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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directing DS
« on: June 06, 2002, 12:06:33 AM »
Like I say, I'm not too familiar with the styles and differences between the directors, so perhaps Swift has some weak points by comparison. Perhaps she's more of a technical director than an acting director.

I would have thought the opposite. KLS wrote about how Lela Swift gave her a lot of help in the beginning of DS because she had no prior experience [on tv shows, anyway, i guess], and told her what to do, what not 2 do, etc...."don't point" "don't indicate" "refill this and sweep that and wipe that and if you're done with all that before the end of the scene, THEN you can look at the other actor." LMAO I love anecdotes! ^_^

I really don't notice much about the cameras and the like on DS....I guess I'm just 2 absorbed in whatever's going on between the characters. Although, I did like the one episode where the camera was a close up on Julia's eyes through a microscope in Lang's lab. That was pretty kewl ^_^

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Torture
« on: June 05, 2002, 11:56:52 PM »
I loved looking at the footage of the waves, though, so I just hit the mute buttom. :-X

hehe, I hit fast forward....I'm so sick of Lang!!! >.<;; Adam I like, Lang I don't.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Favorite Storyline
« on: June 05, 2002, 11:51:12 PM »

1840 was the best!!! I loved that TL! Daphne and Quentin were sooo cute! Of course, I hadn't seen anything before that, so I guess there was no "novelty that had worn off" feeling there ^_^ And of course, I loove Leticia, she's so cute, her and Desmond are adoooorable! The only part I didn't like was that STUPID parellel time room!!! UGHHHH >.<;; that made me sick....people would just be randomly walking around the house and then "HEEEEEY LET'S GO WATCH ANOTHER WORLD!" Blecch. 1841 PT is my least fav TL....even worse than the whole Julia/Barnabus thing. But I'm dying to see that right? The one with Quentin that lasts like a year and a couple months....I really, really, really wanna see that!!!  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Carolyn & Adam
« on: June 05, 2002, 11:43:43 PM »
Carolyn cracked me up when she got onto Adam for repeating everything she said.

She is her mother's daughter.

ADAM: "Carolyn pretty, fire bad!"

;D  ;D LMAO! That was the funniest thing! "Why do you always have to repeat everything I -- " *SNATCH* HAHAHAHA!!! *big grin* And then when Willie snuck in2 her room last nite ... I mean YESTERDAY..sheesh!....and He's like "Stop shouting, I just wanna tell u the dream, and then I'll leave. Carolyn.....FINE DON'T STOP SHOUTING I'LL TELL IT TO YOU ANYWAY!!!" LMAO!!!!!!!!! I was in tears! ^_^ But I didn't get why she was going 2 hit Adam over the head with a rock as opposed 2 just creeping through the door...  ?!?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Are you the only one?
« on: June 02, 2002, 10:23:59 PM »
Yes, I'm the only one who watches it, although my mom used to, and a lot of my friends' moms used to, but they don't anymore. I have one friend who will "suffer through" an episode once in a while if I'm totally adamant about showing her something. She did watch NODS with me, and got REALLY freaked out by the end -- Quentin's eyes are almost as scary as Angelique's!!  :o amazing!  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Barney is dad but mommie?
« on: June 01, 2002, 10:55:42 PM »
And since they never did listen to Dr. Lang's tape, like their "son" has, it never occurred to them as a possibility--something that SHOULD have included in Lang's notebook outlining the experiment.  When did this possibility occur to Lang--in his death throes?

Apparently....altho that's kinda ridiculous, but I guess that's DS for ya, hmm?

One thing I really cannot stand about this show is the lack of OBVIOUS continuity. Like Julia wanted 2 save Adam, Barney wanted 2 kill him; and then a few episodes later, Barney wanted 2 save him, and Julia was saying Adam was a beast and a monster....>.<;;;; drives me  crazy. I can deal with Carolyn's apparent bipolarness and mood swings, throwing cards around, and then telling Adam in a sweet voice that he's just like a little kid....but ARGGGG you'd think Barnabus and Julia were in enough episodes that all the writers would at least have some GRASP on the characters!!  >:( >:( >:( :P

I agree, Mrs Johnson would have made a better mother....judging from the way she yells @ Harry, she would CERTAINLY keep Adam in line!!  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Julia Smackdown Fest!
« on: May 31, 2002, 08:39:25 PM »








