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Messages - joe integlia

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I begged JOHNNY DEPP to tell me when the D.S. filming would start but he just stood there like a wax figure in a museum! ha ha I was at the opening of madame tussaud's new wax museum in hollywood yesterday. I managed to slip the mpi BARNABAS ring on the wax figures finger! it is a great museum but no chamber of horrors?!

its hard to believe that if abc owned the tapes that no mention of abc is ever listed on the credits. primetime shows from the same time period like THE INVADERS would say "in association with the abc television network" on the credits. a sharp contrast from today when even if a show is produced by abc and shown on another network, like ghost whisperer, the abc logo appears at the end of each show.

I always thought DC owned the master tapes too and also remember reading that he owned the show and was the 1 to keep it preserved. i think i read it in famous monsters magazine. anyway if abc owned it why didnt the episodes say at the end of each episode, "AN ABC TV PRODUCTION"? the episodes always said "A DAN CURTIS PRODUCTION"

you could also just choose a bogus name and use a email address u hardly use or make 1 up just for facebook. my name on facebook is HERMAN MUNSTER. LOL

desi arnaz also was a guest star twice on the show playing a spanish bull fighter.

thanks for the correction.

MPI home video, the company that brought us our favorite show and other rare series like THE DORIS DAY SHOW, is now set to release another hardly ever seen series, THE MOTHERS IN LAW. Many years ago this show was discussed on this board so i thought it should be announced that it will soon be available on dvd all 2 seasons of it. this show was on nbc in the late 60s produced by DESI ARNAZ years after he split from LUCY. the show is already available from a website called but its most likely bootleg/poor quality like we suspect dvds from dvd planet are as also discussed on this board.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Dark Shadows complete dvd set on Planet DVD
« on: July 11, 2009, 03:26:30 AM »
i tried searching that site for DARK SHADOWS and got no results.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday Dark Shadows!!!
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:26:56 PM »
the unaired ds pilot also started production on june 27th.

THAYER DAVID is also in the original ROCKY movie, THE EIGER SANCTION, JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. some other tv roles include WILD WILD WEST and the pilot for NERO WOLF and im sure there are many others.

heres a link to a "drive-in" showing of SUSPIRIA starring JOAN BENNETT + JESSICA HARPER on June 12th. JESSICA is scheduled to appear in person.

also sorry i missed your bday. hope u had a happy one and hope to see u soon.

i saw that. i wonder why he said her name? was she a guest recently on larry king or did her name just pop into lettermans head?

the morning show on CBS had a mini CAGNEY+LACEY interview/reunion with TYNE DALY, SHARON GLESS, HARVYEY ATKIN + MARTIN COVE. JOHN KARLEN was absent. i did not catch the interview from the beginning so i dont know if KARLEN was even mentioned. i was surprised to hear them state that they get no residuals from the dvd releases. i can understand that about shows from the 50s/60s/70s but find it hard to believe that in the 80s the agents did not anticipate home video releases.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: cant post/reply
« on: April 25, 2009, 07:41:25 PM »
well thanks for the info. but why is the right click feature disabled anyway? i thought it was to keep people from copying text and posting it elsewhere but if u can do it another way, why is right clicking disabled at all?

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