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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS and CATS
« on: May 30, 2002, 08:16:11 AM »
WOW......lotsa people have cats. I have 3 -- all of them are really weird. One's a pig, one's a werewolf [QUENTIN!!!!!!!] and one's a shadow demon. HEHE ^^

 It was taped while she was on "The Rookies" and she sported a California tan and looked absolutely gorgeous.

OOOOOOOO OMG The Rookies is like my new fav show!!! OMG it's soo funny! I watch it everyday at 11. YAYA I've seen a total of ***2*** episodes!! Wahooooo!!!! LOL But...I think it's Terry...anyway, he's soooooo funny!!!!!! I crack up all the time..and what's the other one's name?? >.<;; idk, but he's REALLY cute...Michael Ontkean...yeahyeah! He's really cute! And really philosophical [sp!]!! I like him MUCHO also!! But there's like NEVER *any* KJ in it.....grrrrrr.....Michael Onktean made a movie with KJ called "Making Love," and I saw the last like 45 minutes of it. It was kinda weird, like they were being viewed in this ethereal kinda background, kinda looked like clouds, but it was a REALLY good movie, i mean, not 2 different from normal triangle-movies, ya know? but that's what made it kewl, cuz it was about *BIG GASP* gay people, and in the 80s that was [I guess] a biiiiiiiig thing.......altho.....whatever nowadays.....not 2 offend neone, I'm just rambling....and then Sam Melville was JOE KING on SAMK w KJ! HAHAH That was so funny and Lee was all jealous and she goes, "You're jealous. Don't be jealous. I love Joe; I'll always love Joe. But right now, I'm IN LOVE with you." AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and Lee was like "*GRIN!*" THEY'RESOCUTE!!!!! AWW Almost as cute as Daphne and Quentin. Almost. But not quite. Not quite. But almost. Yeahyeah. But they're still really really really adorable. Actually, at times, they can be soooo cute like when they were hit by the ZAP GAS!!!!!! after Lee proposed. And Adi was there....OOOOOO NIGHTMARE ALERT!!!!!!!!!! he's evil. He's like.....Angelique and Gerard in one or something! HAHA seriously though. I didn't like him. He tried 2 kill Amanda! But Lee got 2 him in time and beat him up. YAAAY! *claps and bounces up and down in that winsome childlike way of hers whilst ignoring all her IMs* HAHAH HEHEHE.................. *sudafed kicks in* WHHhhhheeeee....e...e.e.e.e. ....... zzzzzzzz

Not the most exciting post, but likely of interest to the Kate Jackson completists...

LMAO........that would be ME!!!!! HAHA  ;D ;D ;D ;)  :D  ;D  ;)  ;D HEHE TY 4 THE INFO! How long does it take 4 Match Game 2 repeat itself so I can see KJ again?? Grrrr....

*giant inhaltion* OMG I'm really hyper......

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: "Angelique's Descent"
« on: May 30, 2002, 03:44:46 AM »
I fell so horrible.  :'(  :'( I did not like the book. But I did not finish it and plan to go back and finish it.  :)  :) I got up to the part  where Barnabas first meets Angelique,  they were both children .   It seemed to me that all it was about was Angelique getting dressed up and worshiped as a god or something.   But it seems like it does get better and I will go back to it.   Thanks for all the info on the book,  I am looking forward to give it another chance.

LOL....the beginning, I thought, was interesting, but I find all that stuff about god-worshipping and polytheistic stuff REALLY REALLY interesting, so maybe that's why. Erzulie! LOL Got me wondering if it was all true, and I think it is. How horrid! >.<;;   But it the more you read the less it revolves around that, although that's the basic foundation upon which the character was built, so that effects everything she does...but I guess that goes w/o saying, cuz that's true 4 everyone!  :-X

jennifer wrote:
I enjoyed the book Daphne but i did like Mark's book better!   8)

HEHE I plan 2 read that one next! As soon as I get some $$$  ;D

ROBINV wrote:
I always felt Lara Parker's take on what happened in Martinique was wrong, skewed toward Angelique (not that I'd expect less).  I never felt Barnabas told Ang he loved her or asked her to marry him.  All that took place between them was a physical affair that she took to be more than it was.

I never thought their relationship 2 b that indepth either. I could see him telling her he loved her, but obviously not meaning it....I didn't ever imagine he would propose to her. If he had, and I were her, and I found out he were marrying Josette, he would have been a dead man in like THREE SECONDS. But I guess you kinda can't contradict Lara Parker.....she is Angelique, rite? ;) But parts of it I thought were REALLY Andre. I put book spoilers?? LOL anyway.....

I was like " they're half sisters!?????? WWWWHHHHOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!" Interweavings I'd just never thought of. That's y I liked it so much, because it was such a twisted way to fit everything 2gether, and all these ideas I'd never even thought about.  ;D ;D Books give me a buzz or something!! Whoooo....

