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Messages - Stuart

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I have this film on DVD.  Marley's role isn't huge, but it's a nice part and she plays it well.  There's certainly a lot of qualities in it that I can see turning up in Vicki, so it's definitely worth checking out.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Dark Shadows Journal Updates
« on: March 24, 2004, 05:03:05 AM » - Dark Shadows Journal Online

* Night of Dark Shadows Gallery

Revisit the 1971 spin-off movie, with a special selection of rare photographs of the cast during filming!



« on: March 22, 2004, 01:45:52 AM »
I've just added a photograph and bio details on Ivana to my site:

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Merchandising
« on: March 21, 2004, 09:18:28 PM »
I'd assume that if the new version goes down well, then they won't waste any time exploiting that...

MPI irritate me...  They produce something like the Bobbleheads, which are probably the best thing they've ever done, then use them solely as a premium for their DVD club...  I think they had the potential to be great sellers, but the average fan can't afford to spend over $350 for the chance to own one.  They really could use more common sense - give away a mousepad or something like that and actually try *selling* the decent stuff.

I'd like to see them do more audio plays a la "Return to Collinwood" - they're cheap to produce and the possibilities are endless.  They could compliment both the original and new episodes very nicely, I think.

I've never spotted one myself, but I seem to remember someone saying that some are visible from Joe's boat whenever it appears.  My concern about California was the very bright sunshine that appeared on occasion, something which no amount of atmospheric mist could cover up.

TBH, filming in California is much less of a setback than it was in 1991.  With computer technology light years ahead now, it'd be very easy to grade sunlight away to make things look moodier, paint out any pesky palm trees and add overcast skies.

Nowadays, the only limit to a show's visuals in that respect is its designer's imagination :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Fan Article
« on: March 20, 2004, 06:32:08 AM »
Thanks for the kind comments - I'm really glad people enjoyed reading it.

I suppose deep down the new project does make us examine why we're fans of the original, which is never a bad thing. I think fans are very important and our opinions matter, but it doesn't mean we're right - and I'd place myself on the top of that list.

If I can enjoy the new project and its stories in their own right, I'll be a pretty satisfied viewer, I think.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:"Darker Shadows"
« on: March 19, 2004, 07:38:42 AM »
In fairness, there had been a film called "Dark Shadows" long before 1966...  Someone should steal it back - it's only fair  ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:The return to 1796
« on: March 14, 2004, 03:32:59 AM »
I guess I'm in the minority, as I love that story.  I know the continuity aspect makes no sense whatsoever (but neither do any of the other flashbacks, so who cares), but it's so well done and enjoyable.

Carolyn Groves is just amazing as Vicki - she just hits the ground running, looks perfect and frankly is a better actress than Alexandra Moltke.  This Vicki's vulnerable and scared, but she's no fool either.

Also, it really does improve on the original run of 1795 episodes too - Barnabas' confrontation of Nathan in the Eagle is vastly superior, with far better performances - Frid in particular.  Added to that the fun of revisiting the 1795 settings, and the shock - well, it was to me - return of Angelique (never a bad thing), and it's a great little diversion that doesn't outstay its welcome.

After the relative disaster of Betsy Durkin's miscasting (not really a bad actress, just visually wrong and too go-get-em), I think it was really welcome to take time out and give Vicki a proper send-off.  There's even a little acknowledgement of the parentage thing as she leaves, when she tells Barnabas that she doesn't need to search any more, because Collinwood is her home...  awwwww.

« on: March 14, 2004, 03:21:50 AM »
I re-watched my "Pleasantville" DVD today and was pleasantly surprised.  Marley's really photogenic onscreen (a lot more than the stills I've seen, certainly) and she played innocent really well, without seeming stupid.  I can really see a lot of qualities in that performance that will work for Vicki.

And yeah, I think PJ Hogan is a wonderful choice of director - a lot better than Bowman in some respects.  While I like a lot of Rob's work, he doesn't really strike me as an "actor's" director, and he has a kinda slick coldness to his stuff.

Hogan's track record is much more character-based, and should certainly nail the romance element.  I can really see his take on "Dark Shadows" being much more fairy-tale and magical, with child-like wonder.  Could be good :)

« on: March 12, 2004, 05:27:57 PM »
This is the most recent picture I could find, from January 2003:

I thought Lysette was very good as Angelique, actually.  Visually, she was just perfect casting.  I always think the criticism of her is much like that of Ben Cross - she's not playing Lara Parker but the character as written, which was a lot more overt and one note.

But for looks and sheer in-yer-face sexuality, she was ace.  And she felt genuinely dangerous - the scene where she bewitches Ben was really outstanding, in that respect.  She's just so driven and bunny boiling mad!

« on: March 12, 2004, 12:08:45 PM »
Since they're mentioning all the coincidences of casting, Joan Allen who was Pat Nixon was also in Pleasantville!

Ooooooooooooooooooooh, Joan Allen... there's a name I hadn't thought of.  She'd be amazing for Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, wouldn't she?

Marley's an interesting choice - she looks very much like Nancy Barrett in some of her photos.  Visually she's closer to Alexandra Moltke than Joanna Going.  And yeah, I eagerly wait for the blonde/brunette debate to split fandom down the middle ;)

Well spotted.  That is indeed Jamison Selby, who wrote and directed "Return to Collinwood" :)

210 - Dark Shadows Journal Online:

* Return to Collinwood Gallery

A look back at last year's radio play sequel to the original series, with a special gallery of previously unseen photographs...

Ben Martin is an award-winning photographer and photojournalist responsible for many classic Dark Shadows publicity stills.  Ben was on hand to cover "Return to Collinwood", and generously shares some of his pictures.

* News

Steadily updated throughout the week


Stuart  >:D

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