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Messages - MaggieEvans

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Even though they didn't think so, Quentin's body could hear and understand Barnabas and Judith as they whispered about the Crisco and the german shepherd they found in his room.

Games / Re: Either/Or
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:31:23 PM »
I choose Maggie Evan's wig. I think it added to her "straight shooter, no nonsense" character.

This question comes from the Adam/Eve story line...

Either Angelique's "vampire" dress, or Eve's black dress?

(can anyone provide pics for me? I don't have any.)

"Oh, I think I know what you want, Rev. Trask.  It's what all you men want: 24/7 access to the remote, and to leave the seat up."

I love that! "What's a perv?"

Dirk wondered why on earth Rachel would say something so mean as "Is your hairline receding?" to him.

"Dirk finally had enough. "Barnabas," he said, "Sometimes I just wanna __________________"

"Rachel was quite intrigued when Tim  told her she could "come up and see him sometime" if only she'd bathe!!"

"Judith finally collapsed in a chair in the drawing room after a full day of doing the Hokey Pokey and turning herself around. She then realized, that IS what it's all about."

"Edward was furious when he heard "The Sound of Music" being blasted from Jamison's record player. Edward knew that only meant one thing, Jamison was the Julie Andrews Serial Killer."

 "Barnabas and Edward would often sneak into Judith's room in the middle of the night to watch her tie cherry stems in knots with her teeth while she slept!"

"Rachel didn't know which was more surprising, Dirk's _____________ or his ____________."

Little did anyone know, Trask was the infamous "Is your refridgerator running? It's probably possessed by Satan" caller.

Happy Anniversary, Marie! We love ya!

"Dirk tries to comfort Tim by saying, "It's okay, Tim. Every man _________________ in their life."

"Rachel was shocked to look through one of the Old House's windows and to see that Judith was there with Dirk - and they were playing naked Twister!!!"

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