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Food Fight?
« on: May 30, 2002, 12:07:57 AM »
LMAO!!!!! I thought that was sooo funny!! I laughed soo hard when Adam broke the chain and came after Willie.  ;D Not that I wanted Willie hurt, of COURSE, but it was hilarious! I'm glad he spit it back out at, "Uhhuh, you want it now?"

Did they really play pranks on each other?? HAHAHA OMG......that's so funny!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D Would make a good FF ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: David's Dream
« on: May 30, 2002, 12:01:26 AM »
....and Lang's headless experiment. Does anyone know why Mrs. Johnson is afraid of bats anyway??


Too long -- LOL.  Glad you like it, though :)

Yes yes I do!!! Very much  :D LOL can I ask another dumb question? Are you using FrontPage or DreamWeaver or any kind of program with it? Probably, cuz it's your own URL.... if you care 2 share, anyway :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / "Angelique's Descent"
« on: May 29, 2002, 06:16:37 PM »
Has anyone read "Angelique's Descent"?? I just finished it <all 515 pages! WOW didn't take me that long tho, cuz I couldn't put it down>, and I thought it was reeeeeeeeally good. It was so twisted!  :o  My mouth kept dropping open while I was reading it, and then I'd just start randomly screaming. LOL But it was really, really, really good!! For the first time, I look at 1795 and I think, "AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Poor Angelique!!!!" And now I hate Barnabus even more!! GRRRRRR! He's right up there competing with Nathan for Swine-of-the-Year! But then I have to remind myself that it's only a book, and DS is only a tv show, and I calm down.....*phew*....  I think Lara Parker is one of my new favorite authors now! I hope she writes another book, cuz I'd def read it! hehehe  ;D 8)


;D I liked the scene between Joe and Maggie, with Joe walking out. I started chuckling, rocking back and forth muttering, "Caaarrrooolyyyynnnn...." BUUUT she has Tony now. Or .. well . err .. kinda.  :-/

But if I were Maggie, I would have been mad too. OOOOOO and I have a stupid question!!!!! WHEN did they get engaged, exactly?????? One day it was just like "Maggie's fiancee" and I was like "HOLD IT!!!!! REWIND!!!!" when did this happen!?  ?!? ?!? ?!? :P :P :P ?!? ?!? ?!? >:( >:( :( >:( >:( ?!? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Biggest Cheeseballs in Collinsport
« on: May 29, 2002, 10:15:00 AM »
I didn't live then, buuuut in any case, I really don't c anyone on DS as a nerd. There are those who really piss me off sometimes, but I don't think anyone was a nerd.  :-/

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Let's have a vote!
« on: May 29, 2002, 10:12:03 AM »
 my name is Angelique  
I will go back to lurk mode

Awww, don't lurk!! Join!!  ;D Unlike Barnabus, we won't bite...hehehe

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows Clue Game
« on: May 29, 2002, 10:09:40 AM »
Now how many other games are there to which we can give a DS twist?


LOL What about "Guess Who"?? There are certainly enough characters.....the questions would be really easy, "Is your person a NB character?" Well that eliminates everyone but 7 or 8. And then "Did she go insane?" Well that's another 4 down, so you've got Carolyn and Melanie and Millicent.......LOL so maybe that wouldn't work, but.....there's enough dif chars!!  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: David's Dream
« on: May 29, 2002, 09:48:55 AM »
LMAO! but I was glad we didn't have 2 go through the whole thing, seeing David tell Willie all about it..ughhh now if only we didn't have to see the DREAM part of it, I'd be a happy lil kitty!  ;D Actually anything w JK in it is worth watching, but ..... ughhh and I noticed they cut out a bunch of doors.....HAHAHAHA  :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Grocery List
« on: May 29, 2002, 09:46:39 AM »

Sounds like my diet Daphne!!!


LOL, that *is* my diet.....hahaha I'm not as skinny as Carolyn tho......gosh NB gives KJ a run-for-the-money in the skinniest person in the world contest.  :P

Current Talk '02 I / Re: David and Barnabas
« on: May 28, 2002, 08:32:57 AM »

Yes, those first episodes with "psycho David" are really his best work on the show.  From the end of the Laura storyline on, I felt that David Henessy's characters were really watered down and generic.  That's why I so enjoy watching him when he's possessed; he has so much more spirit  ;) in him.

LOLOL I'd imagine. I haven't seen him possessed yet  :'( but I'm looking 4ward 2 it. Things get soooo boring with JUST Cassie/Angelique and Barnabus. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz When is he possessed?!?!?!??!? Or is that a SPOILER warning?? HEHEHAHA  

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Just Not Our Kind, Dear."
« on: May 28, 2002, 08:30:11 AM »
I hated the remark, but he honestly wouldn't be Roger if he didn't say it! LOL And Cassie didn't quite agree with it either, but she didn't say anything......she's BEEN the "lower class" .... *chuckles*

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