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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Angie's logic?
« on: October 24, 2003, 08:40:45 PM »
Steve, I'm with you on this one.  The upcoming change Mrs. 'Valerie' Collins goes thru is a doozy, and not very believable.

Julia99, I was thinking the same thing.  What the heck is Angelique about with this?  It's like okay, her vampire 'husband' is cheating on her, and hates her guts.  So in order to hold on to him (or get back at him?), she threatens to turn his little girlfriend into a vampire too.  Yeah, that'll fix him!  Then he won't have any excuse for staying away from Roxanne - they can be together for all eternity.  And last time I checked, Barn kicked her @$$ for turning him into a vampire.  What makes her think that Ms. Drew will do any less?

You'd think she'd threaten to kill Roxanne by some other means, or at least cast a spell on Roxanne that would cause her to be grossed out by Barnabas or something!  Even if Angie threatened to expose Roxanne as a vampire after she rose; that might make some sense.

What were the writers smoking when they came up with this brilliant plot twist?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS run on SciFi to end Dec. 30
« on: October 24, 2003, 08:28:48 PM »
Hey y'all -

I know that in the greater scheme the cancellation by Sci-Fi isn't a big thing.  And maybe part of this is that it's been a pretty crappy day for me in several ways.  But I am just devastated by the news from Shadowgram!  Feels like I've been punched in the gut.

Like you, murph, I started taping this run from episode one.  While I don't have every single episode, I'm quite bitter that I won't at least have the last episode.  Am not a huge fan of the upcoming 1841PT, but still wanted to tape enough of it to convey the main arc of that storyline.  And yes, I know I can purchase the tapes from MPI, and that they'll eventually release the DVD's but...

While I most appreciate Sci-Fi for airing Dark Shadows for so long, and so many times, it just feels like the biggest slap in the face for them to just drop the show unceremoniously so near the end of the total run.

Would it have killed them to air those last 20 or so episodes?  Really just feels like there's someone new at the network who doesn't give a crap about those of us who have been loyal viewers for lo these many years.

Guess I, too might have to stop watching Sci-Fi.

Sorry to sound like Big Baby Whiny Butt.  But thanks for listening!   Glad y'all are here to commiserate with. :'(

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Daniel and Harriet Collins
« on: October 24, 2003, 02:35:08 PM »
Harriet Collins a previous incarnation of the good doctor?  How very interesting...

Current Talk '03 II / Re:DS run on SciFi to end Dec. 30
« on: October 24, 2003, 02:32:26 PM »
Given the currently scheduled pre-emptions, can anybody guestimate on what episode number the current Sci-Fi run will end?

I am just sick, sick, sick about this!   :(

Current Talk '03 II / Re:1897 after 1840
« on: October 22, 2003, 05:43:17 PM »
That's really interesting, Joeytrom!  Loved in particular your ideas of what may have become of 1897 Quentin as a result of changes made in the 1840 storyline.  And I've often wondered how those changes affected 1971 life in general upon the return of Barnabas, Julia and Stokes from the past.

Have always wondered this in particular: why does Liz even recognize Stokes when the trio returns?  The reason he came into the storyline in 1968 in the first place IIRC was as Cassandra Blair's faculty advisor, or some such, wasn't it?

[spoiler]If Angelique died in 1840, is it a safe assumption that she never showed up in the 1890's or the 1960's to devil the Collins family?[/spoiler]

I guess we'll have to assume Stokes became aquainted with the family in some other way.  Maybe as Liz's boyfriend?  :-*

There is also this question.  If Barnabas made some changes in 1897, and ostensibly put things to rights in 1840, aren't the times he returned to in 1969 and in 1971 alternate realities of what he first saw - other versions of parallel time, so to speak?  There could be an infinite number of alternate realities in the Dark Shadows spacetime continuum.

Now that they're in 1840, Barnabas and and Julia keep talking about how much different things are in 1840 from what they expected.  Maybe they didn't even land in the version of 1840 they were shooting for.  ::)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Pure Chemistry
« on: October 22, 2003, 03:12:12 PM »
Although if pressed, I'd have to identify as a Barnabas/Julia 'shipper, I'm definitely on board with the Barnabas/Angelique chemistry.  The two together are really hot, and one can only imagine what those steamy nights in Martinique were like... :o

I think that Angelique realized all she would ever really have with Barnabas was that sexual heat.  It's true - they never could really be friends.  That's why she was so instinctively jealous of Julia.  Angie recognized that Julia had a deep bond with Barnabas (by this time on the show), born of mutual trust, respect and genuine caring feelings for each other.

With Roxanne (or the various Josette clones), Angelique's jealousy is more of a sexual nature.  It seems that it was harder for her to deal with the bond Barnabas shared with Julia.  I don't think she remotely understood a relationship like that.

Given the personalities of Barnabas and Angelique - both not dealing well with stress, not suffering any kind of disagreement, each having to have things their way (or else!); they'd have had a very hard time forging any kind of conventional, give and take relationship.  Sure, they might have given it a try if the show had lasted, but I can only think that once again, things between them would have ended disastrously.

