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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Illustrations, dahlings
« on: July 24, 2006, 10:42:44 PM »
Thanks for the info, dear...when one gets as involved in the creative process as I tend to get, one can start in in one place and end up in another, all the while having that "vision" of what you want to see come to life in the back of your head (if that makes any sense - lol.) Sometime little twists and turns can end up becoming happy accidents that, when you step back, can enrichen a work (depending on how you interpret it, or what you want to say/express in the piece), other times it can lead to less pleasant things (don't get me started on the interesting moments I've had the fortune (or misfortune) to experience during serious critiques...)

Anyway - a case of "divine" inspiration, G? ;)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Grayson Hall--Better than Heroin!
« on: July 21, 2006, 04:12:23 AM »
May we see this illustration, thanks!

The particular one I was referring to can be found here:
Yes, me again.  ::)  ;) I hesitated to post this, but what the hey; here's a couple illustrations I did recently....

I have others but I haven't gotten around to scanning them yet...


Current Talk '06 II / Re: Grayson Hall--Better than Heroin!
« on: July 20, 2006, 10:03:45 AM »
Gargoyles, I recall watching it in '72. I have the disc of it, and I need to sit down and watch it again. This thread may inspire me to do that.

The Grayson moments are great in that one...then again I think that about almost everything I have seen her in...  ::) ;D

...gotta love the outfit. ;)

Anyone see Grayson's sexy~~yes. sexy~~turn in the 1970 film End of the Road?
She appears TOPLESS in a scene with Stacy Keach!

I was never the same after i saw that movie...
I was warned, but I didn't listen... :-X  ;D
The dialogue in that particular scene is priceless. And it inspired me to do an off-the-wall illustration, so...that was good.   ^-^

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Grayson Hall--Better than Heroin!
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:56:09 AM »
I couldn't let a thread like this go by without adding my odd three cents... ;)

To use that cliche, if Grayson had merely read aloud from the phone book, I would have loved it...

Here, here!

I love watching her infuriate the other characters during those early scenes, as well as her early scenes of cat and mouse with Jonathan Frid.  It adds so much to the storyline, having an 18th century man deal with a very modern 20th century woman.  That storyline would not have been nearly as compelling if the character had been "Julius Hoffman."

Absolutely! There are SO many scenes I could talk about (I don't think there was a Julia or Magda scene I *didn't* like), but here's a few that come to mind (I'm going to try to name these in the order in which I first saw them): In relation to the "early" Julia episodes, the time when [spoiler]Julia "the historian" first arrives at Collinwood. The moment when Julia pulls out a cigarette holder and lights up via Barnabas' antique it. Sly minx. And then, after she discovers Barnabas is a vampire (liked how she used her compact to check his non-reflective properties in one scene - and then, how she climbs through the OH drawing room window to find him napping in the coffin, later.) The whole scene in her bedroom the following night, when Barnabas tried to kill her, but she so wisely placed a "dummy" in the bed. Instead she confronted the moody/violent soul, offering him a possible cure for his...condition. Lets just say that the quote "I've waited for you a long time, a VERY long time," will forever be a part of my DS vocabulary.[/spoiler]

Another great moment is the famous blooper (mistakenly left in some syndicated tapes and preserved on the MPI "Bloopers" tape) in which the director yells, "Cut!" during a scene.  Grayson turns to him and says in her "force to be reckoned with" way, "WHY."

Yes! I have that on on of those moments where I kept hitting the rewind button when I first saw it... lol

Anyway - back to Julia. In the earlier episodes, I also got a kick out of when we were first introduced to her trusty medallion...[spoiler]"find the center" has also become a permanent part of my DS vocabulary. I was on pins and needles watching how she tried to help yet outwit the vampire during those tense times. And then, when it all culminated in the scene where the big bad Barnabas attempts to strangle her to death, and Sarah shows up at just the right moment - one of the most poignant moments on the series.[/spoiler]

The Dave and Julia scenes were fun to watch too...another siuation which has made me wonder about Julia's mysterious past, how she got where she was, etc.


