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Messages - Brandon Collins

I very much like these new photos, especially the one of Pfeiffer. Her pursed lips and eyes say it all.

As far as Depp as Barnabas, I think he's going to work out wonderfully. The cast photo was a bit underwhelming because he did look so child-like, as others have said, but this newly released photo with the bloodied hands shows the promise of how scary he could be in the character. The thing about Frid's Barnabas that always got me was that he seemed worldly and was intriguing. He drew you with his charm and you did fall in love with him, as someone else said, because of his vulnerability and inherent "good nature" as it were. I never looked at Barnabas as someone I would push through a crowd to jump on top off, but more as someone I would like to spend time with in conversation. As long as Depp captures this aspect of the character, anyone with a bit of romanticism will instantly be attracted.

When I first looked at this photo, I hated everything about it except for Michelle Pfeiffer. After taking a little while to study, I do like the similarity in layout and form to the 67 photo, as everyone else has started. However, here are some observations of mine:

First, from the LOOK of the characters of Angelique, Victoria, and Carolyn, it seems as if they have all been jumbled up. Eva Green as Angelique looks like she should be playing Carolyn at age 35 (she looks SO much like Nancy Barrett!), while Bella Heathcote as Victoria looks like she is Carolyn as a teenager, and Chloe Moretz looks more like a Sarah than anything else.

HBC as Julia looks completely over the top to me. And while Grayson played Julia outlandishly, she somehow still managed to pull it off and ground the character. Someone else put it very well--HBC looks like a refurbished and slightly toned down version of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. Here's hoping, as someone else also stated, that the bright hair color comes off much more muted on screen.

Lastly, while I love the interior of the (I'm guessing) drawing room because it looks like a cave and I could completely imagine bats living in there (sooo Gothic), it's not very inviting. Somehow, despite the sheer coldness that would at times come across in the old Collinwood sets from the original series, the house still seemed warm and inviting to me.

The most intriguing characters in the photo for me are Elizabeth and Angelique. The facial expressions both women are putting forth are as different as they are similar, and I wouldn't be surprised if when the film is released we see extreme correlations between the motivations behind the actions of both of these women.

I also took this photo as a joke, like Nancy. I don't think that it's going to look this way at all during the final cut of the film. During the film making process so many crazy things are done to enhance the final look of the film on the screen that we would all be very surprised to see the in-progress looks of the sets, actors, wardrobe, etc etc.

Also, if you think about the amount of people who will actually see this photo online--those hardcore devoted DS, Depp, Burton fans etc in comparison to the overall amount of people that this film will be marketed towards, the number seems pretty small. Ultimately when the trailer for this movie is finally released it will reach thousands more than these few photos ever will.

Nonetheless, as plenty of others have said it is still so early to judge this film. In the end the product will be what it will be, and I'm sure plenty of us will love it overwhelmingly and plenty others will hate it with a passion. Such is the matter of opinion.

Damn, I should've known someone else would've beat me to the news! Haha. I'm glad everyone was in the know.

I agree with the others in so much as that politics and fandom don't ever go hand in hand. Fandoms are so widespread and varied that you're going to have all kinds of crazies involved (aren't we all crazy anyway?!) and there will most definitely be a number of people that you totally and utterly disagree with on everything else but your love of Dark Shadows.

While I agree with pretty much everything you posted, that does not mean everyone will. I also agree that if someone you are friends with on Facebook is posting things that will appear on your Wall that you hate or really and truly disturb you, just delete them. Why bother yourself over agonizing whether it's rude? At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that you are surrounding yourself with positive energy or whatever you need to get through.

One thing that I completely do not understand about all of my friends--those I've met through Dark Shadows and those I'm friends with on a daily basis--is why everyone tends to shy away from talking about politics when that's one of the things we SHOULD always be talking about. I have several friends that I love to death but when we talk about politics I find myself thinking "I can't believe they're such a moron or that they're so ignorant about this, that, or the other thing." At the end of the day I'm still friends with this person because I appreciate intelligent conversation, even if our view points are completely different.

