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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:22:10 PM »
It's interesting to note the filming differences between the two movies.  While HoDS was crisp and clear, NoDS had a more ethereal, misty style.


Imagine if they make more of our favorite DS characters, and then searching through the musty boxes in the basement and finding the old original GI Joes and Barbies and playing "Saturday Night at the Blue Whale."  One could even build a set with the Legos found in another musty box.  And if one found the 45 of "Quentin's Theme" and used the flip-side "#1 at the Blue Whale" played on the portable phonograph found stacked on a shelf... 


Current Talk '24 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:22:27 AM »
Suki was ab-fab!  One of those great minor characters that added a real punch to the show.  I wish they would've used her character more.  I'm envisioning her going to Joshua and spilling the beans to get her rightful reward from her self-centered philandering hubby.  Joshua, of course, is concerned, but he has other items on his plate to deal with, so he tells her to take care of Mr. Forbes with his backing, and she'll receive not only her back-pay she expected from Nathan, but even more.  In the course of her making hubby's life miserable, she teams up with Barnabas who has his own reckoning to do with Nathan.  In the process, however, Suki finds out what Barnabas is but remains silent.  When both have received satisfaction from the punishment of the man they both want to pickle, Barnabas becomes concerned about Suki's knowledge of Barnabas' "condition."  Suki, however, assures him that his secret is totally safe with her.  She appreciates his help - and he appreciates hers and they can consider themselves spiritual allies against a common enemy.  So, at the end, she leaves Collinsport, now not only financially secure for the rest of her life, but with Barnabas knowing that somewhere, out there, is a friend just as devoted to him as Ben.


Happy birthday to TLATKLS from her biggest fan who still has a crush on her! 


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: It's Happening Again
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:45:13 AM »
Thanks, MB!  It's working fine now!  I've gotten my fix!  You're a great dealer!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / It's Happening Again
« on: January 23, 2010, 11:41:18 PM »
I think I recall bringing this up when it happened before.  I go to Robservations to get my daily DS fix, and this time all it gave was:  "Error!  Hacking Attempt!"  I've used several servers from IE to Flock to the old Netscape and all say the same thing.  I need my DS daily episode fix!


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: Jean Simmons passed away
« on: January 23, 2010, 04:34:50 PM »
I am really saddened by this.  A great lady of the cinema is gone.


Denise is such a wonderful person.  I've been an occasional e-mail pen-pal with her for several years.  Back when I hoped I could write a couple DS novels for the revised (and then collapsed) HarperCollins series, I was composing an "epic" that covered several decades of DS history that included her character of Nora during the 1920's and '30's, and she would read what I had written.


It's their loss, Annie!  That's why this country has economically gone to pot:  because all these businesses won't hire good people like you!


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: Joan Crawford Was A DS fan?!
« on: January 01, 2010, 07:39:29 PM »
How about a plot involving the appearance of Elizabeth's never-known-to-exist-except-to-Elizabeth step-sister, played by Miss Crawford?  She was the result of a little diddly-do Daddy Jamison had once had on the side and the family was able to cover it up.  And step-sister Joanie C. has returned for a very specific reason.......decades ago, again under the pressure of her ostracizing Collins family, had been forced to give up her newborn daughter, Victoria, who like Mommie Dearest was the result of a little diddly-do.  And the last Step-Sis heard from her own investigations into finding her kid was that House Momma Elizabeth had hired her.....Maybe they could've done this in 1971 if the series had continued and Miss Crawford, who was wrapping up her career, would've thought it would be fun to work with her long-time friend, Joan Bennett for a few months.  It would have been a much better swan song than Trog.


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: Joan Crawford Was A DS fan?!
« on: December 31, 2009, 09:31:58 PM »
I remember hearing the urban legend that Curtis Productions was also taking a look at Joan Crawford for the role of Elizabeth, but decided not to because she was already well know for being rather - shall we say - "problematic" to work with.


Current Talk '09 II / Re: Lara Parker's Upcoming DS Book
« on: December 29, 2009, 12:01:20 AM »
If the proposed novel has a setting in the 1920's, and Liz is a flapper, that would create havoc with the time line (but since when has that stopped DS?).  Elizabeth's character was born in 1917 which would make her a little girl during the '20's.  She was 30 when Carolyn was born in 1947.  She would've been 28 when Vic...never mind. 


I'll break out the champagne for a toast!


Current Talk '09 II / Re: Lara Parker's Upcoming DS Book
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:33:08 PM »
I thoroughly enjoyed Lara Parker's Angelique's Descent, as well as SE Hinton's Hawkes Harbor.  As for The Salem Branch, well, eh.  But let us also not forget the wonderful read of the other book in the series, written by some guy, oh, what's his name, Mark...Mark..Mark Something-Or-Other.  You know him.  He shows up around here every once in awhile.  Has a thing for Rodan.  Nice guy, but don't get him made because he knows all those Lovecraftian curses and how to use them!


A holly, jolly Christmas to all!  I celebrated last night (Christmas Eve) and the timing was right because right now we are being inundated by rain galore!  Santa's finishing up his rounds by having put float-plane skies on his sled!

