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Messages - Nicky

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Current Talk '03 II / Night of Dark Shadows
« on: July 26, 2003, 02:43:26 AM »
Because I am enjoying my recent DS video fests (I rewatched most of the Angelique/Barnabas/Josette triangle from 1795 on dvd for the first time in years), and because a friend of mine recently made an interesting acquisition with regards to the second DS film, I decided to pop in "Night of Dark Shadows" and watch it after many years.

I was struck by how some of the scenes were genuinely eerie, and evoked that shuddery feeling of creeping horror that I don't feel very often while watching so-called "scary" movies.  I think part of the charm of the film (despite its horrendous cuts) lies in the acting of the principals, namely Kate Jackson (who is really very good, and manages to rise above the ingenue status in a way that I never felt KLS or Alexandra Moltke did) and David Selby (sexy as hell; love the mop-top hair, and those eyes ...!)  John Karlen does a particularly good turn as Alex, and I love how he hisses on and on about that "son of a bitch" Gerard.  (James Storm, meanwhile, irritates me ceaselessly.)  Chris Pennock enjoys his little screen time, and seems more comfortable on the big screen than he ever did on the afternoon DS; his chewing of the scenery seems slightly more honed.

I am also enamored with the music of this film, particularly Quentin and Tracy's love theme.  Played on the piano, it's both lovely and haunting at the same time.

I'm going to have to pull out my old DS movie book and re-read the script of NODS just so I can get a proper feel of it, and mourn the passing of those cut scenes, which, if poor Darren is correct in his recent posting, may never see the light of day.  (Darren, I've been following your crusade for this film since Video Watchdog published your article about the DS films in the fall of 1997, and I hope that someday your valor and your more-than-strenuous heroics will pay off.)

My roomate, who has now watched the entire '91 series with me and a few eps from Leviathan and 1968, can't wait, he says, to watch HODS, if only to watch the majority of the cast bite it in various ways (if you'll pardon the expression.)


Hey there, fellow earthlings,

After nearly four full years of running "Shadows on the Wall", the writers and myself decided that it was time to install a feedback forum, and thanks to the marvelous Tim Choate, who has run our archive for us all this time (and ten thousand hits plus!), we now have a fancy new guest book.  Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions ... on behalf of the other writers from "Shadows on the Wall", we'd love and appreciate hearing your feedback.

Thanks gang!

Here's the link for the archive -- we're halfway through our version of Leviathan (greatly improved, I fervently hope), and pushing towards parallel time.

Current Talk '03 II / 1795 Blooper?
« on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:09 PM »
Hey guys,

Now, I've been watching this show for over a decade, and you'd think that I'd notice something like this, but you know ... forest from the trees ...

So, I'm watching my DS Dvds (set 5, I believe ... the one that covers the most gripping moments of the "Angelique will be mistress of Collinwood over everyone else' dead bodies" story), and I notice, near the beginning, that Josette's portrait is hanging in her bedroom in the Old House.

Huh, I thought to myself.  Didn't Barnabas special order that and then hung it over the mantel in the Old House, pissing new wifey Angelique off royally just before he shot her?  So I watched that ep (classic, classic), and .... sho nuff!

So what gives?  'Cuz a few episodes after I noticed that Josette's portrait was in her bedroom ... it was gone!!!  I've never heard this "blooper" mentioned before ... or am I just nuts?  I put this before y'all ... has anyone else ever noticed this?

Inquiring minds,

Nicky (who hopes to be Nicky when he posts this)

Hey boys and ghouls,

Chapter 71 of "Shadows on the Wall", our on-going round robin, has been posted at Tim Choate's nifty (and ever expanding) archive.

This chapter, written again by yours truly, details Barnabas' descent into the darkness of the vampire curse, while a persistent Julia and Quentin try to bring him back from the edge; Angelique delivers a new perspective on magic use; Maggie and Nicholas realize they are close to a new dark power rising; two familiar faces make a startling return.

Join us hereish:

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Best and Worst of Leviathans
« on: June 19, 2003, 05:47:10 PM »
Wow! It's been awhile since I did one of these, but you dragged me out, Midnite, go'blessya.  I've been on the "Yay Leviathan" bandwagon with Steve for nearly seven years (oh yes, kiddies, I've been around these forums for a long, long time), so I think this should be fun to do.

Most welcome character (the one you were happiest to see)?  Angelique Rumson!

Your favorite character in Leviathans, period.  See above.

Favorite duo (non-romantic)?  Chris Jennings and Julia Hoffman.

Favorite romantic pairing?  Chris Jennings and Quentin Collins.  No, just kidding.  Um ... Maggie and Quentin, post love spell.  Doesn't really make sense, and they never really elaborated on it again after using it as a plot device to have Amy find out that Maggie is a spy and to later use her to help find Quentin ... well, never mind.  I guess they did use it after all.  Huh.

