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Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0732
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:31:35 AM »
Hey! I just got an idea! [ideag] Maybe all the female Murdochs looked alike and were named Laura! So the Laura in 1897 was not the same Laura who "died" in 1767, 1867, and 1967... or the one Barnabas said died in 1785. They were all related, but not the same Phoenix. [ghost_wink]

But they're COUSINS, identical cousins as you see..."   [evild]  Reading that post the Patty Duke theme popped into my head and I just couldn't resist.  All kidding aside, it would explain the time and personality discrepancies. Why NOT a family of phoenix?

I thought it was an amusing choice of words for Barnabas to ask Angelique to make Quentin "rise". Those words were used before, when she made Quentin "rise" and become a Zombie. I figured that she might do that again.  [ghost_shocked] I was relieved when she didn't. [whew]

Not to mention a heck of a double entendre, especially given Quentin's track record and interest in Angelique. You've got to wonder whether the writers intended it or not.  I know the Trek writers used to put in stuff specificially for the censors to find and take OUT so they could sneak other stuff by them.    At least the cast managed to play it straight and no one cracked up in the middle of the scene.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0753
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:19:39 AM »
On the subject of servants there seem to be very few instances that we see them.  I saw a maid in 1795 today, which I had forgotten about and almost fell out of my bed! LOL I know a lot of times is 1795 Joshua would scream at them and say something like “CONFOUNDED SERVANTS WHERE ARE THEY?”  They are nowhere JOSHUA as DC is too cheap to pay them!  :P 


But what gets me is you could use throwaway lines (like they did when Q told Jamison to wake up the servants) to imply there were servants we didn't see.  Wouldn't have been QUITE so obvious then that they were missing.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Forbidden Fruit
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:10:11 AM »
My parents never objected to me watching DS. In fact, my mom almost always watched it with me. On the other hand, my father hated it when I watched Lost In Space because he hated Dr. Smith. Go figure. Murder, mayhem and/or Satanic rituals/sacrifices were fine - but apparently a cowardly screw-up really set a bad example.  [ghost_cheesy]

LMAO!  Maybe Dr. Smith just got on his nerves!  I know he annoyed the heck out of me as a kid! (On the other hand, Jonathan Harris, rest his soul, was a very friendly funny guy who told great stories and loved hanging out with the Volunteer Squad.)

I never had any objections raised to watching DS as a kid either.  My grandmother (who was the one home with me raising me -- my mother was widowed when I was very small and went to work) had no problem with it.  She's the one knew about Joan Bennett from being a fan of hers in the 30s, and filled me in on that stuff.   Only comments I remember her making were about liking the way Mr. Frid and Mr. Selby spoke (she was English, so I think she caught the intonations in both their accents).  She also never complained when I played the "Quentin's theme" track of the DS album for HOURS at a time.

My mother, on the other hand, bears all the blame for getting me interested in Science Fiction.  Back in those dim dark days when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and people only had ONE TV set, it was her fault I was raised on Twilight Zone, Outer Limits , Chiller Theater, Universal and 50s horror movies, Alfred Hitchcock Presents.   You get the idea. If it was Science Fiction or Horror and was on TV, we watched it. Yet she never understood what I saw in Trek fandom....  Funny thing is, she never saw DS -- and I can't get her to watch my DVDs now -- because she hates history (yes, I'm a changeling  [ghost_wink]).  Yet she does know who Barnabas and Angelique are.

Come to think of it, I don't remember being really scared by anything on DS except Count Petofi.  Think it was the whole concept scared me, or maybe it was the creepy floating hand....  The only horror thing I DO remember being scared by was some Boris Karloff movie which was the 2nd half of a double feature my grandmother took me to.  I think I was about 5, and the opening scene, where someone cut the heart out of a body, had me hysterical and we had to leave.  Oh, and Carnival of Souls, I just remembered before hitting send.  The ghosts haunting the driver of the car in the spooky amusement park creeped me out.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0577
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:45:39 AM »
If it's weird you've got lots of company.  Loads of old cemetaries around here; most do at least some type of  tours.  Close to where I live is a particularly large, historic and famous one, Woodlawn.  They  have all kinds of tours and even concerts and such.  Anyone interested should be able to check it out by Googling Woodlawn Cemetary and NYC. Non mortuary trivia about it includes one gate being where the ransom for the Lindburgh baby was left.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0759
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:35:19 AM »
...I have to say that when Barnabas reveals Dirk to Laura, that Roger Davis does his best acting as Barnabas's sprawled out limp victim. 

