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Messages - Gerard

Very Edward Gorey-ish, indeed - one of my favorite illustrators. 


I think in a couple story-lines, including the Leviathan one, it was established that Carolyn was born in 1947.


DS wasn't funny, but it sure did put in, through brilliant writing, some really funny lines.  It played off of the characters.  Some of the best zingers came from Roger, for example.  And then there is the brilliant scene (to me, DS's best-ever written, directed and acted scene) when Judith informs her siblings that Grandmamama left her everything.  While Edward and Carl were shocked, Quentin - that ne'erdowell - took it all in stride and uttered his extremely laughable "I'm going to cry!" line with all the sarcasm he could muster.  Brilliant! And perfectly comical!


Current Talk '10 I / Re: Off-Camera Scenes You Wish Had Been Shown
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:12:01 PM »
I can't help but envision the scene where Barnabas, Julia and Willie have to move Adam from Lang's house to the Old House ending up looking like something from the corpse-moving scene in Young Frankenstein


I'm with you, Nancy.  I've learned to become very cyncical and skeptical after the crash of the WB 2004 TV series.  I won't believe it if they've even approved the script, hired actors/actresses and filmed it.  I'll believe it when I'm going up to the cashier's window and forking over a gouging amount of money while saying:  "Dark Shadows, please."  Until then, I've lost interest in the Depp cinematic version.  Right now, I think it will never happen.  Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong.


Make sure you have one guest who, when wedding shower games are explained, says:  "I don't understand."


For any of the women folk, make sure to have lots of sherry.  If any men folk show up, have lots of brandy.  All of it must be served from proper decantor sets.


When I did my Charles Delaware Trollish version of post cancelation DS for the now defunct AOL DS message board, I did a story-line where Barnabas does go back to PT.  The reason why is rescue Angelique - not the dead PT Angie, but his Angie.  (In a previous plot in my CDTish version I went into Angelique's complete conversion; not to make a long and complicated explanation just go where the new PT story picks up and Angelique is stuck there).  What does Barnabas find?  Collinwood is long gone, the burnt remnants having been razed and all that's there is now a field (the basement, sealed off and forgotten, is beneath it, never having been filled in).  Quentin and Maggie Collins are living in the Loomis House with son/step-son Daniel.  Barnabas finds out that they are terrified because they believe they've seen Angelique hiding about the property, but when Barnabas manages to find her, frightened and confused, he explains she's the one from his time and they slowly come to accept her.  Barnabas with Angelique wants to return to NT but he finds out that things are going bad for Quentin and Maggie.  They almost hate each other, Maggie claiming that Quentin is gaslighting her; Quentin saying Maggie is the one responsible.  Barnabas wants to solve what's going on.  And then there's Roxanne, living in Collinsport in despair over losing Barnabas but now joyous that he is back but with the problem that he and Angelique are a couple.  At things progress, Barnabas solves the mystery of what's happening between Quentin and Maggie - the one doing the gaslighting to both of them to destroy their marriage is Daniel, who was so traumatized but what had happened before that he blamed them, including for losing his mother again.  Things get resolved:  Daniel is sent to PT's Wyndcliffe, Quentin and Maggie decide to rebuild their marriage, and Roxanne has no choice but to accept that Barnabas and Angelique and bade them farewell as they return to NT.  However, after they pass through the portal before it closes again, she admits she still loves Barnabas and will somehow see him again...  There were lots more details and characters in the plot line, but that's the nutshell version of it.


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: A toy Collinwood?
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:50:13 AM »
When I was a wee-widdo-kiddie and watched DS vociferously, I'd build my own Collinwood (and Old House, et. al.) out of Legos.  Sometimes I'd build the exteriors, sometimes the interiors, and used small Lincoln logs with marker-painted faces as the characters. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: OT: VCR's??
« on: April 23, 2010, 06:35:30 PM »
Have you checked places like Sam's Club, Costco, etc.?  They would probably have only combo's, too, but at really low prices.  You need to buy a membership, but it's cheap and once you have one, you'll find yourself buying lots of stuff there (including tons of blank VCR tapes).


Where has the time gone?  I still remember the old vantagenet.  And remember the ones that once existed on newsgroups and AOL (gone, but not forgotten)?  It all seems like yesterday.  Thank you to MB and Midnite for this seemingly immortal group that's proven the best (and that allows those of us to remember the beginnings to age gracefully)!



Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Re: SAD NEWS /OT
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:02:33 PM »
Big hugs and kisses to you, Annie!  I'm so sorry!


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: March 02, 2010, 02:23:01 AM »
Since it's highly unlikely that the pilot will ever enter the public domain (like the LIS pilot), can somebody maybe give a detailed synopsis of it?  Obviously, the overwhelming majority of us will never see it, so it certainly wouldn't be a spoiler.  And even if it was made available, most of us, even after knowing the plot, would like to see it anyway.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:22:10 PM »
It's interesting to note the filming differences between the two movies.  While HoDS was crisp and clear, NoDS had a more ethereal, misty style.


Imagine if they make more of our favorite DS characters, and then searching through the musty boxes in the basement and finding the old original GI Joes and Barbies and playing "Saturday Night at the Blue Whale."  One could even build a set with the Legos found in another musty box.  And if one found the 45 of "Quentin's Theme" and used the flip-side "#1 at the Blue Whale" played on the portable phonograph found stacked on a shelf... 
