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Messages - Heather

Judith about to run down the hill to the waiting bus...she stops for a second, slaps her thigh, then moves on.

Judith's last scene. Maxine ends up running down the hill after her...

...not to apologize...

...but to settle the bill, of course!  ;D

Money issues resolved, Maxine is glad to see the group leave, and even offers a bit of wry advice about the next place they'll be visiting....

And then Judith and the church group go off into the sunset, never to be seen again...
I still wonder what would have happened to our Miss Fellowes...(I've had a couple follow-up story ideas in the past, but never had the nerve to write them!  :P)

Anyhoo, that was just an overview of the plethora of captures I took of the Divine One, etc, from this about 650 at least. Yikes...

P.S. Can't wait to read more about this movie and so much, much, more in J99's upcoming bio of that divine redhead!  Save up your money now kids!  ;D :-* Thank you all, and good day...  :-*

Judith gets to see an artist's sketches...I adore art references in stories.  :D

This is at the point when Judith and the gang are about to leave the resort/hotel. The following two show Judith's reaction when Maxine makes a rather bold/disparaging remark about why Judith is so upset about Charlotte and the Reverend--including a comment about "...the dykes in Texas..."
[anyone who knows me knows that I am not homophobic by any means, so I meant no offense whatsoever in mentioning that quote. Comprende, amigos? Gracias... ;))

Judith asks Shannon what is Maxine talking about...

And the Rev. tells Judith to "just go." [The reverend later comments to Maxine that if Judith realized the truth about herself, it would destroy her....]

Shannon's reaction during all I the only one who was reminded of Barnabas pouting when I saw this? {lol}

More close-ups of Judith. I love how she gives everyone "the hand," shushing everyone and emphasizing her point at the same time...

And of course her hearty laugh at the end of her tirade, when she declares Reverend Shannon "DEFROCKED!" [wink to J-C]

I got a kick outta the look on Judith's face after Maxine later declares (I'm partly paraphrasing here): "Well, if you're not gonna eat him, then I better get us some food..."

And then, even later on, the look on Judith's face when Maxine offers her some pot (and interestingly enough, Judith has slipped into a Julia-esque type of outfit at that point...a striped Jacket/skirt and plain shell combo...)

Judith decides to call her brother, a judge in Texas, to investigate Rev. Shannon...interesting "visit Mexico" poster in the background.

Close up of her on the phone...she almost purses her lips like Julia. ;)

Had to include this transition the "Judith within Judith" effect.  Symbolic, doncha think?  ::) :D

Judith confronting Shannon, again, after she gets some pertinent information and/or rumors about his alleged background...
Cracks me up how Judith and Maxine are practically at each other's throats right then...

I think Grayson looks great in this scene, despite the heat/humity...her slightly disheveled/frizzy from the heat hair sort of mimicks the firery mood Judith is in...
And I got a kick out of how, in the last scene, Judith's dress was buttoned up all the way to her throat, and now she not only undid one button, but THREE!  :o   >:D That call must have riled her up to no end...

Judith hot and bothered to no end... >:D

I had to include this - it's a bit hard to see because there is only a bird's eye view of this scene, but it's supposed to be the moment when Judith is beating the driver over the head with her purse...

Determined, buttoned-up, jaw-set Judith confronting Shannon and and the owner (Maxine Faulk - played by Ava Gardner) of a seasonal hotel he's chummy with...

A bit after that, the Rev. confronts Judith about staying at the hotel he'd dumped them at, for now...Oh, He'll regret giving her "the hand" right there.  ;)

Maxine pops back into the scene, putting on the best charm she can...Judith's reaction is priceless.  ;D

Judith Confronts the Rev., after Charlotte/the vamp had snuck into his room...

Judith caught up in a leaded glass web of her own design [sorry, bad joke... ::)]

Judith and the gang back on the fun-bus...
[when I see this one full size, it kinda reminded me of one of those pictures where the eyes follow you wherever you go...Grayson's eyes, I mean.]

Everyone in shock when the bus passes up their next was supposed to be air conditioned too (I feel for them, since I live in an 120 year old house with no central air). ;)

Judith and the gang after the ride comes to a halt, and the Reverend runs off with the bus' distributer...

Judith confronts Charlotte, who "deliberately defied" her...

Grayson's "slapping hand" gets some action....

I don't know why, but this particular moment got me choked up when I look back at it...Judith gets so upset, and even though she does eek out a couple retorts, I don't think she can can really verbalize or comprehend at this point everything that is going on in her head.
I luv complex characters... and Grayson does them SO well. ^-^

Later on, after the group settles into a stuffy hotel for the night...
Judith slips into her jammies.   ^-^

Happier Judith (for a moment anyway)...

During Judith's "don't make me take steps" declaration to Shannon (in regards to Charlottle)...

Judith breaks into song, again, to beat away those overheated blues...

Anyone think the driver of the bus is cute?  ^-^

I just liked the panning in this one (the camera is follwing Judith as she skips down the beach, while the background becomes a blur...kinda symbolic of her perception of her world, her inner torment, and the outside world, out of her control, doncha think? Oh...nevermind.  ::)

Judith calling out to Charlotte (who decided to take a refreshing dip in the ocean with the wayward Reverend....)

These are some captures from the 1964 film THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA, featuring the Academy Award nominated actress, Grayson Hall...  ;D :-*

Grayson of course plays Miss Judith Fellowes, an uptight yet spirited teacher (and later hinted at, a repressed lesbian) from Texas who is in charge of a church group that are on a tour of Mexico...accompanying them is a young bitchy temptress (Charlotte Goodall - played by Sue Lyon), whom Judith is chaperoning on the trip. Charlotte has eyes for any man around, especially the one who is leading their tour group (Rev. Shannon of "Blake's Tours." - played by Richard Burton).

Random comments/descriptions (not intended to be captions) by moi may accompany some of these...if any of these go against forum rules, I give the gods and goddessess of the forum full permission to smite my naughty behind....

Judith's first scene:

Judith livens up the bus ride:

Save for the 'straight-ass/overdressed for the opressive heat' outfit, I thought Grayson almost looked like Pepe (from SATAN IN HIGH HEELS) right here:

If glares could kill, that ceiling would be dead...

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Book Info
« on: June 22, 2006, 12:31:29 AM »
I highly recommend the zines too...
I find myself fortunate because that was what got me hooked to DS fandom and fanfiction years ago, and in a way that's what inspired me to search for other high quality DS fiction on the net, inspired me to compose fanfic of my own, join a few great DS groups, and eventually met some great people involved in such work....  :-*

oh dammit...
my luck (and timing) has been so gawd awful this month it isn't even funny...
thanks for offering though

Belated happy birthday, Charles!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Nancy!
« on: June 14, 2006, 10:13:26 PM »
Belated Happy Birthday, nancy! Sorry I missed it...  :(  :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Sandor!
« on: June 05, 2006, 05:29:32 AM »
Every gemini gets chocolate this year... xo

OMG - I have another DS twin...  :o ;)
Many thanks to those who offered up birthday wasn't a great day unfortunately (loong story), but I really appreciate the kind thoughts.  :-*
Now, instead of totally splurging on chocolate, I'm setting some of my b-day money aside for J99's upcoming bio of that divine redhead we all know and love...because that's all that really matters, ya know?   ;)

Unabashedly plugging all things Grayson when I can,
Thankfully yours,

Heather  xo