 [evil6] [laughing4]  Truer words were never said.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0762
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:16:43 AM »
Thanks, Taeylor.  Glad you enjoy them.  How much I shoot my mouth off on a particular episode depends on what strikes me when I watch the ep, and what you guys have already said since I usually come in late.  [ghost_wink]

That's not going to end any time soon, either.  [ghost_sad] Work has still been insane, but given all the funding cuts child welfare not for profits like the one I work for are getting whammed with, at least an insane work load means job security as long as this keeps up. (The main  reason for my work life being nuts lately is funders are now constantly auditing and examining programs, looking for any excuse to cut funding or eliminate grants, fundings, or entire programs.  All these case record pre audits led me to a  scary discovery -- at least I thought it was scary. It seems that even at the Master's level Social Workers have really poor writing skills!)  [ghost_mad] <rant over>


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Quentin Collins, SUPERSTUD
« on: April 23, 2009, 03:04:12 AM »
As the saying used to go:  HELLOOOOOOOO FEDERAL!

Thanks for the eye candy.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0761
« on: April 23, 2009, 03:01:28 AM »
It was 1897 at it's best, that's for sure!  It just hangs together so well, and has so many level, layers and multidimensional characters.  LIke a Dickens novel at its best.

Ok, here's my take on this episode:  Selby voiceover.  [ghost_grin]

We pick up right after the fadeout of the last episode, with Barnabas and Edward coming to the rescue as the children are trapped in the burning room.  Kind of convenient isn’t it, that Edward listened to Barnabas and went for the axe, rather than ask  Barn why HE didn’t go do it?  Or maybe  we’re meant to think it works because Edward would know right where the tools are? In any case, it leaves  Barn free toi use his powers without any inconvenient witnesses.  Nicely done for the time blue screen effect showing us Barn  going invisible.

In this scene we see that Edward ,behind the Victorian stiff upper lip and no emotion  shown to the world,  really does care for the children and is terrified until he sees they’re all right.

We cut to The House by the Sea (cute in joke that Evan lives in what will be Nicky's house in the future), and Evan opening his own door to the once again drunk as the proverbial skunk Quentin.  [8285] Hmm funny that he should comment on how late it is, when you get the impression that he and Quentin are well accustomed to raising hell (perhaps even literally) together till all hours.

Mr. Entltlement really doesn’t get it yet.  Just because you NEED help doesn’t mean you can or will get it, expecially if you demand and make a pain of yourself in trying to get it.  On the other hand, he is making progress judging by the way he refers to “the guilt that comes after”.  This death seems to trouble him far more than Jenny’s did – at least before Magda added the curse.   One wonders whether his statement that “I’d rather die” than go through the transformation again (think this is the first time we hear him consider suicide) is drunken wallowing and histrionics or something he’s seriously thought out and only verbalized because he’s drunk.

Great scene with Barnabas and Edward after the Dr. has seen the kids and they’ve been put to bed.  We see that Edward sees a lot more than we’d expect, even in a panic situation.  He puts Barnabas on quite a spot there, wanting to know how he got in the room, and gives the impression that he’s  not going to be easy to fool.  Edged along a window ledge the length of the corridor, huh?  Wonder if Willie ever filled him in on Harry Houdini….  In any case, he did a neat job of turning things around so that Edward trusted him again.  But of course the next time something supernatural and spooky happens, it’ll be back to good old stolid Edward the unbeliever.

Hey didn’t Quentin sober up kind of quick?  He could barely walk and talk before, and how he’s back to normal.  And he seemed genuinely concerned about Jamison’s welfare when he stopped the boy from tellingl him how his mother died in flames.  [firedevil] Maybe empathy, since he himself saw two people die that way, and  we saw how horrified he was the last time it happened.  On the other hand, he could have been the one who would have been creeped out by hearing the details.

So now we’re going for the big guns, and going to try and summon the Devil and risk his price.  Interesting that Quentin is now willing to risk everything and pay any price, [deal2] when he was so scared of angering the ancient angry gods with the earlier ceremony.

Poor Edward, you feel for him in this scene with Nora.  He’s worried about her, and wants to do something to help, but  seems out of his depth.  The way he explains the mother’s death makes me wonder how old he and Judith were when the parents died,  [grim] and whether they ended up having to help explain it to the little boys when still pretty young themselves.

Nice foreshadowing  with the scene on the phone with Trask.

