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Messages - Nicky

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Hey everyone,

Welcome back to my friends who were lucky enough to congregate in NYC last week -- I missed the lot of you!  But while you were gone, I was updating "Shadows on the Wall," my DS fanzine blog-thingie with an episode guide (with screen captures courtesy of me and Netflix), info about the 2nd issue of the forthcoming DS comic book, a mini-review of the DS Companion audiobook, and new illustrated chapters of "Shadows on the Wall," the serial that a bunch of us who still gather here began to write, mmmmm, about ten years ago, and that I've been reprinting (printing?) on my blog.

So please swing by, and feel free to comment -- I'd love to hear thoughts!

Thank you thank you!

That's a good plan -- we really enjoyed it, and partly because I kept telling myself, "Not the original, not the original!"

And I squealed a little bit when Toni Collette dropped the DS reference.   [ghost_cool]

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:51:37 PM »
Cassandra slap?  Yes please.   [ghost_grin]

Hey all!

Announcing my online DS fanzine, "Shadows on the Wall"!  Updated several times a week, featuring screen grabs, rare photographs, an episode guide, and two on-going serials, as well as fan fiction from other writers in fandom.  Please visit often and feel free to leave feedback!

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 84
« on: December 10, 2004, 03:06:57 AM »
Chapter 84 of "Shadows on the Wall", our ongoing round robin (since 1999!), hosted by my dear friend Tim Choate, has now been posted.

"Gone".  Lots of things.  Roger, Amy, and Vicki, all lost to the darkness.  Angelique, to a more metaphorical sort.  And Barnabas, trying to reach out of his own grief to find a little comfort in a strange room in the East Wing.  Will Julia be able to follow him there?  Plus a coupla other big baddies and the beginning of ... bum Bum BUM ... PARALLEL TIME!

Check it out, hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 83
« on: November 24, 2004, 04:56:03 AM »
Hey hey everybody,

The time has come at last ... the conclusion to the Leviathan saga.  Victoria Winters has been consumed by the darkness inside her, and has transformed into a creature more twisted and powerful than any Barnabas and Julia have faced before.  But Sky Rumson lies dead, Angelique takes it upon herself to extract more than vengeance ...

Check it out here:

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 82
« on: November 07, 2004, 08:13:01 PM »
... by yours truly, has just been posted at Tim Choate's archive that he kindly manages for us.

In this go-round, we find that big badness has exploded at Collinwood like never before.  Jeb Hawkes, Vicki's beloved son, has been destroyed, and she blames Barnabas Collins, and the powers she harnesses to get her revenge are in a realm of darkness she has never ventured into before.

Just a warning:  the worst is yet to come!

Check it out hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 81
« on: November 04, 2004, 01:49:23 AM »
... is now available at our archive, hosted by the ever-delightful Tim Choate.

Written by the divine NancyBe, we find Collinwood in a world of dire.  Vicki has nearly been consumed by the darkness within her, but she and her monstrous offspring may find a chance at redemption ... while, in the mean time, Professor Stokes, Julia, and Sky and Angelique Rumson try desperately to find a method that will ensure the Leviathans' final destruction ... and the destruction of their leader.  And Quentin receives a visit from an old -- and very dead -- friend.

Check it out hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 80
« on: October 18, 2004, 05:46:54 AM »
Good evening, boils and ghouls,

Chapter 80 of our ongoing round robin, "Shadows on the Wall", has been posted at our archive, hosted by the mahvelous Tim Choate.

Li'l catch up ... since Victoria Winters returned from her voyage to change the past in 1897, thus saving the Collins family from her father, the malevolent Count Petofi, Vicki has realized that the powers she inherited have been corrupting her, slowly but surely.  What she doesn't realize is that she is connected to the Leviathans, an ancient race of beings in league with Petofi who desire to return to the human world for, what else, world domination.  But every time Vicki uses her powers, she comes closer and closer to the darkness flowering within herself.

Meanwhile, Chris Jennings, after a series of injections from Julia Hoffman, became an even more terrible beast than he had ever been before, and fled town, vowing to avoid human kind forever.  His sister Amy had become one of the Leviathans most devoted disciples.

Angelique, a human again, and her husband Sky, the most powerful (and now reformed) warlock in the world, have joined with Julia and Professor Stokes to stop the spread of the Leviathan's evil, and to try to help Barnabas recover from his vampirism.  But after a bout of demonic lovemaking between Quentin and Vicki, the leader of the Leviathans, Jeb Hawkes, was spawned and grew quickly to manhood.

Now the Collins family is faced with the threat of this corrupting evil ... and the destructive tendancies within the girl they thought they knew.

