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Messages - Ben

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Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 25, 2002, 06:01:35 AM »
Here's one that can apply to two JD's with varying connections to Dark shadows:

(2) Ben to Katherine Leigh Scott - *Lawyers in Love (Jackson Browne)

*(I would also like to include those two honorary JD's: Gerard and Ringo in number (2) as well.

Aw, shucks, Bob, thanks for thinking of me.  What a coincidence that you thought of a song from me to TLATKLS, for she was the only DS star I had a picture with at last year's Fest.

I'm flattered to be in the company of Gerard and Ringo, esquires in their own right.  If you all are in Anaheim this June, and we can commandeer a piano, I'll play the themes from "Perry Mason" and "Cheers" for you.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Barn & Ben: a 1795 highlight
« on: March 23, 2002, 11:06:55 PM »
Ben, thanks for posting this thoughtful topic about the relationship between Barnabas and Ben Stokes ...  You've touched on a topic that I find very meaningful personally; I'm always drawn by presentations such as what we'll be seeing with Barnabas and Ben ... Such friendships are seemingly all too rare in real life.  I have literally had people end a friendship because I voted for a different political candidate, for example, and another because I didn't watch the World Series when "we" were in it (I went to browse at Borders Books instead).  

Thanks, Vlad.  Your posts on this thread are not only thoughtful and astute, but eloquent, too!  Seems like those petty people you described weren't really true friends to begin with, so be glad they are out of your life.  Ultimately, they make you deepen your appreciation for those who stick by you, year after year.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: (Another) Introduction
« on: March 23, 2002, 10:35:06 PM »
Hey Jake:

Welcome aboard (or, in a way, welcome back)!  Looks like you're a Billy Joel fan, too, judging from your post in the "Zany Music Box" thread -- cool!

Ben   8)

Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 23, 2002, 07:11:12 PM »
Paperback Writer - Flora Collins

I've Got You Under My Skin - Count Petofi to Quentin Collins

Piano Man - Laszlo Powi

Alone Again (Naturally) - Barnabas Collins

Will the Circle Be Unbroken - The Seance Singers

I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Count Petofi Fan Club

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes - Laura Collins

Leaving on a Jet Plane - Burke Devlin

And we can't forget The Theme from "Cheers" for Bob the Bartender


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Introduction
« on: March 23, 2002, 04:46:03 PM »
Welcome, Chris!  It looks like you're getting around just fine.  This is a terrific forum with intelligent, genial, and witty posters.  And Ringo is cool, even when he forgets to take his medication.     ;D


Games / Re: Collins' Library
« on: March 23, 2002, 10:08:17 AM »
Hmmm ... let's see:

Reel-to-Reel Recording for Dummies by Dr. Eric Lang

Subtle Piano Performance by Laszlo Powi

The Art of Whispering by Peter Bradford, as told to Jeff Clark and Ned Stuart

That City in Brazil by Elizabeth Collins Stoddard

Move Over, Garfield! by Joshua Collins

The Collins Family: None of My Business (Vols. 1 & 2) by Sarah Johnson

Innocent Until Proven Innocent by Barnabas Collins

(who wishes to thank Mark Rainey for his recommendation, Tonight Must Go Nothing Wrong -- I've enjoyed that one many times!)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: How Hairlarious!
« on: March 21, 2002, 06:39:59 AM »

His vocal range went from normal to screaming

mfmdpt, I think you and I differ in what we each think the word RANGE means.  [hdscrt]   [LOL! just kidding, of course!]

As for his hair, if any DS actor had to have an OCFC (obsessive-compulsive-follicular complex), well, at least it was someone who got to touch hair that always looked great and nicely coiffed.  [spin]

And yet, as much as I may make fun of RD, his over-the-top acting does add to the overall texture of the show that I have grown to love.  


(wondering if my vague recollection is accurate that RD once did commercials for The Dry Look or some other men's hairspray)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS hookers
« on: March 19, 2002, 05:29:41 PM »
A number of things got me hooked during my first DS go-around in 1969.  One was the alliances between Barnabas, Julia, Prof. Stokes, and Willie.  It wasn't until a very brief syndicated run eight years later that I discovered that it was Willie who released Barnabas and how Barn kept such a tight reign over his servant.  It wasn't until the 1999 Sci-Fi run that I discovered how adversarial the initial relationship was between Barn and Julia (and what a shock that was).  Moreover, Julia's unrequited love for Barnabas had totally gone over my 12-year-old head!