I realy like the Quentin and Edward scene.  When told it’s a family matter, Quentin goes for the flip reply about not being  treated like a member of the family.   Instead of taking the bait, Edward is trying to be nice.  Of course Quentin’s immediate reaction is to wonder whether he feels all right.  Got to give Edward points for effort and continuing to try.  He wants to try and get things on a more even keel; but his unfortunate choice of the word “unnatural” makes  Quentin  “it’s all about MEEEEE” (as Midnite so aptly described him  in an earlier post) wonder what Edward knows about his little problem.  Poor Edward is very confused by Quentin’s reaction.

Hmm this time the ceremony isn’t at the cottage but at Hanley’s house.  Wonder where the “extravagant wife” is – or does Evan simply not care what she knows or guesses about his little hobby.

Quentin is scared to death, and as usual, is drowning it in as much alcohol as he can,  [8285] and hiding  behind sarcastic snarky remarks.  Does it strike anyone else as a bit odd that Q is still wearing his coat when they’ve been in the house a while from what Evan says.  HA always is wonderful at doing these rituals.  (And these invocations actually have internal logic!)

Quentin is getting more and more scared looking  [yikes] as the ritual goes on, then passes out cold  [faint2] when he sees the shape in the French doors  [diablo] [firedevil] (I guess it beats brown trousers…..)


But one of the most vivid memories is of Forry allowing me to ogle, and take photograph after photograph, of his hands while wearing the Lugosi Dracula ring and, even more legendary in my eyes, the ring worn by Karloff in the role of Im-Ho-Tep in the original 1932 film of The Mummy--my forever favorite of all the Universal classics because of its pervading atmosphere of mysticism and the ancient occult.

Gothick, you just brought back a great memory with your story about the ring.  Back at my 2nd Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention -- the first was held in 1939 and they've been held every year, barring the war, since then).  It was in Anaheim in 1984, so a lot of space was devoted to film and TV exhibits.  A gang of us, including my collaborator on a series of Indy Jones fanfiction (and the editor of an Indy zine) were there, ogling the Lucasfilm exhibits, including the Warrior Idol and other like goodies.  We had been debating just how far we'd get if we tried to get away with the full size Han Solo in Carbonite <G>, then hovered around other horror and tv stuff.

I started talking to this guy standing near me, and we were well into a great conversation when he showed me THAT RING.  Only THEN did it click that I was talking to FORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [crowdhappy] [_Vampire_] [blob3] [blob5] [blob6] [blob7] [blob9] [blob10] [blob1]

Nancy -- Don't even get me started on how NON FAN FRIENDLY Sciffi was, particularly in it's early days.   [laughing_devil]  You would think they'd have done enough market research to at least market to the fans with disposable cash to spend on their product -- and that wasn't the 15 year olds, it was the 30 something  and up professionals who tended to be the ones running fan conventions and fan clubs.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0727
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:29:08 AM »
I agree that there were similarities between Quentin and Trask. [ghost_rolleyes] But I think a young and handsome fun-loving man can get away with a lot more than a middle-aged hypocritical and lecherous man.

I think that's it in a nutshell, ER.  Quentin was what the Victorians called a "good time Charlie".  Seduction and sex was a fun game to him, and he liked willing playmates.  With Trask I think it was more control and his need to frighten and dominate.  His insistance that Rachel was "evil" and "bad" was pure early church, where it was always a woman's fault that men wanted them.  [snake] [sour]

I agree that Barnabas was changing history right and left. He had no way of knowing how 1897 was originally. He certainly wasn't playing the "innocent bystander".  [ghost_nowink]

I shudder to think what would happen if that man ever got his hands on a TARDIS.


   [stfl]      [9050]

Magnus is the possessor of a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained. (don't credit me, I stole it from a button!  [ghost_grin])


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0762
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:09:19 AM »
Agree totally with both you guys about Trask showing up, that was just SO Great.   [clap2] [thumb] And Quentin fainting out of terror. (Pay no attention to the cowardly drunk behind the curtain!) [gramophone] [8285]

HAA was just wonderful as Nicky in these scenes -- he and Jerry Lacy were having waay too much fun with their respective hypocrites.

And now for my two cents on this episode (probably magnified for inflation since you guys KNOW better by now to expect short posts from ME.  [ghost_cheesy]

Slightly different  take on yesterday’s  finale.  Guess  someone noticed the coat, Quentin's is gone this time, though Evan has what may be a ceremonial robe. Quentin is also drinking standing up rather than slumped in the chair.  He also sounds a bit more sober, and we see a shot of him sighing deeply as Evan begins.  Couple more shots of him chug a lugging from the bottle, which this time is NOT in his hand as he faints at the sight of TRASK. [faint2]

LOL you do get the feeling Trask saw and heard enough to have a real good idea what they were doing. “Perhaps the person you SHOULD summon is a DOCTOR”.  Evan is tripping over himself trying to explain his way out of this so he doesn’t get ratted out to Judith and risk losing what is probably his best (if not his ONLY ) client.