In RJ's chapter (welcome RJ!), we find that Jeb Hawkes has initiated his scheme to rid the world of humankind, while Julia, Stokes, and Barnabas struggle to find an answer ... and may turn to a supernatural source.  And where does Vicki herself stand?  Will she help her friends ... or aid in their destruction?

Find out here ...

Hey guys!

After a long hiatus, Shadows on the Wall is back on track, and chapter 79 (by new recruit Dawn) has been posted at the mahvelous Tim Choate's archive.

In this outing, we have big bad badness brewin' ... apocalypse time has finally come to poor ol' Collinsport, and who's heading it ... why, our lovely once-upon-a-time ingenue Vicki Winters!  Vicki, long lost daughter of Count Petofi, has inherited a lot of her father's powers, as well as his connection to the Leviathans, those wacky fun lovin' guys who only wanna rule the world (and who doesn't?)  How will everyone cope with this madness?  Find out hereish:

Hey hey boils and ghouls,

It's been awhile, but Shadows on the Wall, our ongoing retelling of the DARK SHADOWS you know and love, is back, ready and rarin' to go.

It's been a traumatic time for our heroine, Victoria Winters ... she travelled all the way back to the year 1897 to change history at Collinwood and prevent the deaths of everyone she loved by confronting her father, the monstrous Count Petofi.  In the process she learned that there was a great capacity inside herself for darkness, and upon her return to 1968, Victoria found that the Leviathans were planning to use her as a gateway for their return to earth.

This is not good, expecially since Vicki has the power to do it.

In Ch. 76, by our very own Midnite, it's apocalypse time, as all the signs point towards the imminent arrival of the Leviathans, which forces Vicki and Quentin to take drastic action.

In Ch. 77, by NancyBe, everyone is feeling the rising darkness of the Leviathans, especially Vicki, who finds out exactly what kind of gateway she's going to become.

Check it out hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 75
« on: December 10, 2003, 02:09:23 AM »
Chapter 75 of "Shadows on the Wall", our on-going round robin, has been posted at Tim Choate's archive.

Written by yours truly, this go-around continues to delve into Vicki's devolution from heroine to ... whatever the Leviathans have in store for her ... or whatever she plans to do to herself.  Quentin remains braindead; Barnabas and Julia face down Chris Jennings in his new and decidedly less attractive form; Angelique is reunited with an old flame; Maggie Evans and Professor Stokes have a heart to heart.

Check it out hereish:

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Shadows on the Wall, Ch. 74
« on: November 19, 2003, 09:33:11 PM »
Hey hey kiddies,

Chapter 74 of "Shadows on the Wall", our ongoing round robin, has been posted at the archive headed by the always delightful Tim Choate.

NancyBe heads us up this time, and things are starting to get hot at Collinwood.  Barnabas, recently completely eeeeeevil, has realized the errors of his ways, thanks to a certain red-headed doctor; later, Barnabas and Julia discover all is not well at Chris Jennings' cottage; Vicki and Quentin have a fateful encounter as he begins to realize that the love of his life is not exactly who (or what) she seems; Angelique receives a visitor.

You can get it all here:

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 73
« on: October 29, 2003, 09:22:35 PM »
Hey hey, boils and ghouls,

Chapter 73 of "Shadows on the Wall", our ongoing round robin (since 1999!), has been posted at Tim Choate's archive.

In this chapter, penned by the darkly seductive Luciaphil, reflections are everywhere!  We get a glimpse of a mysterious parallel world and some surprising characters who dwell therein; Barnabas is shocked by a face from his past disturbingly similar to the woman he prays upon now; Julia must put the past behind her to save Angelique; Quentin is a little distraught at Vicki's new outlook on life.

Catch it hereish:

It should be posted sometime this evening -- thanks guys!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Shadows on the Wall, Chapter 72
« on: September 19, 2003, 12:09:00 AM »
Greetings, Shadows fans!  Welcome the first chapter of Anno V of "Shadows on the Wall".  Happy anniversary, everybody, and a special THANK YOU THANK YOU to my astoundingly talented cadre of writers.

Chapter 72 of our ongoing round robin "Shadows on the Wall" has been posted at Tim Choate's archive.

In this go-around, written  by Gothick, Stokes reveals some pertinent (not to mention terrifying) information to a gloomy and doomy Chris Jennings; Julia and Angelique try to rouse a spirit to help them with Barnabas, trapped in his Big Bad Vampire persona; Nathan Forbes is on the receiving end of a rather unexpected turnabout.

Check it out hereish:

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