After all, both Barnabas and Angelique are monsters.  And monsters live a life writ large!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Victoria Winters
« on: October 14, 2003, 10:20:46 PM »
CassB, my dear, I'm sorry to contradict you ... we had a wonderfully elaborate scenario that truly answered every shred of evidence, and although I've unfortunately forgotten our final solution,* I can say for certain that I did not initially propose Paul Stoddard as Victoria's father!

Wow Vlad.  Your memory on this one is better than mine.  Guess I was just remembering the end result, not how we got there.  Sorry!

Looked for the VW parentage thread earlier, and couldn't find it.  Now I know why - of all the convoluted topics, this was the one that got corrupted!  Maybe somebody was trying to tell us something.  ^-^

I never knew about the Wilkie Collins "Lady in White" angle - wonder if the DS writers did take the name Hanscomb from the novel?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Victoria Winters
« on: October 14, 2003, 05:42:39 PM »
(1) Favorite Vicki time period/storyline?  Everything up until the trip to 1795.  She was just a pluckier, more sensible heroine early on.

(2) What could/should the writers have done differently if she'd stayed on the show?  Would have loved to see Vicki turn to the dark side, or to have seen Alex Moltke play the heavy in a storyline.

(3) Who should Vicki have ended up with?  Although the two never met, I'm interested in the pairing of Quentin and Victoria.

(4) As to the parents, the theory to which Vlad alluded was that Paul Stoddard was her father, and her mother was Betty Hanscomb (she of the Sam Evans portrait).  My contribution was this: perhaps Betty Hanscomb was Jamison Collins' illegitimate daughter.  This would make Vicki a Collins family member, and perhaps make Liz feel she was obligated to look after her welfare, but not want to tell her the story of her background.

That being said, emotionally I still like the idea of Vicki as Liz's daughter.  Go figure.

(5) Would Vicki's presence have made the show last longer/be better?  Dunno.  Am guessing that the actress might have ended up playing the Daphne character, and things would've gone about the same except no Kate Jackson.  If the actual character of Vicki was still there it's hard (for me) to imagine where she might've fit into the later storylines.  Maybe she could have been the one to kill Jeb Hawkes.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Welcome New Cousins!!
« on: October 14, 2003, 02:52:52 PM »
Welcome to all new cousins! :-*

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Some Like It HOT!
« on: October 10, 2003, 11:19:12 PM »
[spoiler]IIRC, David Ford did leave to do something else.  A play, maybe???

Anyhoo, Sam Evans got beaten severely by Adam, and soon after died in the hospital, due in part to the machinations of Cassangelique (that pesky dream curse again!).[/spoiler]

Hope this helps jog your memory!  Enjoy watching, Patti!


Polls Archive / Re:Favorite Angelique
« on: October 10, 2003, 02:09:35 PM »
when she discovered that Sky was was an Enron CEO.  That's one of the few scenes which can bring a tear

Come now, Gerard!  You're giving Leviathans a bad name with this comparison!   ;)

Polls Archive / Re:Favorite Quentin
« on: October 08, 2003, 10:38:18 PM »
While I really like 1840 Quentin, and am currently (clears throat in SciFi's general direction) missing him, the prototypical Quentin that we first meet as a ghost is my fave.

First off, he's great as a ghost - really menacing.  Then we meet him in 1897, and he's a scalawag, but just jaw-droppingly sexy.  Sure, he doesn't get to do much after the return to 1969, but he was great with the Amanda/Olivia storyline and played a good nutcase in the pre-1840 story.

If I'm allowed to separate the different storylines, I'd say 1897 Quentin is my favorite.  Again, sexgod, but also he develops quite a bit as a character - making him seem much more three dimensional.

just had to do that - love the skeletons!

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Favorite Barnabas
« on: October 08, 2003, 04:58:01 PM »
The Barnabas character just had so much pathos, emotional resonance, creepiness and evil when he was originally introduced.  The fact that he was lonely and vulnerable in spite of his bad deeds makes him so interesting and compulsively watchable.  There is just so much going on with him on so many levels in the 1967 storyline.  You never know what he's going to do next!

I know that JF has said he was flying by the seat of his pants early on and sometimes it shows.  Obviously he was a lot more comfortable with the character by the later storylines.  But that nervousness and hesitancy actually worked in his favor.  When I go back and watch those earliest episodes, he blows me away! It's also so interesting that he (and the writers) introduced with this character a new horror archetype: the reluctant vampire.

One of the best villains of the small or the big screen - hands down!

Polls Archive / Re:Favorite Angelique
« on: October 08, 2003, 04:33:49 PM »
Well, of course I'm biased, being that I've chosen Cassandra as my avatar.  But to me that's such a fun storyline - Angelique showing up in that dumb black wig as Roger's new missus.  This storyline contains the beginnings of the Angelique/Nicholas rivalry, which is a riot.  Of course the whole plot (for me anyway) is inextricable from the Angelique as vampire storyline - which is just as fun, IMHO.  I just love it when despite her best efforts, girlfriend doesn't get the upper hand.  She's so much more interesting when she's frustrated and pissed.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Queer eye for the dead guy....
« on: October 06, 2003, 10:36:59 PM »
Hey, how about those Cubbies!! The last time they advanced in the post season, Ezra Braithwaite was still a young jeweler in Collinsport.   ;)

Bobubas - I love it!  Never thought I'd see the day when the Cubs could be tied into a Dark Shadows reference!

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