All in all, you have to decide what works for you and what doesn't. If people are ticking you off, check them OFF your friends list.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / DS on Ghost Hunters
« on: September 01, 2011, 03:01:56 AM »
The television show Ghost Hunters, which airs on Sci Fi, will be airing an episode where TAPS investigates Seaview next week. Obviously Dark Shadows is mentioned as having been "filmed" there. Just wanted to let everyone know. I'm super excited to see what, if anything, happens during the investigation! The episode airs on Wednesday at 9pm.

Very cool.  I don't know who Ryan Murphy is, but evidently he is in the spotlight today.

Ryan Murphy is a television writer/showrunner who created Glee and Nip/Tuck, and has written for several other shows. Personally, I'm a fan because his work always tends to border on pushing the limit for what people are used to seeing on television in some way, no matter the genre he is writing.

Definitely David! That was one of my favorite sequences in the movie.

Insidious is really good. I thought it would completely suck, but I ended up loving it. Very interesting!

I only ever watch GH on television or on Soapnet if I work during the day during its regular time slot. Even though episodes are already available online, I rarely ever use the option. I suppose if I had the time to keep up with a daily show on a daily basis, I probably would.

I'm hoping that Katie Couric doesn't kill GH, but if it can more online and still survive, I'll find time to watch it here and there just to keep up.

It looks like there is rain falling in the last picture of the four MB just posted a link to, and the second one sort of shows a profile of the front of the house, which is very reminiscent of the Old House. Perhaps that's what this set is supposed to be? I was wondering if there was going to be an Old House at all in this movie since the press release from WB said that Barnabas comes home to find Collinwood in ruins and wants to fix it up. Perhaps Angelique has locked Julia in an upstairs bedroom in order to ambush Barnabas when he wakes up for the evening, and Julia has to climb out of the window in order to rescue him?

Either way, she sure did get a lot of sheets off that bed to reach all the way to the ground!

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 23, 2011, 05:05:26 AM »
If Quentin were brought in to a movie, it would definitely have to be a big event. Quentin's storyline was so massive in the original series that it would require a lot of focus from the film. I think an interesting way to bring Quentin in would be to have him and Barnabas already have some sort of history, and Barnabas would need to rescue him from something or whatever. It would also provide for a lot of flashbacks to build the story and could open up an avenue for Quentin's story to be told. Perhaps introducing him in a second sequel (or the third movie) like Cousin Barnabas suggested would be a good idea. If they used Laura as the antagonist in the sequel to the first movie, Quentin could be alluded to or introduced minutely as a past lover of Laura (like he was in 1897 in the original series). He could appear in flashbacks and then really take center stage in the third movie.

However, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves in placing hope in two sequels that may not ever come to fruition at all. More than likely, if this is a viable franchise, Burton would hopefully want to continue it with the support of the production company. But, I'm really expecting just a one movie deal and to be finished with it. If enough interest is piqued from the film, perhaps Warner Brothers will once again try to reboot the property in a television series, and this time it would grow some legs and be a runaway hit!

A photo of Depp as Barnabas probably won't be released until later this year. October would be a nice time to start promotion since Halloween is during that month and DS is VERY supernatural. I wouldn't be surprised if a trailer premiered before something horrid like Paranormal Activity 3.

This is completely ridiculous. I think it's rather ironic that he hated on fans of Buffy (count me in that group!) and then as he watched the show he realized that it was actually good. While I do think that a fan may be considered "crazy" by others if they devote every second of their life to something, who's to say that it is crazy at all? After all, what is normal? There are so many differences in the world that the idea of normality, to me, is a joke, because all it contains is generalizations made from a certain group of people.

In fact, if you just looked at Dark Shadows fans, how we live and devote our lives or time to DS would be considered normal.

The Collins family ought to pay tribute to gravediggers in some way because of all the work they did for them over the years. Most of the time, though, it seems like a servant of the family or a member of the family themselves was burying the people who died or were killed. And several times it was Angelique!

Maybe that's why she keeps coming back, because the gravedigger statue is calling to her!