Well I'm just back from a business trip and so will have to rewind the VCR for the Johnson slap ..lI know we will soon be treated to Julia slapping Cassandra and then after the Jennings boys come to town, Julia slaps Joe. . .too bad she never slapped the one man she really should have . ..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *in tears* She slaps Cassie???? OMG!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! She's just been promoted 2 my fav char! That's GREAT![/i]   ;D  ;D Cassangelique drives me up a WALL!!!  :P I think it should be Sam who slaps her, though. Altho Sam deserves a slap from Maggie anyway...she's always taken care of him!!  >:(  grrr..parents!  :(

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Collinwood's Hobey Baker trophy
« on: May 31, 2002, 08:31:48 PM »
LOL!! At least now you know what it is!! I always wondered what that thing was.   ?!? Any time someone uses the phone, I stare at it and mumble, "What ARE you!?" .... it never answers  :-/ boohoo  :'(


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Reminder:  No DS tomorrow (Friday)
« on: May 31, 2002, 08:29:03 PM »

*silently acknowledges Donna's pain* I know what you mean.....of course, I just read what happens from an episode guide, but it's just NOT THE SAME!!  :'( :'(

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows makes you insane?
« on: May 31, 2002, 08:26:21 PM »
Hehe, I'm not the only one! *rejoices* I play out scenes [in my head and aloud] that have been, and ones that I've made up, like fillers that SHOULD have been seen, and talk 2 myself and ramble 2 myself and mutter 2 myself about the going-ons in Collinwood and Collinsport. I think I even started a plan 2 kill Barnabus after he tried 2 woo Vicki. HEHE And after he bit Carolyn. WOW He was closer than he ever knew to dying....*gets out bloody axe and gloves* The real trick is not letting anyone else know about all this ..... *shifty eyes* I'm very cautious....hehehehe *evil angelique laugh*  ;D

I was there....and I didn't have any problems. One of my questions even got asked! *GASP!* LOL But I think something was going on, cuz there would be like half an answer or half a question or something....maybe I just had 2 many windows open....ayya....  ?!?  :P

How exactly does it work, like is KLS sitting at home on her computer, and she types in the question, and then types out an answer? Or does she have a list of questions? Or does some online moderator give her a question she HAS 2 answer? Cuz @ the chat, the questions would come under *her* name, like she was saying them, not from some online moderator in the room or something. *shrug* JADQ lol  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
« on: May 31, 2002, 01:07:49 AM »
Okay, here's my take on the whole Dream Curse sequence:  all the performers who were required to have the dream bet one another on who could do the most over-the-top portrayal of terror.  I'm sure the big money was on Addison Powell because....well, just because.

But they obviously didn't count on Johnny Boy's total lack of self-consiousness.....this is an actor who will fling himself around on a parlor chair like a man dying in a plane crash....who will shriek like he's having something amputated without anesthesia.....and who never once imagined the possibility that 35 years later people would be snatching that open-mouthed howl of terror off the TV screen and posting it for posterity. [scrm]

He must have been picking scenery out of his teeth for days, but surely he won the bet.

LMAO! I would have thought WILLIE would be afraid of bats, not Mrs Johnson. That's weird. Where on earth did they come up with these fears?? Too bad we couldn't see Barnabus standing in the doorway with his cane over his head, glaring evilly -_- or someone @ Wyndcliffe. That would make more sense, IMHO anyway  :-/

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Collinwood Radio Music
« on: May 30, 2002, 06:20:33 PM »
OMG that had me laughing soo hard! Is that really what the music was like in the 60s? Didn't they have like.....the Beatles and stuff? Or is everyone in Collinsport just addicted 2 classical music?  ?!?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's New Toy
« on: May 30, 2002, 06:05:42 PM »
Hehe, I read the name of the post and I thought you were talking about Carolyn -- she's Adam's new toy....and her hair. *chuckles*  ;D ;D

WOW that was really kewl! Only 8 words that I didn't know!!!! LOL can we say major spoiler? I don't even know who these people are and already I know what they've gone...... ::) LOL I was destined 2 find out some time. But I'll 4get before we get to..uh...whenever we get 2 c Quentin.

And awwww Carolyn and Quentin. They were cute. Daphne and Quentin were cuter, but they were cute. HEHE ^^

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