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Messages - MaggieEvans

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Judith seemed __________. Trask was surprisingly ____________ when he __________________."


"Trask starts with, "Let's see if I can remember how this goes. __________________ and then __________!"

In an attempt to shoot the hair off his chin, Evan accidently shot J.R..

(and anyone younger than 40 probably won't get this 80s television reference... but I haven't had much coffee yet this morning)

Evan:  "You seem to be melting, my dear."
Charity: "I bought hairspray that melts when someone breathes down my neck after eating large amounts of onions and corn dogs. Dude... you eat the weirdest stuff!"

When Tim's hovering finally became too much for her, Minerva very uncharacteristically told him to stop hovering or she was going to take the cards and show him how a royal flush feels up the backside!

Oh my God, Rachel, I forgot the fact that I coulda had a V8!  You didn't happen to bring some, did you?

That was a real treasure to watch!

And for the record, I drink coffee too... that's right, coffee!!

Minerva wondered what it felt like to take a big bite out of crime, so she thought she'd start with the wall. McGruff the Crime Dog just shook his head. Some people just can't be taught.

Nothing scared Nora more than when her father was going to try out for a new show called "Britain's Got Talent" using the name Susan Boyle.

I always thought there was something manly about her...

Judith was shocked and appalled when Jamison told her that's she's pretty fly for a white guy. She couldn't quite decide if she was more disturbed about the fly reference, or that Jamison didn't know what gender she was.

Jamison looked up in horror as he realized that suddenly he was able to see every single one of Trask's character flaws.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Fan Fiction...
« on: May 08, 2009, 04:44:29 PM »
Thanks so much!! Now I have tons of options!

When I'm done, I'll let you all know where I've put it, if you would like to read it. However... just letting you all know now... it's VERY sappy.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Fan Fiction...
« on: May 08, 2009, 02:14:03 AM »
I'm in the process of writing a story... just started it the other day. So any ideas where I can post it would be greatly appreciated!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: favorite lines of dialogue
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:38:50 PM »
I think my favorite is early on in the show, Willie has just let Barnabas out of his coffin and gets bit.. on the wrist... hahahaha.... and Willie is staying in a room in Collinwood. Vicki brings his food up to him and he's not acting right... so she's SUPPOSED to say, "What's wrong with you? Your illness?" And it comes out, "What's wrong with you, Your Illness?" almost like saying "Your Highness".

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