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Messages - Josette

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:06:39 PM »
HFD  Harriet Follows Daniel


Since elderly actors are being discussed, I considered mentioning this one and then discovered that there's even a DS connection!

I was trying to determine an episode I saw last night and so wrote down the names of a couple of the guest stars to see if I could look it up.  One was Charles Lane.  There are a lot of Charles Lanes, but I checked out the first one and the picture immediately revealed that he was the one I wanted.  It turned out he was born January 26, 1905 and died July 9, 2007, nearly 102 1/2!!!  And, his last work was as a narrator, voice only, in a short called The Night Before Christmas in 2006!!!!  The last before that was in 1995 when he would have been 90.  I then saw that he was an Antique Dealer in the 6th episode of the 1991 DS series.  It was probably the equivalent of the Abe Vigoda role!  He was in all sorts of things, so I'm sure everyone would recognize him from something.

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:44:47 AM »
DJH  Dr. Julia Hoffman


Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:15:45 AM »
GPD  Gerard Plots Deviously


Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:49:07 AM »
SIG  Samantha Infuriated Gabriel


I remember the description in the novel Dracula of Renfield looking out the window and seeing Dracula crawling down the walls of the castle.  In tonight's episode, when he was crawling on the bed towards his partner, it was a very animalistic way of moving and reminded me of that description from the book.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday, loril54!
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:52:29 AM »

Hope you had a wonderful day!!

[band]  [beer]  [cheer]

It must be the makeup that someone used, but there's one who REALLY looks like Grayson.

That's wonderful!  I used to love Columbo, but I haven't been watching any of the current showings.  I have no recollection of him on it, so I hope it works out to get this one.

Seeing that the Goldbergs is going to be on tonight, I again looked it up to see if I could find out when KLS would be on, and here it's tonight's episode!!

ABC - 9:00 p.m. (actually listed as 9:01).

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JES61356
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:04:59 AM »

Hope you had a great one!!

[occasion15]  [occasion18]  [beer]

There was a big deal around here last year (I guess) when they were filming “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” with Emma Watson (of Harry Potter fame) as one of the stars.  There’s the famous shot of her standing up in the back of the truck with her arms out, riding through the tunnel, and she’s said lots of nice things about Pittsburgh and filming here.  So, I was particularly anxious to see the movie and finally did a couple of days ago.

It turns out that Nina Dobrev was also in it.  I didn’t recognize her at first, and once I knew who she was, in some scenes I could definitely tell that’s who she was and other times it didn’t quite look like her.

She had a relatively small part, but when I went back to see the extras, I had the director’s commentary on while watching the deleted scenes.  There was a major sequence involving her that he cut.  He (Stephen Chbosky, writer of book and screenplay and director) said it was the last and hardest thing he deleted and explained why.  It referred to a major plot in the book, but he explained why he decided that it wouldn’t work for the movie. 

One of the reasons it was so hard for him to delete was that he thought it was the best work that Nina had done, and when he called to tell her that he was cutting it and why, he said that she so believed in the movie that she still did all the publicity and interviews.  He said that that might not sound like much, but that she has “a lovely TV show that she’s doing” and didn’t need to give them so much time.  He referred to it as a “rare bit of selfless caring” and said that she is a “tremendous actress and class act.”

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday to murph!
« on: October 28, 2013, 04:08:36 AM »

Hope you had a lot of fun!!

 [8_1_209]   [skull_winks]   [baticon]


Hope you had a great day!!!

 [Evil_Pumpkins]    [8_1_231]    [8_1_1]

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: NBC's Dracula Series
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:59:51 AM »
And this isn't the only article to recommend the show - I've seen nothing but fantastic reviews.

I liked it.  I hadn't  read anything about it before seeing it, and so was surprised by a lot of it.  I then read a number of reviews and all of the ones I've seen DIDN'T like it.