Natalie was great. I think the "Countess" Natalie Dupre thought so  She isn't always brought up, but she had some fun scenes...
[spoiler]When she made her grand entrance at the OH; how she donned that theatrical ensemble, accidentally smacking Baranabas with her fluffy accessories. Loved that. She had some interesting/nice outfits in 1795, and of course she played the role of the concerned aunt quite well. Wish I could have her read my cards (no goofy pun intended)[/spoiler]


Lets see...Of course I can't forget the moment when Julia got her "haircut." One of the best scenes, hands down.
[spoiler]The 1968-69 episodes will always be a favorite of mine...loved seeing how the rocky relationship between the doctor and the former vampire evolved before the viewers eyes (I'm one of those odd ones who prefers Barnabas when he's not a vampire...I'm also an unapologetic B&J nut, but...I digress.)[/spoiler]

And of course, how can i forget the TOMMMMM Jennings episodes...[spoiler]the moment when Julia meets Mr. suave vampire in the woods, dying for a little love bite, and then later, does a little scarf strip-tease for
I appreciated how Barnabas helped his "dear friend" at the climax of that scenerio - his worring, the way he revealed how he cared for her more than he led on (after Willie kept asking him about it), and then when Barnabas carried her back to the Old House from the cold crypt where Tom had left her. Also liked the moment when Julia, covered up by one of the infamous afgans, received a few visitors when she was still recovering from her ordeal...she was a trooper. Everyone was at her bedside. Liz, Roger, Barnabas, even Nicholas...[/spoiler]


Well, this is turning into a tome, but what the hell...

How about some of the scenes between Julia and Chris? ;) [spoiler]Can't forget the episode when Julia goes down to the cottage in nothing but her nightgown and robe. I for one still wonder what was going on, behind the closed bedroom door,  when she had to treat Chris after he consumed that poisoned whisky. And then when little Amy showed up, the morning after, to see her brother, and Julia opened the door...


Magda. What can i say? Every scene was a treasure...even down to her outfit. Being a detailed oriented artsy nut, I always loved her colorful clothes, and the jewelry. As rich as her earthy mannerisms and dialogue. [spoiler](although, I must admit that I wish Magda would've been allowed to don another unique outfit, now and then...surely Mr. Barnabas could've pitched in for that.  ::) I mean, even Magda herself hinted at that in one scene, between her and Laura Collins (when she was "hired" by Quentin to help Laura, when Laura popped up at Collinwood in 1897. While Magda is helping the firery woman unpack, she holds up a bright dress and says something to the effect of: "so, when you get tired/rid of this, will you give it to Magda?")

Poor woman never got a break. First her Sandor was taken away from her, and then...
Well okay, she put the curse on the Q. man, but in the end, Magda was very loyal to those she loved, and was a good person at heart. The second she learned of Quentin's kids, she did everything she could think of to get rid of the curse, however futile it was...
And the scene when Magda/Grayson sheds a few tears...omg, it always chokes me up...  :'([/spoiler]

Speaking of 1897 - when Julia [spoiler]arrives via the I-Ching, loved how Barnabas and Julia seemed to communicate over time and space (not just the moment when Jules finds his letter in the secretary, but later, when Barnabas heard her voice as her life force entered that time. Although he was mystified who it was at first...go figure.). And then, later on, when Julia was treating him, administering injections to get rid of his vampirism...loved the scene when Barnabas starts going off about Kitty, how he is changing their plans all of a sudden. Gawd, he can be blind as a bat sometimes. I chortle hearilty at Julia's reaction, how she gets a bit rough with him when she administers the injection that night...grrowl.

Oh - I also liked the moment when Julia and Angie are talking one night in 1897, about their favorite subject: the B man.  As much as Angie infuriates me at times, I really thought it a nice change of pace to have Angelique and Jules talking instead of fueding, working together, a little heart to heart of sorts...[/spoiler]


Hmm...what haven't I mentioned yet? lol
I adore Julia's character during the Leviathan episodes. [spoiler]She was the glue that kept things together, IMHO...helping Quentin, Barnabas, Chris, and trying to figure out what in the hell was going on with the faceless terror at the same time.

During one episode, Barnabas acts regretful that his friend has to be involved in the mess around them, and she replies something to the effect of that whatever she's done she's done willingly, wants to help, etc...
Julia went through a lot, and she was no saint, but I really have to admire the evolution of her character during the series.[/spoiler]


PT Hoffman - what a deliciously complex character. [spoiler]And then when RT Julia arrives, and kills her counterpart in order to protect Another moment when I wore out the rewind button...