Apparently terror sobered Q up pretty quick—he seemed pretty lucid and coordinated when he argued with Evan. Didn’t fall on his face when he lunged at him either.  Maybe the instant adrenalin of terror killed his buzz. But here he is in the next scene, downing the brandy again for all he’s worth.  And just to make tonight complete, now he has to deal with Mrs. Trask.  Once again someone with no rights in the house waltzes in and parks themselves like they own the place.

Interesting foreshadowing here when Minerva is so very concerned about whether Judith and Gregory have met up.  Looks to me like they were laying the groundwork  for a revelation in the later part of the storyline quite early down the road.  Quentin, being Quentin, is miserable and wants to share the wealth by  planting ideas in Minerva’s head – just because he can.  Don’t know that he was sober enough to have calculated it as the fastest way to get rid of her.

LOL the Trasks in their native habitat and marital bliss.  Oh, from the litany Minerva  recites, our Right Reverend Trask is quite a player.  Trask is quite good at the ‘big lie”, trying to convince Minerva that she’s hysterical and imagining things.  He’s also playing quite the fencing match with Evan.  Evan seems quite disappointed  when Trask doesn’t rise to the bait about women.  He knows he needs a way out, because Trask will have a very high price.

Cut to the school and the spiteful and suspicious Minerva second guessing Tim Shaw on the papers he’s grading.  Once the Reverend gets her to leave, we know something’s up.  He’s being NICE and he’s never nice without there being something in it for him.  Poor trusting Tim should have known that by now, but for some bizarre reason he’s taking Trask at face value, and goes over all unsuspecting to Evan’s house to be their pet patsy. 

Nifty looking effect on the potion Evan is brewing up  (but does the  vessel with the pestle have the brew that is true?).


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0754
« on: April 23, 2009, 01:55:19 AM »
Since Barnabas was face to face with the werewolf long enough to study it, wouldn't it have been a hoot if he'd recognized that, except for the different clothes, it's identical to the one in 1969?  [ghost_wink]

Maybe all werewolves are grey in the dark?   [naughty]

Laura's comment that what she and Jamison must go through to get there will be well worth it is further confirmation that the Phoenix's death by fire is not a pleasant experience.  But if it enables her children to go to a beautiful world filled with sunshine and special people, why is it that Vicki [spoiler]was able to communicate with David Radcliffe's spirit during a seance?[/spoiler] Is Laura lying about the other world?

Ok, here's some thoughts: maybe the Phoenix is the only  one who goes to happyland.  Or maybe only those who go willingly? (If I remember right, didn't David Radcliff NOT want to go?)

And what does her mention to Jamison of "just the three of us, just as it was when you [and Nora] were little, darling, only better" mean?  Are we supposed to take it literally, meaning that Edward wasn't always around?

Good catch.  Wonder if he did a lot of travelling for the family business? Don't remember the time frame they put it in, but wasn't it mentioned that travels abroad were how he knew Lord Gerald and Lady Kitty Hampshire?  Or maybe (with Grandmamamama's influence, perhaps) he was like Mr. Banks in Mary Poppins: saw the kids once or twice a day for a few minutes, and the rest of the time they were seen and not heard.  The same Grandmama who taught Judith not to cry even for the death of the woman who raised her might well have taught Edward that it was weak and unmanly to care too much about children.

That was Diana Millay and her usual way of speaking.  LP isn't in the ep.
  WHOOPS!   [6184] [ashamed3]  Me bad.  I missed checking that one against what I thought I'd heard, which I'd sworn to myself I would do after the last goof up.


Think you guys are probably right about when it was filmed, but I'd be curious about whether anyone knows for certain.  A great interview.  It really comes through that he enjoyed his time on the show, and enjoyed sharing his stories with fans.

Of the cast members that I've been fortunate enough to meet, I'd be hard put to think of anyone who isn't there because they genuinely  enjoy meeting and talking to the fans (except the rude or overly possessive fans, and an actor would have to be eligible for sainthood to enjoy being subjected to that kind of nasty behavior). 


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0756
« on: April 23, 2009, 01:25:53 AM »
Yeah.  Isn't it downright scary when one can't remember important stuff at work for more than a few minutes, yet can still remember lines of dialog from TV and movies from years and years ago, as well as plots of zillions of books.


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