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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '11 II / Re: PT, Beyond Collinwood
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:54:05 PM »
In my what-if-DS-had-continued synopsis, I did have a plot where Barnabas returned to PT, finding that Collinwood had, indeed, been torn down and all that was beyond the door of the room was an empty field.  Rather than dealing with a ten-foot drop, in true DS style, I ignored the inconsistency simply because I didn't want to bother with it and had him step through right into the field.  It would've been too much to have him ignore Julia's pleas, followed by a piercing shriek and a thud, Julia leaning into the doorway, looking down and seeing his crumpled figure below, doing her "Bbbaarrrnnnaaabbbasss!" with him responding in a muffled tone:  "I'm aaalll right."


Current Talk '11 II / Re: PT, Beyond Collinwood
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:15:12 AM »
I always wondered what the rest of the PT world beyond Collinwood was like.  Who was President?  Were there ever World Wars?  Was My Mother the Car a critical and commercial success?  All we heard was that there was a Genoa, Italy.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Stephen King & Dark Shadows
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:36:00 AM »
He also mentions Dark Shadows and its popularity in his novel Hearts in Atlantis.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: DS Character Drawings
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:26:58 AM »
Fantastic!  His artwork almost reminds me of a "hip" version of Ed Gorey.


OK, Gerard, fess up - just how long have you been waiting for the right time to adapt that Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? line for DS and to stick it into a post?  [ghost_grin]
You wouldn't be treating me like this, MB, if I wasn't still sitting in front of this keyboard!

Now you've got me curious, MB - I'm going to hafta google Greystone and see what other movies/shows it was in.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Hmmm...
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:32:01 AM »
Well, I never!  How dare someone bespeak ill of my Maggie Evans!  But then, maybe the poster is refering to the PT1970 Maggie Evans.  To be honest, with her whining, she was also getting on my nerves.  So was Quentin.  Both of them needed a bit of strangling.


I had no idea it was filmed there, either.  I thought those were all stage sets.  But while we're on the cross-catagorical subject of The Divine Miss D and DS, it's too bad she didn't do a stint on DS.  Wouldn't she've been great in the 1840/41 flashback as maybe the wife of Daniel Collins, being the feisty matriarch trying to preserve secrets and maintain control of all the on-going situations?  Mama Collins to Gabriel:  "Butchya aahh in that wheelchair, Gabriel, ya aahh!"


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Photo Galleries: Our Favorite TV & Movie Vampires
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:10:33 PM »
And no Christopher Lee, either!  Plus, I also have never heard of a large chunk of those "most popular" vampires.


Just had three inches of water in your basement?!?!  Oh, Annie, I can't imagine what you're going through!  My best thoughts and wishes for you!


I might be able to answer that, MB, from my own ghost hunting experiences.  First of all, what they said might not be completely factual but rather an exaggeration.  Even though the cast of Ghost Hunters are, for the most part, critical of claims of hauntings and spend time debunking claims (from watching the shows, they declare close to 90% of all hauntings "unproven" - they even did it with this one with regards to our beloved Collinwood [they never concluded it was haunted]), it's still a show that survives because of ratings.  I would not take their claim without a grain of salt.  I don't blame them - they're paid for this, and Sci-Fi (or SyFy, which I hate) gets money for this.  We're all trying to eat, pay bills, and be able to get stuff we otherwise could not afford with a little extra in the paycheck.  Second, "ghost hunters" (I'm an amateur among them), knows from other ghost hunters that a ghost (meaning the spirit/soul/whatever of a dearly departed) cannot effect something beyond human abilities.  Humans cannot stomp around like dump trucks; neither can ghosts.  Third, sounds, especially in large houses, can be exaggerated because of "travelling sound."  Stuff acts like microphones and can enhance sound.  Fourth, and this goes with the third, animals living in urban areas are everywhere.  When they crawl or walk around, they can be heard, and the sound of their scuffling is enhanced through structures, like a a tuner struck against a surface.  When the team climbed through the trapdoor and found only a roof, any animal that might've made the sound would've run (or flew or whatever) off.  I once was involved with an investigation in a "haunting" that included the same type of sounds.  What caused them?  Racoons.  In my own house, there were sounds emanating from the ceiling and walls.  Ghosts?  No - squirrels.  Critters are ingenous in making themselves at home in your home.

Ghosts are fun.  The episode was fun.  DS was fun.  Imagine if Stokes, while helping the beleaugered Collins family, had said:  "Quentin is not haunting Collinwood.  You've got a family of possums living in the rafters."  There wouldn't have been a DS for long.


I enjoyed the episode (because I do enjoy GH) and it was fantastic to see so many rooms and corridors and even the basement.  Many of them looked like the various stage sets on DS.  But is the place haunted?  Like I've mentioned, I'm a skeptic and did a few ghost huntings myself and even experienced some of the same "phenomena" presented on the show (the sounds especially).  I've always found a logical explanation and from my own evaluation of the evidence presented about Seaview, I believe I could simularly dismiss all they experienced and even recorded.  I'm surprised they didn't come up with logical answers - maybe they did off-camera, but on-camera there has to a bit of "excitement" to keep the audience's attention.  I did note, however (unless I missed it), they did not say at the end that Seaview/Carey/Collinwood is haunted.


I'm totally fascinated by "ghost hunting," while at the same time I'm totally skeptical about their existence (and I've done a few "ghost-bustings"), and that's what I like about their show.  They actually don't try to engrandize things; they go a supposedly haunted place and try to disprove all the claims and in many, if not most, cases, they do just that.  They do not use "sightings," or "soundings," including their own, as proof.  If it isn't fully and clearly recorded, it's not evidence.  The ironic thing is that on most of their shows, they come up with virtually nothing and declare a place "not haunted."  One would think, with the lack of the sensational, the program would be a bomb (watching them traipse around and end up with nothing concrete, or even exciting, shouldn't be an audience-grabber).  But I think it's because of their skepticism of a claim and their thoroughness, mixed with the rare, occasional recorded happenings (such as the sliding folding chair in the attic of that famously "haunted" lighthouse) that keeps people coming back for more.  The audience is intellectually challenged, but when that rare "proof" is there, it's a shock.  It's like a good horror or scary movie becomes a success.  If stuff is shown all the time, it becomes blase.  If nothing is ever shown, even in a small glimpse, it's pointless.

Is our "Collinwood" haunted?  I doubt it.  Let's face it - other than college students behaving like typical college kids, nothing "horrific" ever happened there.  So why should it be haunted?


I remember TLATKLS once making what could be considered an opinion about DS's popularity and politics.  She stated that when it aired, the country was mired in massive social and political change and turmoil, and the show (along with Star Trek) allowed people to escape and enjoy other times and places with their own turmoil far removed from where they audience was.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:38:53 PM »
I actually enjoy upcoming movie and TV spoilers posted all over the internet - they're fun.  And they're usually wrong anyway.  I remember when Cloverfield was getting ready to premier and they went to great pains to hide images of the Manhattan-eating monster from view until one was sitting in a theater seat and actually got to see it ruining everyone's day in the Big Apple.  Yet, all over the world-wide-web, there were "leaked" descriptions, "photos" and drawings of it.  And not one of them was true.

I sometimes wonder if movie studies are behind some of these untrue "leaks" just to spark up interest in an upcoming film.  It's an ingenious way to spread publicity to hundreds of millions all for free.


Doctor, I'm shocked!  You haven't divorced your wife?!?!  She finds DS boring?  My goodness, if that doesn't constitute grounds, I don't know what does! 
