »
I really felt for Grayson in yesterday's episode and had to greatly admire how she handled a non-stop coughing fit. That is so uncomfortable and impossible to get over while using one's voice!

My favorite coughing scene was in 1967, when Dennis Patrick, as the c*cky Jason McGuire, was overtaken by a very un-Jason-like coughing fit as he lecturing Willie at the Blue Whale.  

But my all-time favorite coughing blooper didn't occur on DS.  I saw it as an outtake of a soap (don't know the name) on a Dick Clark "TV Bloopers" special.  A woman was in bed under the covers, when she was supposed to start shrieking like a banshee, over and over.  It worked at first, until she had to take another breath to continue screaming.  Instead, she started coughing.  Of course, that killed the intensity of the moment, and she began laughing.  

I wonder if that would have qualified for a "stop tape" moment on DS.  I mean, what if Barnabas, fangs bared and coming in for the bite, started coughing at that very moment?   ::)

(glad not to be coughing like I was for the entire month of January)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Of Nightmares and Mannequin Arms...
« on: March 01, 2002, 06:54:47 AM »
Bob, those are exactly my thoughts! I didn't realize you already posted this (I'm still new at navigating this board, plus I had to get a Yahoo address in order to register here), so I unwittingly had started a separate thread along these lines. Oops!

Ben  :-[
(but glad to know that great minds think alike)

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