Another hook was the Quentin storyline -- the first full storyline I remember -- and finding it fascinating that a kid close to my age (David) could get entwined in this spooky fantasy involving a magic telephone and ghosts.  

Equally riveting was the haunting DS score.  I got the first DS soundtrack LP (with the Barn and Quentin poster inside) for Christmas in 1969.  The music has never left me.  Sometimes, even at work, when bombshell news is announced, one of the musical cues starts playing in my head!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: "A is for...?"
« on: March 19, 2002, 06:04:10 AM »

I don't mean to dump on Abigail, but I think that it's fair to say that Ms. Abigail will never be confused with someone as kind and selfless, as say, Mother Teresa or Florence Nightingale.  

Or Florence Henderson, for that matter.  

Wouldn't it have been a hoot if Abigail ended up being the one accused?  Although I surely would felt badly that she was accused unfairly like Vicki, I'm not sure I would have felt quite as badly for her as I did for Vicki.  I probably would also have indulged in the guilty pleasure of watching her squirm under the weight of those accusations ... and enjoying it.

Dumping on Abigail like this is perhaps a tribute to Clarice Blackburn's brilliant acting.  She nails every character she is assigned, right down to the most subtle nuance.

[on my way to the confessional right now]

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT:  Thanks, Everyone!
« on: March 19, 2002, 05:43:59 AM »
Welcome back, Gerard ... we missed you!  [hello]

Hope your return to this board will bring you an occasional smile, as you ease back into your daily routine.

Take care,

Current Talk '02 I / Barn & Ben: a 1795 highlight
« on: March 18, 2002, 07:19:35 AM »
The relationship between Barnabas and Ben (Stokes, that is, not me) ranks in my mind as one of the highlights of the 1795 storyline and the entire series.   The chemistry between Jonathan Frid and Thayer David made the unlikely friendship between a member of the Collins elite and an oppressed servant genuine and believable.  

Frid imbued Barnabas with compassion, and David gave Ben an earnest quality.  Their scenes together so far, and in eps to come, are poignant and three-dimensional.  I am always touched by their exchanges.  Yet they succeeded in not crossing the line into the realm of maudlin and melodrama.  Perhaps this explains why they were periodically given long scenes together.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: TLATKLS
« on: March 17, 2002, 06:34:25 PM »
Dear Lurkers:

Two years ago, I got fed up with another DS board where the posters frequently attacked each other.  I stumbled across this one (known by a different name at the time) and was impressed with its collegiality, intelligence, warmth, and wit.  It didn't occur to me, but yes, this is indeed a safe, decent place.

After posting here for over a year, I met a number of our group for the first time at last year's fest in NYC, and they are very nice, fun bunch.  Plus, if you're a little eccentric (okay, crazy), you'll fit right in with the rest of us!  [crazy]

Inasmuch as the last fest took place in the World Trade Center -- just three weeks before September 11 -- I was also deeply moved by the thoughts we exchanged on this board shortly after the tragedy.   We went from being friends to becoming a family.  

I, too, was once intimidated by the scholarly knowledge level of some posters.  I don't consider myself a DS scholar, but I'm a longtime fan who loves so many aspects of the show.  I think that's really all you need to contribute your own unique viewpoints.  And the scholars are always more than happy to answer your questions.

So come on in ... the water's fine!  [wavey]


Congrats!!!!! :D

There are all sorts of groovy baby clothes with Lennon art work on 'em [from Cartier, I believe]  start him out to be a Beatle fan right away ;)

And you'll have to serenade him at night with that wonderful Lennon classic, "Love."

Congratulations on your beautiful boy!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angelique
« on: March 16, 2002, 11:13:22 PM »

How can people be so heartless!

For a minute there, Ringo, I thought you were about to launch into the next line of an appropriate theme song for Angie (from "Hair") which continues, "How can people be so cruel ... Easy to be hard ... easy to be cold ..."

Feel better, Ringo!  Hope the hot toddies do the trick.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angelique
« on: March 16, 2002, 11:04:54 PM »

LOL, maybe she just didn't make the "resemblance connection" in 1968...sometimes I think that it's just us and Vicki who know for sure that all these people look alike. ;)

:D   You're right, Linda!  And to think all this time we kept accusing Vicki of being dumb!


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