And then when Julia decided to pose as Hoffman, Grayson played that character within a character very well, IMO (got a kick outta the moment when she admitted to Will that she cared for Barnabas, and that's one reason she was doing what she was doing.)  Who can forget when PT Angie locked Julia in one of the basement's secret rooms, and Julia  was trapped for days - oy, the tension![/spoiler]


Julia had a few great scenes in 1840, of course. [spoiler]A few of her costumes were nice, IMO...especially a certain burnt orange dress that complemented her hair, and then the grey one of course.
I enjoyed the few scenes between Julia and Ben, when she first arrived in that time. And then when she was possessed by the head of Judah (no pun intended).
Oh - I can't forget the moment when she almost blurts out how much she cares for Mr. collins, right after Angie cures him. The look on both of their faces in that scene...another "pause and rewind" moment overload. ;)
I also found it particularly poignant when Barnabas rescues Julia from the vampire Roxanne (the way Julia was calling for Barnabas, she was so close to death - he made it just in time), and of course the look on Jules face after Barnabas "admits" [cough] he "loved" Angie, near the end...
But B&J (and Stokes) end up returning to the present together (and it was left rather open-ended how things would have turned out for Julia and company) so...that's all that really matters, to me. {evil cackle}[/spoiler]


1841 PT Julia was intriguing...her outfits, too. LOL [spoiler]I really enjoyed the scenes between Julia and Kendrick, and Julia and Melanie.
The short lived Constance was a riot in her own way...especially that pratfall on the bed.[/spoiler]


Well, that's all I could think of, for now {whew}...sorry if I went off on a tangent there. {chortle}.  :-
Kudos to RJ and the upcoming bio... :-*

"Julia had something so shocking to tell Stokes that she made him face the closed drawing room doors before she could reveal it - and it was...her real name was Shirley"

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Actors' Accents (Was Re: Episode #0258)
« on: July 15, 2006, 10:40:48 AM »
I would've loved to have seen someone utter some Pittsburghese on DS.
Walk into the coffee shop and ask: "So, can yinz gimme a chipped ham, bawdle of pop, n'at....?"

I did get a kick outta a couple of times that Julia slipped some Philly/PA accent on DS...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Slap Heard Round the World
« on: July 15, 2006, 10:13:08 AM »
I am slowly making my way through my DS tapes, once again; was watching some 1897 eps. last night..."reverend" Trask slaps Rachel, tries to act like he's doing her a favor afterwards - heck, he's a sleazeball whatever way you cut it. Quentin slaps Beth during a particularly tense moment; whatever one thinks of Beth I couldn't help but wince when I saw that too...

But I never wince when Grayson's slapping hand is doin' its thing, of course...  ;D >:D :-*

Love it, J-C... >:D
Thanks for the much needed guffaw.  :-*

Those scenes between Ava Gardner and Grayson Hall are priceless!
I agree...

wouldn't it have been a coup for Dan Curtis to get AVA GARDNER to play the role of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and her many alter-egos??! Sandor digresses....

I dunno...sounds like a great story idea to me.  >:D  :-*

Congrats, John! :-*

Thanks for the wonderful captures and captions! I'd really like to see this movie now!
I am just going to have to buy it on DVD and watch it.  ;)

I hope you both get to see it one's a divine imperative   ;) [smiley_colors]

The other night, GSN aired Sue Lyon's What's My Line? episode.  She was the Mystery Guest and was there to promote NOTI.  However, she did not mention Grayson.  :(

I'm not surprised, unfortunately...  :( ::)
And, thanks J99 for pointing out the other actress, Mary Boylan...

Thanks so much for sharing all the goodies.

Anything for you, sweetcakes   ;)

Gawd, this has been a real doozy of a month. My uncle had colon cancer just a couple years ago...wasn't given the greatest chances for recovery, but pulled through. I certainly hope for the best for him...

I watched this movie on TV at age 15 or so because Grayson Hall was in it.  I clearly remember hearing this line and thinking to myself, "The truth about she's not a nice person?"  I watched it last month on DVD, and am still reeling from the shock of realizing the truth about myself:  I was an absolute moron at age 15.

Oh my god that gave me a good chuckle today .. .  ;D

Chortle...funny, that bit ("the truth about herself") never went over my head. However, I'm still reeling from the shock that I was a moron for not realizing that Grayson was wearing a wig during the early Julia scenes, until a certain someone tactfully pointed it out to me... my Gramma Rose (who donned a choice hairpiece at one time) would not be proud. ::)

Thank you for the beautiful captures, Heather!

you're welcome - glad to share.
I hope I did a better job of breaking up the posts this time...