Favorite minor character?  Mr. Best!

Most irritating character?  Awexandah.  Or maybe Michael.  Or maybe Jeb!

Scene(s) you can watch over and over and over and...?  The entire episode where Angelique runs from Sky's torch (!), flies back to Collinwood, spars with Quentin, taunts Sky, begs for Barnabas' reconciliation, finds him with Maggie, and calls on the Powers of Darkness to put the love whammy on Maggie and Quentin.  Plus it was cool to see that pitchfork again that hadn't made its appearance since 1795.

Most wasted opportunity?  Making Barnabas a true agent of the Leviathans, or at least making his break away from them more believable.  Maybe if he'd been seduced by them or something ... but nope, it's always gotta be about possession with these people.

Best plot twist?  Sky as Leviathan bad guy.

Creepiest moment or event?  The dead sheriff (who's first name, apparently, was "Sheriff") getting noshed on by the werewolf.  I mean, ew.  Really.

Which scene had you yelling at your TV screen the loudest?  Barnabas' dastardly treatment of loyal to a fault Julia.

What moment made you cheer the loudest?  When Angelique used her little statue thingie to throttle Sky into subservience.

Moment in which you most wondered, "What were the writers smoking?"  Sombrero ghost?

Event or revelation that made you ask, "What were the writers smoking?"  Jeb killed Victoria Winters?  Whahfuh?

Favorite quote?  "At the risk of sounding ... banal ... it's a small world, isn't it?"

Favorite prop?  The floppy bat versus Angelique's strangley statue thingie, the one she "casually mentioned liking" to Sky, the big dope.

Favorite special effect?  The green light that always appears in the corner when Angelique materializes (love how she steps out of corners.)

Least favorite special effect?  The shadow.  Oy, the shadow (and we haven't seen the last of it yet, kids, so don't relax just yet!)

Favorite outfit?  Angelique's blue dress she wears to Collinwood, replete with matching leopard print coat.  Watch thoses hips sway-sway-sway!

Ugliest outfit?  Angelique's pink dress.  I'm pretty sure there was a pink dress.  There should NEVER be pink dresses.

Stupidest continuity error (the most horrendous job of retconning in this storyline)?  I think Barnabas is trying to justify to Angelique why she should give up her plot to kill Jeb, and he says it's because he told her about Sky.  Um ... nope, sorry Big B, that was you.

What scene had you closest to tears (because it was so touching)?  Angelique's return to Collinwood.  "I lived her ... loved here ... for a time I was very happy.  This is where it all started, Quentin."

What scene had you closest to tears (from laughing)?  I liked the photo of Paul Stoddard in the coffin.  But like I said, the revelation that Sheriff Davenport's first name is "Sheriff" makes me giggly.

Moment or event that made your jaw drop the farthest?  Nicholas' ghost sitting up out of Nicholas' body.  I thought something cooler could've happened, like maybe his big giant floaty head.

What nagging question were you left with?  (Uh, try to narrow it down, please. )  How many ways are there to kill a Leviathan?  (And what did they put in Bruno's hair???)

Finally, what was your reaction to the storyline the very first time you watched it?  I watched it while painting the interior of my parents' house in the summer of '94 (I was fifteen).  I adored it.  I loved the costumes, the colors, and the fact that there were so many monsters ... we had the werewolf, we had the moon poppy, we had Angelique (looking fantastic everytime we saw her, 'cept for this unfortunate weird braid wrapping thing ... Steve knows what I'm talking about), we had Barnabas the re-re-revampire, we had Audrey, we had goofy weird breathing rhino radiator things, we had ghosts and warlocks and Nelle Gunston with her l'il knife ... I mean, c'mon guys, we had it ALL!  Plus Liz Stoddard tried to kill people.  You can't ask for more than that.


Hey hey, boys and ghouls,

Chapter 69 of "Shadows on the Wall", our on-going round robin hosted by the infamous Tim Choate, has been posted, and it's written by yours truly (once again).

This chapter explores the history of my favorite character -- who she is, why she does what she does, and what she wants most in the world -- and covers three centuries and at least that many incarnations.  There's trouble a'brewin' in Collinsport, and Angelique, while running away from the husband she thought she knew, ends up in the thick of it, stumbling in while Barnabas and Julia are dealing with a typical (for Collinwood) crisis.

Read all about it hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 68
« on: April 29, 2003, 12:11:02 AM »
Greetings, fellow Shadow fans!

Chapter 68 of our ongoing round robin "Shadows on the Wall" has been posted at the archive hosted by that master of mischief, Tim Choate.  This go around is written by the delectable NancyBe, and this is what's about to go down:

Barnabas isn't doing so hot, so Julia prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice; Nicholas calls on an old friend to collect a favor; Angelique realizes that her life as a happy homemaker might all be a pipe dream; Professor Stokes gets called off the bench by an unknown demonic force; Vicki is forced to hide her true feeling from Quentin because the darkness inside her is growing ... and threatens everyone around her.

Check it out hereish:

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: April 12, 2003, 12:35:40 AM »
I've always enjoyed Leviathan as well, something Gothick and I have cackled over together in the past.  Although there is a lot of wigginess (and contradictions as far as plot points established only a few episodes before are concerned), I think it's a lot of fun.  One of the tapes from MPI features about every monster DS ever dreamed up ... the werewolf, a vampire (or two or three), a witch, a ghost, a Leviathan ... etc etc.  I always enjoy the storylines set in the present more than those set in the past (even 1795, which was, as far as I'm concerned, the quintessential DS storyline), and it's fun seeing everyone at Collinwood possessed by some diabolical ancient evil.

Plus Angelique gets to be ultra-cool when she finally returns, all powered up with dark mojo and ready to kick some Leviathan ass.  She has two fantastic confrontations with Nicholas Blair that I always relish.  "At the risk of sounding ... banal ... it's a small world, idn't it?"  Hee hee.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 67
« on: April 09, 2003, 09:50:06 PM »
Hey gang,

Chapter 67 of our ongoing round robin, "Shadows on the Wall", has been posted by the lovely Luciaphil.

This time, much hijinks ensue when Julia pressures a reluctant Vicki to use her powers to drive a demon from Carolyn; Roger gives into the voices in his head and indulges in a little petty larceny; Nicholas gains insight into how Elizabeth's mind works when they both discover a very inconvenient body.

Check it out here, at our archive hosted by the incomparable Tim Choate:

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / "Shadows" Writer Found!
« on: March 21, 2003, 08:26:21 AM »
Thank you everyone for sticking with me thus far, and reading "Shadows on the Wall" for four years (and a nice round of applause to my fantastic cabal of writers, who are more than devoted, tireless, and talented to boot).  And I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome Terry Bowers to the group.  Terry is a terrific writer (and a big fan of Julia Hoffman, I understand) ... look for her chapter in upcoming weeks.

Again, thanks everybody -- our entire team appreciates your support!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:DS mention on "Angel"
« on: March 14, 2003, 04:05:53 AM »
ooo willow would give angelique a run for her money i think.

That's what I think.  Black-Eyed Willow would give Angeliuqe a disinterested glance, murmur, "Bored now," and zap her into another hell dimension.

But think of the horrors they could conceive if they just worked together ...


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 66
« on: March 11, 2003, 10:46:41 PM »
Chapter 66 of our ongoing round robin, hosted by the delectable Mr. Choate, has been posted at his archive (and on the SciFi channel website, if anyone still peruses those boards).

This go 'round is written by yours truly, and details more post-1897 fun.  Julia, worried about an absent Barnabas, entertains a little catfight with Nicholas Blair; Chris Jennings seems to be teetering on the edge of a cure for his lycanthropy, but there's someone he can't quite shake who may interfere with that process; David and Amy become converts to an unknown cause; Julia and Vicki pay a fateful visit to the comatose Professor Stokes.

Still accepting auditions for a new writer, so anyone interested please email me at:

The addy for the archive where you can find all sixty-six of our chapters is hereish:

Thanks guys!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:They Really Were The GAY Nineties!
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:00:52 AM »
That's beautiful.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Seeking New Writer
« on: March 07, 2003, 02:59:26 AM »
Hey everybody,

I'm thinking of possibly adding a new writer to the lineup of "Shadows on the Wall", an ongoing round robin (since 1999) hosted by Tim Choate and also posted at the SciFi channel's bulletin boards.  Writers include myself, Midnite, Luciaphil, Gothick, and NancyBe.  Anyone interested should email me, and I'll supply what I'm looking for, what we're doing, how often we post, and, in general, what's the what.  We just started a new storyline, so catching up shouldn't be a problem.

The addy for the archive is here:

My email address is

Thanks everyone!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 65
« on: January 16, 2003, 07:43:20 PM »
Greetings and salutations,

Chapter 65 of "Shadows on the Wall", our ongoing round robin hosted by the delectable Tim Choate, has been posted.  

Written by Midnite, we find ourselves back in 1968, now free of Petofi's influence ... or is it?  Vicki's been having nightmares, Julia's been having nightmares, Chris has been having nightmares ... the present, it seems, is one big bad dream.  Coupled with a new arrival from the past and an 18th century French murderess consumed with bloodlust, Colllinwood could soon find its walls streaked with red.  

Find it here:

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